Why do hapas have such a persecution complex? The majority of the world has no idea what a hapa is...

Why do hapas have such a persecution complex? The majority of the world has no idea what a hapa is, but they really think everyone is out to get them?

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This made me laugh way harder than it should have

Makes me sad my current wife looks like this.. I'm mixing with a chink right now
Way she wears sandals like a fucking bum on the street makes me fucking sick... hate looking at her toes
I don't know how to get out of this relationship and she wants a baby..
Don't fall for the wm/af meme like I did

no idea

I dated a hapa girl once and she was a serious qt

well there's your problem. they literally eat raw sewage. chinese are basically nignogs but with yellow skin

Some are happy.

Just... Get a divorce?

>hapas are ugly mongrels

try again

Gala girls are beautiful
It's the boys that turn out fucked
