What happens here? It's in the top 10 countries for population, but you never hear anything about it.
What happens here? It's in the top 10 countries for population, but you never hear anything about it
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the all have fivver accounts and make crappy logos all day
One of the worst non-black countries in the world.
acid attacks and machete attacks
they are capable of poo in loo unlike their neighbours
let me guess, theyre muslims?
check the tag in your t-shirt
child labour clothes factories collapse killing everybody.
I have until this moment in my 23 years of life always thought
>Bangladesh was the island of Sri Lanka
>Sri Lanka was where Bangladesh is
And it has not impacted my life in the slightest
>Really makes you think
Well I mean, they're third world countries barely distinguishable from India, and you're in a nice first world country far away.
poverty brain drain western corporations literally raping the country dead athiest bloggers
floods, and diseases
kidney store for amerilards
They make hats.
Lots of natural disasters and floods
Imagine if a small asteroid hit that spot creating a 200 MT explosion
Sri Lankan Empire was founded by people migrating from southern Bangladesh
Yes 97% and its one big flood plain
Also that place do not need toilets rivers man
can you post a picture outside your window pls
Yet 33rd largest economy in the world...hmm, really makes you shrink !
Sure buddy, here ya go
Horrific disasters and low standards of living
Lax regulations and disregard for worker safety will do that
Your house is probably musty and covered in webs or peeled paint aint it
Know a dude from there.
Nothing fancy, theyre better off than Pakistan but worse than India. Some extremism around but not middle east tier.
Think only one of his professors was chopped to death this year?
Also theyre all manlets.
Come on, you are the star of the thread, post pics.
>naturally occurring arsenic in the water that causes 1/5 of all deaths in a given year
>ultra-Muslim to the point that atheists that post edgy shit on the internet get tracked down and beheaded
>most crowded country in the world, zero privacy or cheap land
>one giant malaria infested swamp
>average pay is less than $2 a day
>population is largely illiterate
>construction so shit that entire factory complexes sometimes completely collapse and kill 1100+ people
>ultra-corrupt dictatorship
>more than a dozen coups and military mutinies in the past 30 years
Bangladesh is literally one of the shittest places on Earth, aside from maybe downtown Damascus or South Sudan.
Nice digits wasted...most of the time downstream manmade floods but what diseases ?
In the 70s, Bangladesh tried to declare independence as a secular democratic republic separate from the Islamic republic of Pakistan. India supported them because they hate Pakistan. Pakistan went apeshit and invaded, going on a US-taxpayer-funded rampage that killed a few million people and included a campaign of genocidal rape.
>go poo poo in river
>gather river water to wash bum
>is poo poo
Didn't I see a thread about how that got rid of any age of consent?
How progressive.
Is it true that people are very religious? I read an article by a Bangladeshi guy many years ago who said his biggest surprise when he came to America was that no one cared about atheism.
What do Bangladeshis think of their neighboring countries?
This is all I know about them
Now thats just bullshit.
I could literally write the same about Kosovo.
Mate basically explained to me that Pakistan was unevenly spreading dosh around and that they mainly separated because of that. Then India BTFO Pakis and they never got over it too, Kashmir not included.
They produce some bretty gud shirts and pants!
srsly tho its naturally beautiful with plenty of rivers and fertile land, with tigers and shit, would be a nice place if not for gook corruption
All of those points are true dude
Past couple of years there have been a few news reports out of there about bloggers getting murdered by Islamic terrorists for expressing secular views.
are you afraid of getting doxxed or are you just being a dick?
well fucking duh man, I'm in 4pleb, ofcourse my room is musty/covered in cobwebs, that goes without saying...you should ask how many piss bottles and jizzmop I'v got around my extra support chair.
>The World Bank estimates that Bangladesh is ranked 1st in the world of the number of children suffering from malnutrition. In Bangladesh, 26% of the population are undernourished and 46% of the children suffers from moderate to severe underweight problem. 43% of children under 5 years old are stunted. One in five preschool age children are vitamin A deficient and one in two are anemic
I would say Africa-tier but it's actually below that
Basically reverse 'American Civil War'...while we won, the CSA lost
There's like 100 people crammed inside a room in every building in bangurmum, even if he was doxxed there's a 1 in 100 chance its not even him
But the CSA did loose, how is that a "reverse American Civil War"?
