Chick in that pic doesn't have to work hard for anything.
>Holly Wood
Obviously a pseudonym. I'm taking bets: Berg or Stein?
>Make up 50% of the world's population
>Still can't accomplish anything without men's help
Wait, there was a women's strike? When? Did anyone even notice, or am I just out of the loop?
Regardless, the author sounds pretty angry and I doubt this is the real reason. Maybe she's been feeling bloated lately.
Yeah, was spammed all over the media yet not a single woman i knew actually participated. No one even talked about it or the strike face-to-face. Was literally just the media.
I work with a ton of women, many of whom are moderately to somewhat liberal and all of which could have taken time off if they wanted to yesterday - not a single one did
>Women go on strike
>Literally nothing gets impeded
>This failed because of men
So what's her point trying to be, that men do all the productive work?
Some of them tried to copy last month's "day without immigrants" stunt as an extension of the Women's Day celebration. It was about as effective as you might expect.
> Women need men to stand up for them and to push their cause
Doesn't sound very strong and independent to me
>women get together inexplicably
>women fail at X
sounds legit
multiple tits in your living room and timestamp or it didn't happen.
why the fuck would my female coworkers be in my living room right now?
too bad women contribute nothing to the economy besides consumer spending (men's money), and they can't help themselves to cut back even a tiny bit. if no woman showed up to their ""job"" tomorrow, the world would be a much better place.
>women complaining about shit
What's fucking new mate?
Youve missed the bigger picture here,
These degenerates have gotten so bold it is now openly admitting that all these movements are anti-capitalist and cultural marxist.
>women strike to show the devastating effect on society when there are no women
>blame men for not stepping in to cover for women in order to prevent chaos when women take day off to show how chaotic it would be when women take day off
>poor turnout is because only rich women can take day of because stronk poor women have concern for chaos
>It's men's fault
wtf...I don't even...
luckly they're the breed of commies that won't give up capitalist pleasures, and are generally retarded
Does the woman in the picture fall. She probably doesn't have the upper body strength to pull herself up.
russians are based, shill.
Obviously she's gonna need to call one of the guys to come help her up.
The only reason people even noticed this International Women's Day strike happened is because productivity actually increased.
>The women's strike
oh, did that happen?
I didn't notice anything unusual.
The woman's strike was yesterday?
I was too busy pounding my woman from behind and then making her go cook a three course dinner for us naked to even notice
She blames leftist men but if leftist men "stepped up" as she wants then they would've been bitched at for trying to control a women's thing. Leftist men literally can't win because they're dealing with passive-aggressive neurotic manhaters that build these traps of emotional extortion in which they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. "Male feminists" have got to be a special kind of stupid.
She used the word fuckery like a dozen times, along with so many other curses it distracted from the her pointless article. It's incredible that someone hands her money to write that poorly.
All women who are a 4/10 or over don't have to work hard for anything
Man I wish Western women realized how good they have it. It infuriates me.
Yeah she's a shitty writer and her viewpoints/logic are idiotic, but she's a feminist and a woman so its not like she could be rational or talented.
I was flipping through channels and uhh my remote broke on one of those Bridge Jones movies. She was stuck in a Thai women's prison and she got the girls telling stories about their bad boyfriends, who beat them, took all their money, made them do heroin, forced them into prostitution, etc. And Bridge Jones' complaint about her bad boyfriend was that he didn't support her when she was being an ass one time. It was like a little redpill suppository slipped in..
I think it highlights two interesting things we need to work on more Sup Forums.
Firstly we need to do more to target and attack male feminists more often. To the extent of completely ending all backlashes, harassment and all the rest. Make a point we're going to completely stop doing anything or having any interactions with leftist or feminist women. Instead focus everything on going after their 'allies' and kicking away their support. The fewer male 'allies' they have, the more they struggle to get anything done and less enablers they have.
The other point makes me wonder though, are we at a point whever whoever the hand is behind the scenes is starting to act against them now? I'm increasingly seeing this narrative attacking moderate feminists or white women and trying to marginalize them. It looks like the same shit that COINTELPRO pulled on Occupy before it crashed, burned and disappeared. Remove the most effective white males from the movement with identity politics, purity spirals and 'muh diversity' and it pretty much killed it. Is the same now happening to feminism? The more they attack white women and moderates the more likely it is to make them leave the movement and render it useless and too extreme to attract normies?
