Russian is fucking America's ass in front of the entire world, wtf.
Thank you, Sup Forums, we actually helped in the destruction of an empire.
Russian is fucking America's ass in front of the entire world, wtf.
Thank you, Sup Forums, we actually helped in the destruction of an empire.
America isn't an empire, dumbass.
For a small bit, maybe... But in the long run Russia is fucked.
Eat shit, nigger.
10 bucks says you've participated in marches or college groups that blame America for all the worlds problems.
You're losing because your movement isn't genuine or authentic. It's paid for by the 1% you also rail against
It is, dumbass.
>in the long run Russia is fucked.
Mexican warlock, you have to go back.
No, Russia is one step closer to being a full ally.
Russia and USA are both owned by the same Jews newfag.
In the long run you're 56% white
You need to go back to your Jewish Oblast, Putin is making America hate him more than he should have. I'd love you guys if you elected your opposition leader.
Yeah, Russia is fucked, that's why they want to fuck everyone else. Russia will spread their corruption throughtout the world.
Russians were even behind the drug cartels in latin america, which is basically 60% of our country's problem.
jkjjkj you yanks, ruskies r laughing at u lol, you laugh along with them like yur in on the joke jkjkjkjk rlof. ahahahahahaha
>name fag huemonkey
You mean the CIA falseflagging as Russia?
American stupidity is on full display as the MSM/Neoliberal atheist narrative meltdown goes full blown Chicago, 1871.
Russia picking up low lying fruit as low life D.C. liars drown in the grease of their own corruption.
Anyone under 30 who lives in America has no idea what it is like to live in America. The implosion is 30years of America's making.
I have no proofs but it seems pretty plausible that the CIA is already full of Kremlin personal.
Wasn't Snowden one of them?
america is going to implode lol, glorious putin will stand victorious, all will praise kek, embrace the slavic language now before it's too late
bazil what proof do you have to back up your claim? i can say that your country fuck little boys in the ass while dressing like a bunch of dirty shemales.
What is your interest nigga? Did not have time to visit the Disneyland?
russia stronk, RUSSIA STROONNK
Except there's no evidence of it you jungle nigger, it was the CIA all along trying to clean their image.
China already owns Russia.
So it would really just be a Chinese victory.
which is funny, because aside from Jews themselves. Chinese are the next closest thing.
>hyperbolic niggertranny land
naaah, u got pawned. like how superior ruskies pawn siliver elite americans on cs:go
I'd take Russia any day of the week over libshit kike governance
IC here.
You people are morons.
Russia set Trump up by trying to court him. The whole thing was a plot to foment instability and civil war.
There are two kinds of Jews in this world, those you agree with, and those you don't. Ditch them both.
I'm just watching, user.
We're patientially waiting, conspiring in the shadows.
Proof? Literally nothing has changed.
>China already owns Russia.
Russia created China.
>Russian is fucking America's ass in front of the entire world, wtf.
What does this mean? I live in America and nothing has changed, other than people yelling about different things on TV. Hamburgers are still the same price, the internet still works, etc.
shillfag spotted
The US and Russia have been playing the same sadistic good cop; bad cop game in 3rd world countries for the last 60 years.
america shud say sorry to russia before they bitch slap u some more lol
You don't know what you're talking about. We wouldn't even be in the Third World if it wasn't for Marxists and their World Revolution.
Blood for oil so that we may save blood.
America will disintegrate very soon, but we have nothing to do with it, they fell prey to their own fears and selfishness.
Yea they sold all their weaponry to 3rd world shitholes after the soviet union went bankrupt and collapsed.
Those countries would be 100x shittier if we didn't buy their oil. They'd still be living in mud huts.
Slava!! the bear endures!
>Russian is fucking America's ass in front of the entire world
where is proofs?
Crimea fuckin river bud
>Russians were even behind the drug cartels in latin america
Do Russians also secretly control the CIA and the wikileaks? Next thing I'm going to hear how all those Jews are actually squatting Russians in disguise
Since this place is full of phoneposting plebs, resized for her pleasure.
just look behind you
hahahaha glorious, feckless & fickle western anglofagphere lol
i heard wall street created communism and nazism, with a goal of democracy being final choice, democracy as a hybrid of all three where you elevate certain elements as required.
spooky if true.
This is actually true.
If you see most left wing parties here, they're linked to drug traffiking.
And you're pretty dumb if you think russia doesn't have the power to infiltrate in CIA. This already happened, a lot of times and there are hundreds of confirmed cases throughtout the past decades.
Wikileaks is so obvious russian bait that I won't even care to explain.
Why did you allow the CIA to create a heroin epidemic in our country?
Don't tell me you didn't know what Afghanistan was about.
>russia doesn't have the power to infiltrate in CIA
You fags should have tuned into RussiaToday, wouldn't be in this fine mess you're in now had you watched a proper news channel.
>>Russians were even behind the drug cartels in latin america
Hey asshole, I'm watching a murder porn show, and an American woman died and your cheap assed government fined the company responsible 6,500 dollars. 6,500 fucking dollars. Fuck you.