Do you feel bad for Melania? She won't even sleep in the same house.
Do you feel bad for Melania? She won't even sleep in the same house
It's not a bad idea, tbqh.
No, but you're a piece of shit shill yo. Go tell your bald 50's something boss from california you got picked out again.
But then how would I get my sheckels?
So the more personal and tender the touch would make Michelle the better man?...
an hero
Michelle probably feels sorry for her.
Did you know that Michelle Obama and George Bush are good friends? No really, I'm dead serious. Look that shit up.
pretty sure obama beats his wife
She's an independent woman that doesn't need her man and Trump treats her as so. Any feminist liberal should love this.
Pretty sure that mannish ape could beat Barry's scrawny sticknigger ass if he ever so much as thought about it
Plus it would be awkward when he wants to sleep with a little kid.
Ummm Melania Trump is Donald's employed whore and everyone knows it. Why should he insult us by pretending otherwise?
>Makes his wife walk behind him
what a fucking alpha i love trum now
Se got what she wanted:
Leased her bod for several million $, so why feel sorry for her?
I feel sorry for Christcuck retards who embrace Trump as le champion of virtue.
That's a bad move. By this picture alone you know Trump doesn't know shit about body language. But they're probably teaching him by now. Body language etiquette is gay af, but the masses pick up on that kind of shit...
he's autistic so I cut him a little bit of a break, but I don't cut him a break for being a selfish manchild.
>a selfish manchild
>Melania Trump is Donald's employed whore
> this guy gets it
>Donald's employed whore and everyone knows it.
>everyone knows it.
Using the word "manchild" is a dead giveaway that you're a leftist cunt.
You're a quick one. I bet you even did well in the special olympics at your school. You know, the one with the small class sizes and rails on every wall.
>Trump literally spoils her
>Buys her whatever she wants
>Lets her do whatever she wants
>He is an abuser
Fuck man even Trump's ex-wives all stated good things about him.
I am not even a Trump fan...
fuck sakes you left-cucks are something else.
I fucked melania while Drumpf watched and cried.
Nobody from pol would ever bump this thread.
In the back where she belongs
Obama grabs Melania's ass in that scene. Just goes to show you how much he respects women
Trump is clearly the winner here
>Drumpf watched and cried
>Do you feel bad for Melania? She won't even sleep in the same house.
Can you blame her though?
OP is a faggot
>Christcuck retards who embrace Trump as le champion of virtue.
They don't consider him a champion of virtue, they just think he's less degenerate than Hillary.
He never had sexual relations with that woman. Republicans set him up and already had impeachment proceedings in the works.
thank god bill clinton didn't win last election.
any1 have any good black couple+white girl stuff?
>Do you feel bad for Melania? She won't even sleep in the same house.
>Can you blame her though?
No. She's cucking the shit out him.
That's a solid drive
>everyone knows it
>OP is a faggot
and Trump is a degenerating misogynist.
This is a poliitics board. All threads should be about politics.
The same reason why your parents divorced, they knew it was the end and people can relate to seeing a marriage in shambles before the break up.
>judging the president's character upsets me so let's ban it
Did I hurt your safe space?
My father died, they didn't divorce.
>This is a poliitics board. All threads should be about politics.
No this a politically incorrect monkey chanter image board.
My condolences.
If it makes you feel, mine too.
Melania has her own boyfriends and is fucking around with other people. This marriage is just a legal agreement.
Deport Obongo back to the Congo
>tfw she's actually being a good parent by not moving her child up to DC and having him continue his studies
no matter what, she's being a parent.
>filthy niggers can keep their hands off the white woman.
>no matter what, she's being a parent.
>by not moving her child up to DC
because of his "condition"
>Occupy fucking Democrats
You actually believe shit from that webpage OP? How about they show the next 5 seconds of footage where Trump turns around and waits at the door for her.
I don't think so. Trump got the evangelical vote in Rep primaries. The guys whose 90% priority is supposedly Christian values. If you consider any other candidate compared to Trump, it's basically the saint, and Cruz is a second coming of Christ, so no, they done cucked hard.
back to plebbit with ur sad memes
You do know you have to be on the Spectrum of Autists just to find Sup Forums right? Not to mention making fun of a kid for something he has no control over is true shitlord tier faggotry.