What the fuck happens next if that's the case?!! Where are they going to move the arguement now?
Its hyphenated of course. Levine-Rosenkrantz
It's medium, she doesn't get paid.
We have really become unfocused, disorganized, and complacent since the US election. I guess it would be better if we had core groups working on each angle/topic/campaign that enlisted the greater Sup Forums's participation to push over the tipping point. I have no idea how to organize it without infiltration as MSM and SJWs are paid to sit on Sup Forums all fucking day.
I didn't either.
its not hard, just co-opt them back, you use the same tactics as sjw anyway, all you lack is the organization, and the only reason you lack organization is because this is an anonymous forum, where you can't enforce homogeny with the in group like sjws on tumblr can, which isn't to say you wouldn't do the same fucking thing, pol would. anyone would, forum drama is the reason this whole website exists in the first place. but there you go.
Typical feminist characteristics; self loathing and blaming men for everything
>trying to rile up the socialist first wave feminists
>make it women exclusive
>media coverage, but no footage
>end up failing
>you use the same tactics as sjw
Not really, though there is a little bit of overlap. Somehow we are way more effective. Because we're funnier, and because Sup Forums is always right.
uhmm we are on like the 5th wave -- freebleeders and inside-out dicks
Everything after first wave was idpol garbage and a mistake and that hasn't changed.
>taken time off
that's not a strike you fucking mong
Not really, I think we've still got it, we just don't have a particular issue to be focused on at the moment because of the lack of real news for us to be doing something about. The shills aren't really doing anything, it's just the lack of any real news story or campaign to be going after. They couldn't stop us during the election campaign and as soon as something big enough happens we'll be back at full power again.
MSM I think is a double-edged sword and I'm surprised they're stupid enough to have people lurking constantly. It's a gift to us if we intentionally send them off on a wild goose chase or report out on 'threats' or 'plans' we're making that are in reality just an attempt to spook a certain group into feeling they're under attack. For example we could work wonders if we make a lot of noise about plans to infiltrate antifa groups irl to the extent MSM reports it and spooks the fuck out of antifa into getting paranoid about who's in their groups.
But then I suppose there's always the other place(s) to get started on new push that isn't big enough to get 4/pol/'s eye for the time being. Feels like 4/pol/ is an upper house in government sometimes.
"Capitalism truly and profoundly fucks over women who are uniquely oppressed by its fuckery."
That's what I'm starting get suspicious of, Trump era FBI at it again with some COINTELPRO shit to divide & conquer third wave feminism as a movement?
How come female CEOs take successful companies and run them into the ground? Have any female CEOs rescued failing companies with a great turnaround, ever?
Probably trying to discredit socialist movements that are growing ahead of time.
>documentarian of the absurd
>writes about feminism and communism
Shhhhhh the first rule of Operation Antifa Infiltration is we do not talk about Operation Antifa Infiltration
>spends most of the article "documenting" liberalism and capitalism
I'm sure there are some. Not saying Carly was a great CEO or anything, but clearly she was not fucked over by capitalism
>How come female CEOs take successful companies and run them into the ground? Have any female CEOs rescued failing companies with a great turnaround, ever?
Could you provide some examples?
Taking time off to strike faggot
I was thinking it could be more about the people behind them. When you have liberal donors effectively creating large private armies of easily manipulated activists who can shut down and disrupt whoever and whatever they like that goes against the interests of their backers, it's hard to see how that isn't a threat to national security. Obviously wouldn't be acted on while Obama was still in office and benefiting from that, but now I suppose they're free to deal with it.
Also seems like the quickest way to prevent a colour revolution if the key groups needed for it are completely d&c'd, stuck in purity spirals and hemorrhaging membership. Can't pull that shit off if you've got fuck all numbers on the ground to begin it and give the appearance of mass popular support.
Because of the patriarchy. Men sabotage the womans CEO lead. Many such cases.