Mostly BS, top 5 Islamic political parties combined has 8% vote share in 90% 'Muslim' country
This, they have a cowardly female ruler who backed off of criticizing Islam. As with the rest of their developmental level, if they were administered by whites they'd be prosperous.
being a dick by tingling your dick ?
They all drown every couple years. A big factory collapsed and squished a load of them. They make your clothes. They come here and make me curry. I'd rather they didn't. They are pakis.
Being a dick by being an obtuse retard that won't deliver pics of his hovel. You may as well be a roleplaying proxyfag
Sweat shop country.
haven't jerk off in 2 weeks, plz stop
Thank you for the description. Now I know more about the world
absolutely zero interest in posting pix of my 1350 sqf flat my friend, all 3 bedrooms are occupied with sleeping people
No Fap eh, MGTOW too ?
I found a picture of Banladesh on the computer tubes.
I looked it up a while back, but my home state of Minnesota is basically the same size as Bangladesh. Yet they have over 100 million people and we have 5.
I bet it's cramped as hell. Also I see Bangladesh flags on here from time to time. They are probably proxys though.
I've got a couple of Bangladeshi friends from work. They're international students though, so they come from a good deal of wealth back in their countries, apparently their fathers own estates with servants. Both of them are studying computer programming and love to smoke weed
Come from a cricket playing country you'll know about Bangladesh.
Clothing factory collapses and fires that kill hundreds at a time.
The worst type of muzzie causing problems for India and Myanmar.
Daily acid attacks on women. All children are fair game for the men who are all 5'2" and perpetually butthurt about something or other in the korrrran.
Also pay attention to the news. Constant terror attacks incl last years 1sis Dhaka restaurant slaughter.
wasn't aware of the term but i like it
i won't bow to shit
porn is shit for energy control, and psycho-social destruction. won't go back
realy cute anyway. i can control myself
Eh, Shit Happens, We Pull up our boots and soldier on
Hang in there man !
What a beautiful country.
Stone 'Em
daily reminder that your pathetic country of over 170 million fucking people has never won even a single olympic medal.
I can't even fathom how that is possible.
They ship them to Singapore and use them as slaves ($16 a day) in the ship yards.
Psycho-social destruction? I watch that shit to get the blood flowing before lifting
>I can't even fathom how that is possible
I can, we don't have 'Watermelon Americans', we should deffo import some from Detroit eh, plz send a shipment soon bro !
>it's not even centered
>we should deffo import some from Detroit eh, plz send a shipment soon bro !
oh my god gladly! we'll even pay you to take them.
you do realize non basketball americans have won a few medals too right? Hell I wouldn't even be surprised if we had a bangladeshi-american who won a medal.
Muslim-loo, I don't think you understand how bad that is.
Bangaloodesh has 150 million people or so and generates less than 4k per person at parity. When you don't account for parity, you would be making half that per person.
I think we can all agree that Romania is a pretty shit country. Without parity, Romania makes 10k or so per person. If Bangaloldesh made 10k per person, it would not be 33rd, it would be fucking 9th. It would arguably be as rich as fucking Canada while still making only 1/5 of the same money per person as Canada.
The fact that people actively compare your country against those in Africa should be a strong warning that your country is absolute garbage.
hey, your american speak is pretty good. were you in the u.s. and then got deported?
Nope, just a steady diet of Jewliwood while growing up...but I'v given up watching that shit now
Expect to see you guys become a top 5 cricket team within the next ten years.
India is worse then most of Africa yet they'r top world power both econ/mil wise, what's your point here ?
>India is worse then most of Africa yet they'r top world power both econ/mil wise, what's your point here ?
That the only reason that Bangladesh, or India are remotely relevant is because of the teaming masses of street shitting citizens.
If India made as much money per person as Romania would be the second richest nation the world.
Also, you're generally fucking garbage.
Thanx man you guys are gearing up to reclaiming the Martin Crow glory days too !
Why don't you ask Sup Forums
fucking faggot
I did some work there in the Army. It's one of the better Islamic countries I've been in. They are poor, but the country has been growing economically relatively fast. There are some Islamic extremists, but the country had a bad experience under Pakistan, and they do not share the kind of anti-Americanism that is ubiquitous in Pak. The women there are not very attractive, but they like Americans, and love to cyber with a white guy.
All of your H&M, Forever 21 and Banana Republic clothes are from there
Didn't a bangladeshi ruskie won a Olympic gold medal?