Have you guys seen this shit? Every time I think California cant get more cucked they always deliver
Have you guys seen this shit? Every time I think California cant get more cucked they always deliver
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HIV is no longer a death sentence, m8.
It should be
Science fixes everything.
Fuck off you disease ridden prick.
being a nigger is worse than HIV tho
It might not be a death sentence but it is a life of expensive drugs with nasty side effects.
If I punch someone in the face, thats a felony. Intentionally infecting someone with a disease that at best is a huge inconvenience for life is going to be a misdemeanor. Fucking California
Neither is rape, arson, perjury, burglary, or treason :^)
Don't be mad at me. It's not my fault your God sucks at treating/curing diseases.
If only you had universal health care :^)
Kek'd my undies.
Having universal healthcare doesnt mean the drugs dont cost anything. It just means that everyone pays for it rather than just the effected person.
And what about the side effects of the drugs? Would you be ok with someone intentionally infecting you with something like HIV?
Fucking California
Armageddon when?
Do explain what are the side effects of the drugs. Not the ones from the 80s, the current ones.
Is it worth to jail someone because they gave me the flu or whatever? No. Same thing with HIV. Sure, it sucks but it's not the end of the world. Things have changed since the 80s, m8. Even the drugs.
fucking kill yourself
im not even joking go fucking kill yourself
There is an entire list. If anyone inflicted those effects on me for life I would want them fucking dead.
You are LITERALLY the cancer destroying humanity.
Liver damage is a big one. People with HIV will die from liver failure before the AIDS gets them because the pills destroy your liver
Please kill yourself for the betterment of Civilization
OP I came from CA, there's a reason why more and more people are leaving than staying in the state. I left, show should everyone else.
t. Faggot with aids
Btw, even the HIV has changed.
Still doesn't justify jailing someone.
I'm not advocating purposefully infecting people, I just think those who purposefully infect someone shouldn't be jailed.
Also, why don't you use rubbers if you're so worried? Or PrEP or whatever it's called?
>Under current law, if a person who knows they are infected with HIV has unprotected sex without telling their partner they have the virus, they can be convicted of a felony and face years of jail time. Intentional transmission of any other communicable disease, even a potentially deadly condition like hepatitis, is a misdemeanor.
The problem here is that intentional infection should be a felony for HIV and other diseases instead of making HIV the only one that is a felony.
>purposefully infecting someone with a lethal virus that will cost tens of thousands of dollars to treat over your lifetime shouldn't be a criminal offense
I know two people with HIV, and both are sub-humans. One's a Swede, who looks like the epitome of the emaciated HIV+ archetype, while the other is a Hispanic, who, I swear to god, has got to be edging towards 400 pounds.
Both are completely narcissistic.
Where'd you go? What's it like?
>>I'm not advocating purposefully infecting people, I just think those who purposefully infect someone shouldn't be jailed.
No that is exactly what you are doing. If you say there should not be real consequences for at best lowering someones life span and subjecting them to nasty side effects, that is exactly what you are saying.
australia developed a cure for that
no need to be alerted
Yes. Use rubbers if you're so worried, buddy.
Also, should we jail people who spread flu, E. coli, ebola, etc? Everyone would be in jail after awhile.
kill yourself african scum
>should we jail people who spread ebola
wtf yes. We should also jail people who spread hepatitis or syphilis.
People do get jailed for intentionally spreading things like ecoli.
There was a cult in Oregon that did it in the 90s, tried killing a bunch of people. Stop trolling.
Nice digits m8. Cali is done for
Forgot mega get pic
If you knowingly spread a disease, the punishment should be proportionate to the impact on the victim.
Flu should be lost wages from missed work paid to victim.
Diseases like HIV or Ebola should be life imprisonment, since you have effectively deprived that person of a normal life.
If they could be found culpable through either intent or negligence, then yes, absolutely.
If you intentionally spread a life threatening or life altering disease it should be a felony.
Ebola has what a 35% mortality rate? That should be treated the same as assault with a deadly weapon if it was intentionally done.
Yes, causing someone harm by intentionally infecting them is not different from another other physical assault.
Oh the flu is for sure anot equivalent to any sexually transmitted disease.
neither is herpes and many other diseases
What the fuck are you on? If I intentionally poison the water supply with a deadly disease, I shouldn't get legal repercussion? Decriminalize bio-warfare when?
What makes you think that law inhibits people from doing it? It doesn't.
And herpes too? Basically almost everyone has herpes.
Do you even know what E. coli is, m8?
I disagree.
This is why you need UH.
Also I am pretty sure if you intentionally spread ebola that would be considered bio-terrorism and they would disappear you to a black site
>Every time I think California cant get more cucked they always deliver
>master ruseman comes into the thread and everyone takes the bait
Stop giving it (You)'s you retards
Fucking this, should we decriminalize biological warfare so we don't trigger some degenerate fucking faggots? Fuck the fuck off you stupid Portuguese kike. I'd like to insult you, but your country is so irrelevant I don't know how
i'm leaving california this year. i can't wait to get out of this beaner shit hole
This user knows what's up.
I'm pissing myself.
>universal healthcare would make it acceptable to willing infect people with deadly diseases because you're too embarrassed to tell your partners you gave aids
why should I be subsidizing your treatment?