Homo-Fascism General /HFG/

Are you a libertarian? National Socialist? Liberal? Cuckservative? These ideologies have all been tried and each failed miserably. Why are you clinging to the past?

Are you worried about the rise of Islam? So are we. Hate niggers, spics, and kikes? So do we. Each of these groups hates us and wants us dead. Homosexuality has a long history stretching back to the foundation of western civilization in Greece and Rome. It truly is the last stand of implicit white identity. Degenerate kikes like Milo have attempted to pervert the practice by encouraging race mixing and linking it to pederasty. Do not let them deceive you.

Militant Homo-Fascism is the future. You cannot hold back destiny. Join us.

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>homosexuals can't reproduce

There is nothing stopping a gay man from inseminating a woman and men do not have to be exclusively homosexual. Obviously you are the one who hasn't thought things through.

How retarded can you be? Fans no no chance of reproducing.
>being a fag is the only way to prove you are white

Then why are there so many nigger fag gits if it's a white thing?



homosexuals "reproduce" like vampires or werewolves, they turn children by molesting and raping them

>not being gay but inseminating a lesbian woman for the good of the nation

come on now

Oh hey it's the guy who got fucking killed early in the reign. Fucking faggots.

Israel is the only Middle Eastern bastion of gay rights

Jews tend to be pro-gay in the West

The problem is "Christians" (larpers) and savage towelheads

Friendly reminder this guy and his gay SA officers were betrayed and murdered

Fucking stankpuss morons


>Jews tend to be pro-gay

Jesus this is sad.

Oh hey it's the guy who led the men who ensured the growth and survival of NSDAP during its most critical period and then was stabbed in the back.

watch it fruity

Rightfully so. Fags get used by politicians all the time.

It's basically all they're good for, you can see it these days with both left and right using them as a pawn.

that should be Himmler, not Goebbels.
Himmler was by far the most anti-gay sex-obsessed nazi.
He rose to power through accusing his rivals of buggery.

Still gonna sage but at least here's a You for the most amusing slide thread of the day

so how is 8th grade going?

>Join us
I've been here all along, brother.

Seriously there's indivisible connections between fascism and homosexuality, and it's high time everybody accepted that.

Simply kekd. This one is seriously too retarded even for pol

Ok pedo president

You are just precious.

Fear your new limp-wristed, lisping sissy overlords, plebs! FEAR THEM, OH GOSH!

How do women make you manly? You realise the very first woman was the original degenerate yes. Durr i consume estrogen on the hourly and this makes me masculine hurr

explain that

Kiss of putin youtube video

that BS again?

ok m8, stay positive...

>Hate niggers, spics, and kikes? So do we. Each of these groups hates us and wants us dead.

You're goddam right. It's our country now you dumb white faggot. youtube.com/watch?v=EoS-H_ozqUw

How is it BS. He is a professional at it. He knows what he wanted to do. Right away. He looks over. Sees the woman or mother. She attempts to correct him. His being a lying tyrant he uses him anyways. Pulls him away. Unclothes him. A strange boy. And puts his mouth on his stomach. Completely fucked and makes me sick

And do you know why? Ernst Röhm was touching kids he was a pedo that was a reason but not the main one to execute him.

I seem about as straight as they come and I never really talk about it but I loved a man once. I really fucking loved him. It was the most romantic time of my life and for just a little bit I was truly fucking happy. I don't define myself as gay and I'm not ever even interested in other men but I would have walked through hell barefoot for that guy. If he was still around I would have married him.
We were in some real tight spots together before we became a couple. Times when neither one was sure we would make it out alive but he always had this way of just radiating positivity especially when things looked bad. He had a big awful looking tattoo that was basically pic related and fucking lived it too. He always kept fighting. I didn't cry at my own parents funerals but I wept like baby at his. Some nights I still shed tears over it.
So there, I admit it I get you faggots. I really do. Sometimes life just throws you a curveball and you end doing thing you never thought you would. So I guess this makes me a NatSoc faggot.

Isn't that awesome. Check out this thread. Notice the one guy closer to the top who mentions his neighbours. This is our potentials for you guys. Also notice the guy with "Bill". And how well his family is doing. And how shittily off is doing, user's family. desuarchive.org/gif/thread/9543176

I didn't read your post fully and just noticed the details at the bottom of it. I wish you the best. You put your chin up and I'm sorry and can't imagine the condolences

wait this is actually a thing?