>So she actually admits in this article that the greater idea behind the woman's strike and woman's liberation is the advancement of communism and the destruction of capitalism.
what these nu-communists fail to understand is that they usually occupy the most lavish work-averse redunant jobs if any, so they wont be missed when they strike.
Hold on, you think that FBI is disrupting liberal donors and activists?
Probably Finkleberg or Shitstein
>"So she actually admits in this article that the greater idea behind the woman's strike and woman's liberation is the advancement of communism and the destruction of capitalism. "
Excellent find my friend, however a quotation of the exact passage would have helped.
>"When socialist feminists say we’re on strike, what you’re evidently not hearing is that we’re at war against Capitalism " Holly Wood
Fortunately this article provides a glimmer of light. It draws attention to the profound power of NON COMPLIANCE.
Feminism, communism and political correctness cannot succeed without your compliance. By simply not doing what they tell you to do, you prevent them from their goal.
It is not enough to have the government, the schools, the big companies, the banks, the media, etc. They need your minds.
The fact that you can think and act contrary to their desires is the terror that keeps them up at night.
So long as you think independently, you have not been defeated.
leftist women in first world countries are the most priveleged intolerant people in the world
>So she actually admits in this article that the greater idea behind the woman's strike and woman's liberation is the advancement of communism and the destruction of capitalism.
>Guess i shouldn't be surprised. The whole woman's day thing was a soviet invention after all.
It goes further than that!
Female textile workers went on strike in 1917 due to Women's Day, beginning what we now call the 'The Russian Revolution'
>How ***MEN*** failed the 's strike before it even started
>Men are required to make sure a "Women's Strike" even succeeds
Can't even STRIKE on their own!!
But they're so
>Stronk & interdebaendoverant!
apex kek!
this was made by top lads
I won't read that article give a tldr pls.
How is it men's fault again?
Seems plausible can logical enough. Weaponized 'activism' is potentially one of the most effective weapons out there in the current environment that powerful individuals have to use cause significant social, political and economic disruption if they start getting silly with it. Can't see why in the FBI's position they wouldn't do something about it. Obviously they can't go around locking up donors or others who can give them hell in the legal system and get away with it, but they can neutralize the weapons they use instead.
I don't think the concern about insurgent socialist groups is any issue for the next 5-10 years or so until automation kicks in and the next Occupy or other anti-capitalist movement kicks off in response and is guided by a fuckton of radical leftists with an agenda and numbers behind them.
that's not how it works. now, seeing your reply, there are two possibilities:
>you've never had a job
>you are literally retarded
>How is it men's fault again?
The women banded together and nothing happened, because nothing happened and to every male it was just another day they're upset
Maybe it was but it was co-opted by capitalists to further their profits, and if you look at what's come of it, the capitalists won. Women in the work place are stressed and miserable, but the employers don't care and the doubling of the work force drove down wages.
>So what's her point trying to be, that men do all the productive work?
Men are the Proletariat, women are the Bourgeoise.
Don't be a fool. Alphabets disrupt socialists, and they use liberals to do it. That's why the media is currently cheering for the deep state. Liberal activists are FBI tools.
>too bad women contribute nothing to the economy besides consumer spending (men's money), and they can't help themselves to cut back even a tiny bit. if no woman showed up to their ""job"" tomorrow, the world would be a much better place.
I would strongly encourage people not to let their opposition to the cancer of feminism transform into a hostility towards women as a whole. Not all women are our enemies, they just aren't always as loud as the feminists.
That said.... there is a high degree of truth to what you have written and I have thought similar thoughts myself.
From personal experience I don't encounter many highly ambitious or enterprising women with highly creative minds and determination.
They aim for comfortable leisure careers, often in blogging, modelling, psychology and veterinary science i.e looking after their/other people's living toys...
Lots could be said about this.
Nursing is quite productive though and that seems to be a popular one.
I have hypothesised in the past that men are more goal oriented while women are more pleasure oriented, and that, if true, could perhaps explain a lot of things.
Internet searches have shown me that I am not alone in this suspicion. Some advocates of the notion are women themselves.