Yes. Imagine being married to that fat sack of shit and knowing he'll have you killed if you ever try to leave. Terrifying.
Maybe they respect a man trying to do the right thing for his country than they respect an asshat like Lying Ted pandering about religious values while the Rust Belt burns?
>I am not even a Trump fan...
But seriously the codes.
Imagine being married to a Billionaire and the President. You're just trying to make your pathetic life seem more significant. I bet you consider yourself a "nice guy".
"nice guy" is another word for cuck.
Liberals are usually nice guys. That's why they finish last.
Assholes always finish first because they lie, cheat, and steal wtihout remorse. Conservatives are basically the niggers of white people.
Letting niggers touch his wife is pretty disgusting by Trump
New KB thread, feel free to stop by:
>Some guy thinks niggers finish first.
You do realize that having the balls to look out for you and yours isn't a personality flaw right? That's literally the essence of being a man. And being a responsible human being. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to harm anyone else. If you have to harm others to ensure the well being of yourself and your family, you probably suck at life.
>Conservatives are basically the niggers of white people
>Finish first
Pick one you massive faggot.
>Implying loving yourself is a bad thing
I never quite understood liberal logic.
>look out for you and yours
Is that why conservatives fuck each other over at every opportunity like rabid animals?
They have no morals. I'm serious, it's literally nigger behavior, in white people.
Feels bad she is married to a richer man who literal models say were the best fuck they ever had?
>haha drumpf hates his wife
>haha drumpf child have the autism
>haha drumpf has very small [todoREPLACE BEFORE POSTING]
Remember when nobody talked shit about Obama's kids despite hating his guts?
Maybe because Obama was normal.
>the best fuck they ever had?
>the best fuck they ever had?
>the best fuck they ever had?
>being a literal by-the-definition normalfag
>Obama was normal.
Don't kid yourself
You mean he was a autist that did interviews with insane women in bathtubs full of cereal on youtub?
Obama made meme presidents possible
nationalism is a literally a conservative staple m8.
Your side literally cries that we look out for our own more than anyone....
get your narratives in order snow flake
>bush wasn't a meme
Wew lad. Welcome to Sup Forums 15 years ago.
>look out for one another
Is that why you backstab and cheat each other? Is that why every church is full of pedophiles and opportunists waiting to separate people from their money? Is that why Republicans consistently pretend to look out for the little guy while simultaneously fucking them in every hole?
Get real, rublefag.
bush was not a meme m8.
he was a established political figure.
only later did the left parody him into a meme.
meme culture was infantile during his presidency
how old are you
a pussy lets his wife walk in front of him
>literally looking out for our own race and nation and accused of nepotism
>upset that churches take donations
>brings up pedos because you running out of actual on topic criticism
this is fun
how about how the left eats its own as soon as they don't follow protocol and a long time liberal can be shut out because he does not agree with the new flavor of the month pronoun or anti white rhetoric (while being mostly white and tearing each other down)
Shill confirmed.
Anyone who has been on Sup Forums since the start knows that Bush was one of the biggest sources of memes. I probably still have some of them.
>being scared to death of everything that moves
>stays with everything that's exactly the same for his safe space
Okay kid.
Bush was a source of memes, but obama actually tried to be "hip and cool".
>trump helps women get seated at trudeau meeting
>trudeau juat sits and does nothing
>trump does shit like thos all the time
>trump doesn't hold the door ipen for his wife once
>commies lose their shit
These (((people))) should know that pulling shit out of there ass like this will only hurt them in the future.
yea m8 I have been here since we left with moot after my tank is fight. you wont win that fight cuck
bush again was a meme after being a president Obama ran as one...
>being scared to death of everything that moves
>stays with everything that's exactly the same for his safe space
nice argument m8 lol your done
Are you even speaking English anymore?
Change your IP, Russian faggot.
lol cuck what's 4chans favorite pudding
I feel bad for Obongo, because his husband Michael looks so much more masculine and muscular than him.
Good for her, it must be gross to have sex with Trump.
The concentration of Kikes in this thread is rising... Let's play a game!
If Melania divorces Trump, does she get half the US?
very bad