even CBS lurks nao
Even CBS lurks nao
Other urls found in this thread:
Will I be on TV?
Will I be famous now?
My mom will be so proud of me!!!
What the hell does military-wide mean?
Makes it sound all encompassing. It's like saying "ALL THE WAY TO THE MILITARIES TOP ECHELON!!!!! O_O!!!" without saying it.
More media fucking double speak.
>"After resersching Eyes Wi- I mean pizzagate for a full month..."
Just doxx yourself and you will
It's hilarious
>All these university educated and in debt journalists
>Working for news papers and media outlets
>Getting less views than well read but "officially uneducated" social commentators on youtube
>Begin a war against the internet thinking they can somehow win
Is this what they're talking about with that 15th shit? They going to shut our meme-ops down by pretending we're helping share Marine's nudes?
That everyone in the military can access it. They use it to mean literally everything on the internet.
Makes it sound better.
I wanna get (you)'d by a corporate news article.
Have you noticed how the media never dares to mention us by name?
They always make up some hammy bs like Memewarriors or internet trolls. And they always avoid mentioning the website whenever possible.
We are Voldemort.
Sluts gonna slut.
the last thing we need is more reddit
>white men are systematically excluded from media and academia as feminism and affirmative action pushes incompetent women and shitskins to the top
>uneducated white men, now without access to institutions or outlets, still influence culture more, except against the institutions and outlets that excluded and vilified them
my god. if you'd just given white men a slice of the pie Sup Forums mightn't be such a racist, misogynistic, anti-establishment meme generator.
mfw Chief of Defence browses frequents trap threads on /gif/.
What board is that?
no shit anyone high profile who points the finger at us publicly gets hounded by literally thousands of NEETs, teenagers and turboautists from literally all over the world, people united not by race, creed, colour or religion, but united by hatred for YOU
i wouldn't want to draw that kind of heat to myself either
Isn't that "Full"Chan
lol CBS suck my dick fat fucks.
I'll bomb your buildnig. I'm being serious
maybe they set up an imageboard on siprnet or whatever
that would be fukken cool
it's called user-IB.
google it everyone
Blasphemy of the highest degree - teir
Sup Forums
Also is that /soc/?
no its ebaumsworld
we really are the jews now
Why is 9fag sharing military noodz?
it's not "us" you retards.
it's another board called user-IB
i just saw pic related thread moments ago...
fuck off, MSM
implying (((journalists))) haven't been fapping to trannies on Sup Forums since 2007.
It's a fat joke about our military
>try to make Sup Forums a super secret club
>it's the headquarters of everything now
Fact is, a lot of military women are decently physically fit. I'll bet that a lot of them would be pretty impressive nude.
Also ladies, when posting nudes, rear view if possible. Thanx.
>Sup Forums is a military wide message board
all you perverts belong in ovens.
FUCK that takes me back
>Sup Forums
I honestly don't think they are out to save us...
They just don't want people redpilled.
It's funnier when you realize that a lot of these people were probably seniors in college in 2011 when tumblr first started to become an incubator for far-left ideas and Reddit started blowing up in popularity as a place for liberal men to hang out
So they were 22 then, 28 now. And Sup Forums keeps chugging along as their eternal nemesis.
2011 was six years ago
And 6 years ago Trump wasn't president and the Democrats were loudly clamoring for the Republicans to work with them on amnesty for 11 million illegals and tripling legal immigration to 3 million a year
Time flies, and it flies for the better.
Shouldn't of mentioned it here though, too many newfags.
nobody fucking likes you, lying manipulative pieces of shit
I just realised how out of date Sup Forums must look to normies
This is a military wide message board?
I thought we were a forum for Mongolian fishermen
There's a chan.mil?