What's Sup Forums's opinion on us Micks and Paddys?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on us Micks and Paddys?

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Belongs in the zoological society of London

Top cunts.

Need to abandon Justin Barret and build something new.

The man is a cartoon, only eclipsed by the Identity Ireland frodo.

Time to get on the Gerry McGeough train.

>Australia built by irish criminals


Just the white ones

>Time to get on the Gerry McGeough train.

explain! I've not heard this name.

They weren't criminals. Most were sent for being too poor, or not knowing how to speak English.

Literally, the British who were sent to Australia were the criminals. It's hilarious how many Aussies pretend to be from some good stock, but are in fact the descendants of pederast rapists.

Just look at their domestic violence stats.

You're white.

better than brits but not by much


It's true. The Irish left are gathering support to attack the 8th Amendment. It's the next line in the war.

Most domestic violence statistics are a meme, literally abos form a big part of it but whitey male gets the blame

Currently, in jail.

Worked with Justin for a while but it went no where.


It's unfortunate, as he brought some credibility being an ex-prisoner. Justin just won't bother learning anything about presentaiton, or media strategy.

Look at the ridiculously well funded Youth Defense machine. How are these people not party members? They have Yanks gagging to give them money.

Mother is from Dublin. I know what bunch of degenerate, emotionally unstable drunks you are. You're also incredibly witty and are master of the guilt trip. You love to fight. You have a way with words that is hard to match.

Mate, you just pulled a "didn't du nuffin'" and blamed the poor Abos.

Abo's only rape kids, drink, and overuse pornography. The don't commit domestic violence.

>emotionally unstable drunks

That's definitely me alright.


The important take away being there are ex-Provos supporting a Nation first position.

I am currently on vacation embracing my heritage. If you were to cut open my veins whiskey and Guinness would flow freely. I was taught how to fight from an early age and my hatred for the English oppressors will never die.

And before any of you ask, my father was born and raised in Glasgow and served with the IRA in the Falklands, so I don't want any buttblasted Euroshits telling me that I'm not Irish.

It's God's way of making sure we don't tale over the planet. He thought of everything.

Gerry's a savage.


He's called out antifa a few times for being anti-irish, and a product of british intelligence

>born and raised in Glasgow and served with the IRA in the Falklands

No purer born.

The IRA is based. A nationalist group protecting his territorial integrity to the death. Good beer, good music.