I'll summarize your point:
>Women still exhibit Gatherer instincts.
You can't exactly erode 3 million years of biological conditioning within a few decades.
Can see that part by antifa's recent meltdowns about 'liberal traitors' attacking them and not us over Berkley, both the original and last weekend, but surely that's a short-termist move. Liberals suppress socialists, but then they just end up generating their own backlash and fuel reactionary movements and right-wing populism. Surely they can't keep up any longer before it generates even more intense right-wing and anti-liberal backlashes.
>women refusing to work
Isn't that everyday?
I don't know if Theranos counts because she built it (with lots of help and investment from her elite family friends).
HP/Carly yes she ran it into the ground, HP is a shell of its former self after her clueless management
Yahoo/Marisa is another clusterfucker
But I'm wondering are there any truly talented female CEOs that have taken a failing corporation and turned it around without just selling it off piecemeal? I can't think of any.
>Man I wish Western women realized how good they have it. It infuriates me.
It's also terrifying to think that a large number of women don't just want men to dominate them, but want me to treat them like crap.
They are naturally disgusted by kindness and fairness. They basically want to be part of the hareem of some monster.
There's disturbing amounts of evolutionary psychological theories that support this notion too, pegging it as a winning survival strategy.
Is romance dead or did it never really exist?
Sometimes I fear that women act out in a strange attempt to get people to put their foot down. A gigantic shit test against men to see how much they can fuck with guys before they go nuts and stick them all in bitch farms.
I like the idea of weeding these kinds of women out though. Not all women are like this, and intelligent women raise the likelihood of one having intelligent children. Simply gunning for a good looking yet vile woman isn't necessarily the best eugenic strategy.
A lot of these feminists, equipped with their lesbianism, hatred of family and murderously cold "family planning" rights, might be rendering themselves an evolutionary dead end.
>Be retarded liberal
>Don't realize that capitalism maintains my worldview and world
>Advocate its destruction
>Call for a lot of particular strikes on various days over the course of multiple months
>Never even think to ask why nobody suggests a general strike
>Continue to support bourgeois feminism and advocate for more female business leaders
>Call yourself a socialist
>Wonder why Trump is in the White House
>A lot of male allies reached out to me yesterday, March 7, to ask what they could do to help with this strike. But look, let’s admit how fucked up that is. If your feminist praxis as a male ally is to wait until the eve of the Women’s Strike to ask a woman how she can enlighten you about feminism for free on a day she’s not supposed to be doing anything whatsoever, you need to go to the library right now, pick up the heaviest book you can find and slam it hard against your face.
>That said.... there is a high degree of truth to what you have written and I have thought similar thoughts myself.
Here you go.
these women are even more autistic than Sup Forums
>Sometimes I fear that women act out in a strange attempt to get people to put their foot down.
You're getting it... No reason to fear it, its just a silly game they play. Once you are aware of it you won't be controlled by it. Some of them are so fucked in the head they will bait and nag and insult and torment until their guy shoves them or something, then they use that as emotional extortion to control the man, and it works because he's basically a decent guy.
Unless that's actually a secondary goal behind the current generation of liberals and SJWs to create a reactionary backlash and environment. Swap an effective but peaceful suppressant of socialism over to an aggressive and direct one that goes after socialists by more extreme and overt methods.
So then alphabet agencies could actually be behind and responsible for spreading right-wing populism/nationalism/reactionaries now? Create a more effective force than liberals to have a large pool of reactionary blackshirts to use to supress an inevitable large-scale socialist-instigated and hijacked backlash against automation.
That'd be some serious fucking 46d space chess going on there to make sure Wall Street is in a win/win scenario when mass automation happens.
Romance exists but it's not just the white knight that wins the loyalty of the woman's heart.
You need a strange bastardization of both the knight and the dragon: See Twilight, Fiddy Shades.
we should be using this
you know beta males have got to be tired of women's shit and always being spit on even when trying to help these ungrateful whores
maybe it's time for an alpha outreach
start befriending whipped beta's and bring them back home
they made decent wing men once, they can do so again
we know they would get more from being on our side than theirs.
even BBC's CrowdScience segment did a bit about how men and women's minds/socializing is vastly different in task groups. Women are more concerned with friends/enemies while men are focused on getting shit done even if they are working with someone they don't like, that just makes them compete to be more effective/productive/valuable to the group. The female scientist who did the study also talked about how men are capable of amazing sacrifices like dying to defend their community, most of whom they have never met.
