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fucking mountain JEWS
Bump, because after the axe attack and now this are we sure this isn't a coordinated effort?
Two people getting shot to death is news?
is it a muslim
in Switzerland its very uncommon they are one of the most peaceful places on this planet. They have more lax gun laws then we do the eu is reeeeeeeeeeeeing at them to lower it and make it harder, but the swiss tell them to fuck off.
Switzerland has one of the lowest gun crime rates I think, I'm not surprised it makes international news.
lol i live in basel. place is a commie shithole full of refugees leaching of our social system. i wouldn't be surprised if it was mudslims or africans involved.
Breaking! OP is an enormous faggot
last updated:
do us a favor and get your ass down to the happening place lad
the shooting happening in klein basel, definitely refugees.
Swiss is like 99.9% White. White people dont shoot each other very often, unless they're drunk red necks.
Fuck dude, I love Basel. Great city. Fuck niggers and muslims
>Weather starting to warm up
>Two attacks in one day
Gonna be an active summer I have a feeling.
they use this w-weaponized cheese gun user?
cmon medkit go there and take some pics
>They have more lax gun laws then we do
Maybe if you live in California.
Switzerland has a rather relaxed gun law indeed, but its nowhere near free us states.
And even in Europe you have Countries with a more liberal gun law
>two attacks
where was the other one ?
I'm in Basel, give me Intel on the exact location and I'll go check it out. Putting my coat on
In pretty much every first world country but america
According to Yle, Basel is located in the north-western corner of Switzerland. According to intel, two perpetrators are armed, dangerous and currently at large. Hope you brought your Swiss army knife and medpack with you, because things are about to get wild.
Go get 'em user, make us proud. Mongol out.
Unless you got a gun or rifle don't go anywhere.
not sure but this source here says Cafe 56"
probably more info here but i dont speak hitlertongue
Oy vey, those fucking mountain jews should have accepted more refugees.
Shit skin detected
It's hard to care about this kind of thing because it was clearly targeted, they shot the guys they wanted to and they left. The same kind of thing happens inside houses all the time, even in europoorlandia
Based swiss gangsters
I'm going there right now I'll post pics
Animu Elf#9580
I'm on my way let's meet there
It happen at 18:00 your time hours ago
Switzerland, retard
helicopter rides for all
Holy shit, it is small. Pls keep us posted.
Don't go, Hans. It might be dangerous.
> tfw you realize that you are not the only Sup Forumsack in your city
>mfw the only other malaysian on Sup Forums is that mike faggot
In fact its not small at all, its called that way because the lower class “small people" lived there
fuck off bongland, how is americans shooting each other any worse then all your chavs stabbing each other with kitchen knives?
>eyewitnesses on the scene are reorting that Mohammad al bin Yassir el Shaarawy Abdul Shaik al Achmed screamed and I quote "death to non believers Allahu Akbar praise be to Muhammad (pb&j)" before slaughtering his victims
>his motives are unclear
There are never any Swiss bros in Mettmenstetten...the fuck Zurich get your shit together, take the red pill.
I'm not ethnically Swiss but I'm repping See-Gaster (SG)
finally a fellow ZH Master Race!
>Live in Suisse allemande
>get shot
swiss bump
cmon we need pics
better than geneve
fuck i want out of here
Is Switzerland as comfy as I always imagined it to be?
the shittiest part (i.e. where i live ;___;) is very comfy by non-swiss standards
comfy places are much comfier obviously
Someone go check on roger federer !
Also a bit rare to see.
Unfortunately not, my family moved to Burgerland 300 years ago. I frequent these threads looking for peeps from muh heritage village.
I don't know what you imagine under "comfy" but we are getting more and more niggers and rapefugees thanks to the insane leftist traitorous maggots here. My daily life is almost always ruined because now I see economic migrant niggers and mudslimes on a daily basis. I see them wasting tax payer money on alcohol, tobacco and other useless shit. I also see them imitating the look of the niggers in America - showing that they don't give a fuck about anything else than materialistic goods - which exposes their inability to delay gratifications - which means that they have an extremely low IQ (but that was already obvious to me) and won't amount to anything just like their worthless offspring. They get more money than pensioners and shit out children because of that. They don't have to tax their gibs just like retired folks. Right wing demonstrations and speaking events are being shut down because of leftist wannabe revolutionary faggot subhumans sending threats. They also want to attack the celebration of 100 year existence of our biggest political party, which is a nationalistic, right-wing party. All this reminds me of the likely possibility that Switzerland will go down the multicultural drain with the rest of them. And I don't even live in a big city and am not even a Swiss guy. I'm just a Slav who was born and raised here but I despair over what I think this country is becoming.
However, I'm sure there are tons of nice places here that completel fit your imagination.
You should call me Mario, I'm actually Italian living in Basel for work
I hate mountain jews because they're all so fucking rich. I've seriously never met a swiss who didn't have at least a net worth of $1,000,000+
Well here the salaries are pretty high but cost of living is insane, so whenever a Swiss goes abroad they act like they own the world because everything is cheap in comparison
I remember recently hearing that the foreign makeup of the population is around 30% (I don't know how much of that is Pollack or German and how much is rapefugee) that's a bit discomforting but not that surprising. I do think the "everyone gets a gun" thing has helped in making sure these happenings are happening more in Switzerland more though.
I've heard the cost of living is pretty high though so you might have to adjust for that and the average household income is high but not a ridiculous number. This swiss bro basically confirmed it.
Mountain Jews are Azeris.
Couldn't get there the police is blocking all the roads this is a huge happening
I remember the spree killing in Zug back in 2001. Wasn't there also another mass shooting a year or so back? Small town in middle of nowhere. Can any Swiss bros confirm?