Pink swastika breh. David and Jonathan. Alexander. Hadrian. And on and on and on. Nothing is new under sun


> That picture
Kill yourself.

Hasn't it already
>"is" male
>tells male to kill self because not enough pussy
Use his remainder

I thought pink swastika was a myth by bible thumpers to print the pro gays as literally hitler

I meant how is fascism liked to a gay presence? Everyone says that Nazis gassed gays and shiet

Does Gavin count as /hfg/?

It is actually quite unclear whether or not gays were oppressed as badly as the jews claim they were.

Unlike what this faggot claims, the night of the long knives had nothing to do with homosexuality and everything to do with power struggles and an ultimatum given by the Hindenburg. The SA wanted to absorb the army and was more left leaning (aligned more with Strasser).

Not if they are sterilized first.

We're always Hitler
They did. Doesn't matter to me I fear only God
In most cases if they are popular they are wrong but shock jock radio behaviour isn't really a scandal is it

Rohm was touching kids prove me wrong faggot.

You cannot downtrodden on the widows or the barren. Why do you besmirch the eunuchs? Read more Bible, pally

Did King James?

Can bisexuals join and do I have to be economically corporatist?

Otherwise: I agree. The kikes have pushed mass Muslim immigration and promiscuous culture on us; fuck The Jews.

Of course you can join. Some of us know you guys always end up leaving for females. And. What was the extent of nazi feminism? Anways all good bro

>make claim
>demand others prove you wrong

That isn't how this works pastanigger.

If he lead Germany instead of (((Hitler))) The Reich would have won.

>Jews tend to be pro-gay in the West
>The problem is "Christians" (larpers) and savage towelheads

But The Jews are responsible for pushing open borders in The West. If kikes did't open our borders in '65, Orlando would not have happened.

Sup Forums will try to play this off as just shitposting, but the truth is they've let the absolute the worst of human garbage, slide it's greasy tentacles into the (((alt-right))) movement because
>they help the "cause"

We all know he was, fuck off with proof excuse.

>tfw your side is winning, but is no longer "your" side

Do you think gays are selfish for not taking women. I don't fucking understand this. Then they go and make white babies for you and you still fucking yell and scream. Caring about things is lame bro. Stop caring.

Have you seen /lgbt/? I see JQ/IQ discussions there often.

homosexuality is a mental disorder


Ernst Rohm and the majority of the SA leadership were gay. The Night of the Long Knives is when Hitler had them killed early in the morning while they were still sleeping in their hotel beds together. Hitler didn't have them killed for being gay ("They are warriors not a moral institution"), but rather because the military fear them and considered them a threat.

Not joking at all. National Socialism was a more diverse phenomenon that most realize. The Night of the Long Knives also spelled the end of the "Second Revolution". The "First Revolution" abolished democracy, then the "Second Revolution" was supposed abolish Capitalism. It was National SOCIALISM after all.

Check out people like Strasser and Rohm to get a fuller understanding of what early NaSoc was about.

Pic related, It's Douglas Pearce of the band Death in June. He's a Gay Fascist. He's also British, don't misinterpret the american flags.

I guess nobody tell him about all the gays that supported and built the Nazi party from behind.

Don't believe me? Read your history, nazi faggot.

As per the other thread. These are all lies and cover ups and the men who suffer from them have them the most. There are no bodily tests for these. Is the xq28 gene a mental illness? Read Genesis you mong. You ain't nothing special. Read Revelation too. Certain group of a certain number are significant there. Twelve thousand times twelve thousand males. Who've never touched only vaginas it says. Oops go home you are not worthy

Those who go around claiming all this shit, have them the most. I meant. My bad

>white nationalist
>not anti LGBTQ

From my experience they are ok with gay men but absolutely hate trannies

I think gays are selfish for pretending their homo lusts, are anywheres near on par of that of a hetro, monogamous couple trying to raise a family.

To justify it, they then point to the lowest of the low.... The most debased part of the hetro population, to justify their behaviour.

