First white nationalism is stupid, now we aren't even supposed to have kids? Fuck u ezra
(((Rebel Media))): Dont have kids goyim
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What did you really expect trusting a jew
saged and saged
>Struggling to pay bills? Don't have kids
>and for black people, do have kids because whitey taxdollars will cover it
I don't know who's Jewing who anymore. They're over in Israel right now too.
Tell that to Jared Kushner and his trophy wife Ivanka, those jewish rats already have 3 kids! Or maybe we aren't allowed to criticize the elites that rule above us right?
>Good advice coming from a Jew must be an anti-white conspiracy
Rebel has been losing their shit lately. Literally becoming what they tried to stand against.
>you should have kids even if you don't have the financial prospects to do so
Why does Sup Forums advocate for white people to act like niggers?
>don't have kids when you can't afford them
>wait till you can afford them
>kids will have better childhood and education this way
>which is proven to equal a better overall life
Seems like good advice to me
Don't have kids that you can't afford, it's as simple as that. But you could only enforce this if you got rid of welfare
> Shit out a bunch of kids you can't pay or adequately provide for
Are you nigger?
well Sup Forums?
I agree. We should sterilize criminals and indigents.
>don't have kids at all
>no need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a bigger house to have space for them
>no need to pay for food, clothing, college etc. for them
>save more and retire early
Cliched and pussy worldview.
Good goy
>Die leaving absolutely no mark on humanity.
Not that I'm complaining: less competition for my children.
Shareblue/CTR is going hard tonight.
>(((ezra levant)))
>(((lauren southern)))
rebel media is the most pathetic controlled opposition attempt ever. even i pity for whiteys that falls for that shit
but how do you refute it?
if only my spic brethen understood this
>just because you're on welfare doesn't mean you can't buy luxuries!
>haha, what's that? not making enough at your job to pay your bills? just don't have kids!
>Don't have kids that will have jobs and pay taxes tomorrow when we can have migrants today!
>kid aren't a right
it is unbelievable how far those fucking psychos are going. Any person has the right to have kids; however, there are certain things that have to be taken into account before embarking yourself on that journey like: savings, a job, the environment in which the child will be raised as well as how emotionally mature the parents are, especially the father because if the head of family is a nitwit the chances your child(ren) become degenerates are high.
Clearly Ivanka is struggling to pay the bills. Stupid fucking beaner.
Bunch of high r selected niggers ITT.
>Can't afford kids, then don't have kids
I agree with this. Otherwise you're forcing someone else to pay for your kids. This is wrong and should be discouraged.
They're not wrong though. No-one should have kids if they can't adequately provide for them.
bringing new people to this world is just meaningless and pointless.
why make them suffer?
the world is overpopulated, if you want to pretend to be a papa then adopt a children but do not breed more
I agree kids arent a right.
Now lets sterilize every nigger, spic, chink, poo in loo, wigger.
it's true that not everyone should have kids because a huge amount of people can't support them and their shit kids are a drain on society
however at the same time we need more white babies to stem the tide
Now this is some shitlib talking points though.
Is that what the video said or what you're saying to justifying nigger/spic behavior of having so many kids you live in perpetual poverty?
You shouldn't be having kids if you make horrible fiscal choices anyways because you're practically already nigger tier.
First step is removing entitlements, not to create unsustainable growth like Africa.
>tfw no child
This doesn't just apply to white people, retards.
This principle also carries into not subsidizing millions of black welfare babies.
Early Americans had huge families though, my grandparents had 5 kids. Their grandparents probably had even more. Only in recent cultural backsliding years have people decided not to procreate and it just causes you to jump from a roof in Las Vegas at 50 is what it's looking like.
why don't you marry a single mom?
problem solved, you are a papa now
I'm just pointing out an vastly easier approach than what most people do in life.
If you live in the USA and aren't poor then there's literally no better place to be within the world. I personally can't morally justify bringing a child into the world knowing how much of a shithole it is and how much more is hidden within the shadows but I'll do my best to protect my family and their kids.
>world is made up of mostly non-renewable resources
>people are breeding like roaches and mice
We have plenty of go around make tons of babies that most will have to pay into with social programs!
kys, stop making more retards just let the human race die with some dignity already.
I can't get one.
Wtf is going on? This, the Mcinnes GET OUT IS FUCKING BRILLIANT vid and Jay talking about how white genocide isnt real and we should just lay down and let it happen.
Wtf is going on over there?
Spoke like a true cuck
Wait, saying that if you can't afford to have kids then don't have them is now a Jewish conspiracy? It's the same as saying don't buy an iphone if you can't afford an iphone.
Your piece of shit country is overpopulated by definition since the desired number of Mexicans in the world is 0.
Driving through America though I see lots of wide open spaces and plenty of places for us to grow and build.
If people (liberals) weren't so greedy with their lavish lifestyles they could easily afford them. The conservatives in my family work shitty labour jobs and can afford 3-4 kids. The liberals are all teachers and have exactly 0 children.
They're saying dont have kids if you're economically unstable. They aren't saying: "if you don't make 100,000 a year don't have kids."
No. Having a kid isn't a right because that would imply you have to right to rape someone or the right to force the government to artificially give you a test tube baby.
You have the ABILITY to have a child, normally, but no way do you have the right to have a child.
You're a bad hombre
>Why does Sup Forums advocate for white people to act like niggers?
