This is the way presidential families are supposed to behave towards one another. Michelle and George are actually good friends.
>in b4 crude remark about shemales or cucking
This is the way presidential families are supposed to behave towards one another. Michelle and George are actually good friends.
>in b4 crude remark about shemales or cucking
>the only thing that makes him happy is circlejerking about a president of a country he doesn't even live in
Wew lad.
>When you are both on the same globalist team.
I hope Trump goes full God Emperor and ends democracy.
>How former presidents are supposed to treat current presidents
dont you fucking wew at me you cunt autist.
I'm just trying to clean this shit hole up one thread at a time you kike bastard
Wew lad maybe you should find a thread about Britain instead of spazzing out in this one like some kind of autist.
OP is a pathetic faggot
Fuck off.
Shemales and cucks are just a joke thing.
The real reason these families are garbage is because of their commitment to letting the CIA do whatever they want.
maybe you should stop making your own threads you fucking retard and LURK MORE till you're 15 at least
thick cunt
Fine. The nigger and the Arab-lover can hang side by side.
Wew lad it seems there's a huge shortage of British threads because little cucks like you are too busy shitting up the threads by Americans.
Maybe move to a better country? Get some treatment?
Just go ahead and say it:
They are globalists.
Trump and the people who voted him in to office are not.
You, and the people who pay you to shill, are scared to death of the little people.
Refute this.
>saging every thread you don't like
>muh Sup Forums safe space
Trump is a globalist. What is the problem, then?
>hates globalism
>wants an emperor to rule the world
OP speaks the truth... as always.
>make a retarded thread
>expect people to take you seriously
literally kill yourself
>not even replying to the OP
Holy fuck, I'm laughing
Yet there are plenty of retarded Trump threads you're just fine and dandy with.
>obongo literally in the middle of a *smacks lips*
followed shortly by what I can only assume was "AYO HOL UP"
I'm not the OP, son.
>still butthurt
And I'm still sageing your thread, fag.
>still being edgy and stupid
It's not my thread. I'm not the OP. It is only your thread if you're the OP.
Trump is a nationalist.
The problem is, you don't know the difference.
Fucking LOL, what a butthurt little babby. Reply to the wrong person and somehow you're blaming us.
Do you need a diaper change? Maybe some vasoline for those chapped asshole lips?
Kisses, honey.
He's a globalist.
I'll gladly derail a retarded thread.
>See Barack, this is what a *real man* looks like.
>sweetie posting
literally worse than a frogposter
kys yourself
>owns business in at least 25 countries
>believes in one global market policy
>married to slav migrant
>not a globalist
>muh white nationalist
are americans actually that retarded?
You are confusing the president and his private enterprise, which he goes to great lengths to keep separate.
Tell me again how superior you are?
looks like honey lumpkins is still bleeding through her knickers
nice meme desu. They play the same game. Only difference is he was not supposed to take power for himself.