If gays actually cared, they'd either stay abstinent and live a life of dutiful service.... Or take their debauched behaviour somewheres out of public scrutiny, and STOP pretending that what they are doing is EQUAL to the act of life.

Just kill people --- homo and hetero --- who spread STDs. There: problem fucking solved.

Have you ever fornicated?

>gay presence
just look up all the aryan/leather kink gay shit online, especially on tumblr
it's endless
it's nosecret most of the nazi leadership was homosexual, especially early on
fascism is precise and (borderline) sadistic, fashion plays a huge part in that


It's more then just disease. Human beings weren't meant to fuck endlessly, as much as they want, into their increasing aging years forever....

There's been natural stoppers and regulators historically(and in nature)that's prevented it... But now with those gone, it's like chasing the purple dragon, leading to more and more twisted, fucked up people.

Yes I've made mistakes. But I also used to shit my pants. I don't throw parades, do workshops in schools, or post on anonymous weboo Politcal boards advocating nor defending it.

Ronaldo has used surrogacy two times and might have a bf. Who's a boxer. And he's rolling around in cash. I thought disgusting faggots sucked at all competitions? Homophobia makes for a weak army. Is that what you want

>fags stronk


>the alt-right doesn't have a gay problem nutcase

Wait there's actually a gay Nazi fashion fetish?

Fuck off faggots and also sage this Shill Thread.
In a NatSoc Christian Society there is no room for faggots. The only thing that is preserved and promoted is the Traditional White Christian Family and faggots are not allowed in this holy unit made by God himself.
Homosexuality is perverted and an abomination and disgusting.
Fuck off faggots.

Give this man an Eiserne Kreuz.

>current year
>still being attracted to the vaginal Jew

O i am laffin

Hey it's the guy who didn't do shit to advance the NSDAP and got caught in bed by Hitler was a pre-pubescent boy and got hollow points to the head by Hitler himself.

Richard Spencer please go


Everyone really does have their "decent jew."


Like what, the leather, chicken walk, hubo boss and all that dancing wasn't a clue?



Honosexuality is NOT allowed under NatSoc idgaf what you faggots say. We don't like faggots and we don't want faggots. Homosexuality CANNOT exist under a NatSoc or Fascist State because the fucking foundation of Western Civilization and NatSoc is the WHITE CHRISTIAN FAMILY.
All of these faggots are not NatSoc or part of our movement. They are degenerate perverted and have no place within our movement. That is why the Left and Jews promote homosexuality. It's literally one of the tools to destroy thd White Christian Family Structure. We are WHITE MEN, not faggots! Go take all of your abomination and head to an Antifa Communist rally you cunts.
Sage !!!


Killing you would bring me so much pleasure.

>western civilization

Most of what you think is christian is just borrowed Greek and Roman philosophy. Marriage = one man + one woman is Roman and has no biblical basis. Polygamy was never banned by the jewish god.

That's why hitler sent all of those faggots to hell when he found out.
Don't you faggots remember that Germany was a decadent and perverted state under the Jewish Weimar Republic? That is why Germans flocked to the NSDAP because they were tired of seeing sodomites and other perverted sexual movements.

That's Communists. Fuck off fag

Fuck off KIKE

>when he found out
It was known the whole time and was not the reason he was killed. It was all about power struggle with the more revolutionary faction and concerns about the fact that SA was larger than the army. Hindenburg gave Hitler and ultimatum.

Shoo jew

NatSoc is a Christian movement you faggot. Fuck off with your perverted shit.
No faggots allowed end of story. Preach your sodomite ideals to third world shitskins.

Triggered you fag? Fuck off sodomite.

I mean, you're on image board full of gay porno. Is there any chance that Sup Forums is part of the Leftist agenda too?

The reason I bring up Rohm (A gay leftist nazi) and Strasser (a leftists nazi) is that National Socialism was a diverse phenomenon. And you're right in one regard, the gay leftists aren't a part of NatSoc, not anymore anyway. Political purges have that effect.

But why still call yourself a National SOCIALIST, if you don't believe in the "Second Revolution" to overthrow capitalism?

I think your movement would be better served by giving up the Nazi Label. It just confuses people and has little relevance to your goals.

Fuck off kike lover.