>No matter what happens today, men on the left done fucked up good.
>men on the left
Oh no worries then. Lefty men love this ball-busting shit.
This and the tranny shit are exampled of leftwing anti-science.
>"Firstly we need to do more to target and attack male feminists more often. -
The fewer male 'allies' they have, the more they struggle to get anything done and less enablers they have. "
So, a kind of social siege warfare?
Passive aggressive social and economic silent treatment towards the toxic yet physically mostly harmless order barkers and more open hostility towards the cucks who represent more of an existential threat in terms of technical skills and physical enforcement of a witches command?
This is actually a pretty viable strategy I have found.
>The other point makes me wonder though, are we at a point whever whoever the hand is behind the scenes is starting to act against them now? I'm increasingly seeing this narrative attacking moderate feminists or white women and trying to marginalize them.
Revolutionary movements have two major obstacles to deal with:
1) overthrowing the established order.
2) imposing a successful alternative.
Step 2 is very, very, very tough.
Once the mutual enemy becomes less and less of an existential threat, revolutionaries, now burdened with accountability and responsibility for their actions, have nobody to pin the blame for their shortcomings on but themselves and each other.
Low intelligence, emotionally driven people who hate accountability don't think about the long term consequences of their actions. Instinctual tribalism will kick in and the most dominant and frustrating group, Whites, become the next target.
For men, we need to be careful about the extent to which we open the anticipated influx of outcast former feminists. Did they actually have a change of heart or do they simply want to sponge off the inevitably better material conditions of the men they used to wage a terror campaign against?
Everyone is a "revolutionary" when it's cool.
Don't mix water with the wine. Value most those around you in these dark times. It is they who are truest and bravest.
It was a Mideast thing.
Virginia, Maryland, and Carolinas had lots of women teachers not show up to school.
The result was an annoyance to 30,000 parents that was blamed on laziness rather than being percieved as a legit movement.
Makes me think on my earlier point. Perhaps it's time for some good cop/bad cop tactics with male feminists and 'allies'?
Aggressively attack and troll them when they support feminists to kick thier support out from under them, but at the same time offer a friendly hand and hint they're welcome and that we've their back if they join us in opposing feminism.
Reminds me of the shit we pulled on Ben Garrison, now has a decent audience, more success and exposure than ever before and an actual fanbase once he joined us and stopped fighting us.
Just rev up our sockpuppet crazy feminist LARP accounts and torment the "male feminists". Actual manhating feminists will join in on the bashing because its fun and cathartic for them.
i agree 100%
because lets face it, the only power feminists have is what male feminists have given them.
kind or cruel , they need to be targeted
Also that if they try and defend against it, they fuck their own message up. They'd have to go on the defensive arguing for greater protection for men and talk as if men are an oppressed group for being feminists or 'allies' and there's no fucking way in hell any third wave feminist is going to do that if it takes the spotlight off both women and the 'muh oppressed women' narrative.
No PR and evidence to support their claims for extra protection and censorship against 'trolls' and 'harassment' either as an extra bonus. That's not even taking into account how much it fucks their logistics up to lose the nu-males they rely on to do the leg work. It is social siege warfare, literally undermining the castle and bringing it down without ever firing a single missile at the castle itself above ground where everyone can see if you're attacking it.
I guffawed
I take no pleasure from kicking my own kind in, but it's for the greater good. The fewer male feminists and 'allies' they have around to wheel out and say 'here's the proof even men support us' the more it fucks their PR up and makes them look like a female supremacist movement with no support outside their own circles.
They desperately need 'allies' more than anything to look legitimate in the public eye and succeed. But through their own nature of wanting to be the centre of attention and have everything on their own terms they're pushing away the people they need most. All we have to do is just push at an open door then and they're fucked.