>I remember recently hearing that the foreign makeup of the population is around 30%
Thats alot of Germans and French people
That's right there was the moskue shooting just before Christmas last year in Zurich too.
swiss here :DDDD no attacks anywhere :DDDD our land very safe :DDDDDDDDD i hope we have more immigrants :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Is this related to the religion of peace?
The bulk of the foreigners are Germans, Italians, French, Portuguese,Ex-Yugoslavs and Albanians - for now. We've now imported more non-European mudslimes than ever before and we're bound to see more happenings in the future exactly because of that.
A few months ago on my way home from uni, I saw a fucking salafist who was handing out Qur'ans on the street with a sign on his back that said "LIES!". "LIES!" was a project by salafists in Europe and now it got banned.
Today on my way home from uni, what do you think I saw? Two bearded guys handing out Qur'ans on the street with a different sign on their backs. Exact same type of mobile sign mounted on the back but only under a different name. Shit made me so mad, I straight up wanted to fucking punch those two subhumans right then and there.
2 guys walks into a coffe-shop and kills 2 people and harms another
i know the "finest of ISIS" arent the brighest in the bunch, but im sure they can do better than something like this
>I straight up wanted to fucking punch those two subhumans right then and there.
but you didnt, instead you went home and started preparing for a Breivik style "mission"
good job medpack
we don't know yet, Satan
Them devil trips have been checked
I honestly hope you guys can do something to stop them from coming in.
If more happenings happen and it's Islam I will immediately start threads about the obvious truth of it. Using that foreign pop stuff as evidence that the problem isn't foreigners in general but Islam.
Tl;Dr reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Those "missions" will be commonplace if politicians continue to fail Europe. Eventually, citizens will get sick of everything and take matters into their own hands. However, I often imagine becoming a populist politician myself in 15-20 years or so. I don't want to ruin my future because of two subhuman radical mudslimes handing out Qur'ans on European soil just because of spineless politicians. If anything, I'd want to beat out those politicians in a fair fight and the way it's going, I'd probably have a viable shot down the road.
I widh nothing more than the complete and utter annihilation of the EU. It's filled to the brim with closet commies, so it's no surprise why they're behind those mass imports of economic refugees from the third world into Europe. The bureaucrats from the EU are the modern day kings and monarchs who oppress their people. I just hope the modern version of the storm of the bastille will occur inside the voting boots.
>Eventually, citizens will get sick of everything and take matters into their own hands.
I have two feelings about this, 1 I can only hope so 2 I hope this doesn't get that bad
> If anything, I'd want to beat out those politicians in a fair fight and the way it's going, I'd probably have a viable shot down the road
Switzerland is my last hope for Europe. With BREXIT and Trump, hopefully Le Pen and a possible FREXIT and NEXIT I am hoping that Switzerland doesn't have to get to that point.
>politicians continue to fail Europe
What is "Europe"?
>I just hope the modern version of the storm of the bastille will occur inside the voting booth's
Same here
>doesn't realize that Europe puts the number of the day first in shorthand dates and timezones
>must be retarded or a Shareblue shill
>I honestly hope you guys can do something to stop them from coming in.
The Swiss people are doing this constantly
>The changes to the Asylum Law would give the Federal government increased powers to speed up the process. It would also abolish the right to apply for asylum at Swiss embassies overseas, as well as excluding conscientious objectors and deserters from applying. The proposals were opposed by left-wing parties
>"For the deportation of criminal foreigners"
>The SVP's federal popular initiative on deportation was accepted with 52.2% and a majority of cantons in favour, while the counterproposal failed with only 44.5% in favour.
>was a referendum that aimed to limit immigration through quotas, as it had been prior to the bilateral treaties between Switzerland and the European Union launched 2002.
>The proposal was launched by the national conservative Swiss People's Party and was accepted by a majority of the electorate
They also banned Minarets
>Only one political party, the right wing Swiss People's Party supported the referendum. It aimed at stopping the "Islamization of Switzerland"
I thought nothing bad happened in Switzerland
Frexit and Nexit would be absolutely HUGE and most likely mean the collapse of the EU. If it doesn't happen soon (in the upcoming elections), it WILL happen some time later. Then again, the longer it takes, the more harm and damage will be done.
Delete this
>Frexit and Nexit
not only that but you have the Visegrad countries (Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Czech Republic) who are going against EU on certain fronts such as migration, international relations, expanding of EU and giving more legislative power to EU
Thank Kek
I detest the EU. The problem I see if those two happen is that the EU would try a subversive coup attempt in countries
rollin' for mudslimes
I was actually expecting something like this to happen. I went to Basel from Milan on Tuesday by train and when we crossed the italian/Swiss border the frontier police boarded the train like they always do, but this time they upped their game bigly. They had a weird radar like box (looked like a metal detector) and passed in our wagon. They asked all of us where we were going in Switzerland, reason of travel, passports, they searched my bag and asked me to empty my pockets. Usually they just ask for documents, this time they recorded every passport names. They looked like they were on high alert mode. I'm pretty sure this happening is immigrants related. BTW sorry but I went back home because I couldn't find any fucking parking spot near the Cafe.
Digits means Muslims
How can a white aussie migrate to swizzland?
I wanna be there when WW3 pops off so I don't die
From some report I am reading now they're saying assailants, plural.
three peple shot, two dead, sounds like a normal Chicago day.
>implying the Chinese will nuke their own
You'll be fine. Vancouver too.
First of all Aussie bro, there's no way you can move here unless you find a job. And to find a job you need to speak one of the three main languages (Italian, French or german). If you're skilled you may find a job in a big company that only requires English. You need a job permit to stay, but not to enter the country.
>10% chance
More like 90% my friend