Nigger, if white people have more kids than they can pay for, they will find methods of increasing income or decreasing expenses until things balance out.
They will not run to the government for gibsmedat.
But it's mostly the poor that shit out kids like it's going out of style.
The population booms are mostly in 3rd world shit holes, ghettos and trailer parks.
This is hilarious now liberals are saying this. Fot years this has been a right wing talking point aimed at blacks.
natalism is bluepilled
stop whining about muh white children for one second and think about how stupid encouraging even more population is
the world is made of limited resources
Mandatory sterilization to get welfare or food stamps longer than a year.
In some places making less than 100k a year *is* economically unstable.
1. The vast vast majority of people in developed countries do not suffer greatly, even if poor. Maybe this advice would be relevant in your shithole country, but not in mine.
2. The vast majority of people who do suffer, do not suffer so badly that they wish not to have been born. This can be inferred from the fact that most starving people, for example, actively seek out food by begging; most gravely ill people would jump at the chance to be cured. These people still prefer life to death.
3. By choosing to not procreate, you are not simply relieving one person from potential suffering, but you are also potentially depriving the world of one who could help relieve suffering or in some cases stop it entirely. It's not a one way street.
Life is on the whole good and pleasant, and it's mostly weak and malignant people who spread this philosophy of death. It goes all the way back to the likes of Schopenhauer, the balding manlet autist pooinloo-loving 'philosopher'.
What does this even mean? Government doesn't bestow us rights at all, not to mention one so primordial. Fuck this Marxist kike shit.
>(((rebel media)))
Yeah the poor have lots of kids because, like everything else in their lives, they can't budget or plan ahead for anything.
We should do things to discourage... not ban but discourage the poor from having kids.
You know why liberals go into teaching and such?
So they can have access to your kids.
(Home school is the only way)
That's true, but most people don't live in Silicon Valley.
Abolishing birthright citizenship and welfare would have a much greater impact than handicapping you and your child.
>They will not run the government for gibsmedat
Except I've encountered many white people who do that. White trash aren't that different from niggers
Those resources should go to WHITE PEOPLE, not useless fucking shitskins.
The world would be 100% better place if every single person that was not of European or East Asian descent dropped dead. Niggers, Arabs, Mexicans etc south american subhuman mongrels, are a net waste on Humanity, and we'd be better off without them.
Solution to "muh overpopulation" is not white people ceasing reproduction, it is the wholesale eradication of subhuman niggers from africa.
so you disagree with schopenhauer?
I thought this whole site loved him, from /lit/ to /r9k/ and of course Sup Forums
Hey it's as right as you can get in canadaland; also gavin mcinnes is pretty funny..
Americans think being poor is not being able to eat take out everyday
if you cant afford to have children you shouldn't have children. how is that a bad thing? get a real job that can provide for a family if you want to raise a family.
> society slowly implodes
It's not just Silicon Valley. Pretty much every major city on the coasts is expensive these days.
It's not just the US either. Look at Canada (especially Toronto and Vancouver), look at Australia, look at London, Paris, etc.
Start having kids
>In accordance with my conception of life, I have chosen not to bring children into the world. A coin is examined, and only after careful deliberation, given to a beggar, whereas a child is flung out into the cosmic brutality without hesitation.
Peter Wessel Zapffe
Those who have kids knowing full well how awful this world is are disgusting and barbaric
Have you told your parents?
Having a ton of kids is fuggin comfy though. We all eat and work and it's buggy and shit food but we get along with the help of god by god. Creampies incorporated. Toot toot
Rebel media has gotten worse over the months, i don't fuck with them no more. Gavin is a faggot that shoves dildos in his ass.
>so you disagree with schopenhauer?
He's right about women, but not much else.
>Those who have kids knowing full well how awful this world is are disgusting and barbaric
And so, the world is inherited by the disgusting and barbaric.
Yeah, I don't think a child born in the West would really suffer like yours would.
people who don't have kids shouldn't be allowed to get Social Security
Then they shouldn't have to pay into it either.
god doesn't exists
>rape someone
>ignoring the fact that what i said implied something called consensual sex
>the right to force the government to artificially give you a test tube baby.
>ignoring the part where things like a job, savings and the environment in which the kid will grow up are considered and that the parents are emotionally mature and aware of the dangers of the degeenracy being pushed by media.
Or any benefits from the taxpayer.
>advice from a Jew
>We all eat and work and it's buggy and shit food
You're not making it sound very appealing.
It's of the devil. Read Dostoevsky's the devils. Crazy how Jews fuck up society by degrees.
>my grandparents had 5 kids
Dude that's not a huge family, I have 4 siblings, my father has 8 and my grandma had 15 siblings
It's real life, the way nature intended. Read the road to Wigan pier.
one father & one mother--families are the building block of society
btfo my family
we certainly have morons who should be dealt with for not considering the implications having babies has, this place isn't overpopulated (except for Chilangolandia, that place sucks as fuck). The places that are a hell on earth thanks to overpopulation is India and China, it won't be long before the former's population drown in shit and the latteris's levels of pollution are insane thus tons of them dying of lung cancer or some shit like that is very likely.
>implying god doesn't exist
Life the way nature intended it is pretty shitty, why would I want it?
And so it goes.
>wow, niggers are having as many kids as they want because the state is there to pay for them
>you know what we should do? act like niggers and raise kids poorly too!