I've noticed many people on here hate it, but if you don't teach kids about condoms, birth control, etc. they're going to be fucking regardless and getting tons of STDs and pregnancies without the proper knowledge. The only objection I see is ideological subversion from crazy Marxists but there are ways to avoid that.
Is Sup Forums opposed to sex education?
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My juniour high was French immersion, and very very Catholic.
There were 8 boys, and 36 girls split between two classes. I didnt know girls pooped until my first week in highschool.
Honestly. Me and my best friend found out and it was a total paradigm shift. We absolutely no sex ed whatsoever. But none of us got knocked up or even kissed until we entered into that den of iniquity called high school. Makes yah think. Except not about pooping apparently...
Sup Forums is opposed to all kinds of education
>Ram in benis
>skeet skeet skeet
>don't return calls
There, you learned without degenerate indoctrination
>Implying Sup Forums will ever have the chance to use a condom
Nice pineapple
No I think it's really important to at least learn about the reproductive system, STDs and condom usage. Many boys seem to think girls pee out of their vaginas until they take the class. Many parents are too ashamed/scared to speak openly with their kids (especially religious parents). Teens are horny and should know how to practice safe sex in the case they end up in a position to do so. I never felt like the education was meant to promote having sex.
My health teacher was based. She stuck a piece of tape to one girl, then a boy, then a bunch of other people and was like you basically just had sex with all of those other people too (because of all the skin cells/oil stuck on the tape) to show that there are consequences to being promiscuous. Really horrified the girls and the course was not marxist pro-slut propaganda at all. That was in like 2008 though.
I should add that this was like a month long course a teacher did for maybe 40 minutes a day. It wasn't a full sex ed class in place of a regular subject for a full year or anything.
checked and kek'd.
Sex education is parent's responsibility
Schools teach biology & abstinence (the proven, most effective means of avioding stds/unintended pregnancy)
>But none of us got knocked up or even kissed
you equate kissing with being pregnant?
ur so beautiful :-)
are you retarded?
Only by state standards
Im pretty sure youre retarded
Satan Approved
I wouldn't know, I didn't get a sex education but thats probably because I chose to be a drifter instead of going to school, its a fucking miracle I was able to graduate high school really
If it controls the nigger, wigger, and spic populations, it's a good thing.
Sex education doesn't work
>“As they are currently designed, sex education programmes alone probably have no effect on the number of young people infected with HIV, other STIs or the number of pregnancies,” said lead author of the review, Dr Mason-Jones.
> they're going to be fucking regardless
We need to improve morals so that this is not the expectation that people have of them.
It is the parents' job, but parents are miserable fuckups in that area. Genital anatomy is considered 'sex ed' and should be given to everyone as part of normal biology. Schools should be responsible for disease prevention and birth control. The suggestion of abstinence should have about ten minutes devoted to it, because unless not fucking somehow didn't occur to the kids, it's pretty much pointless.
Maybe if you don't wanna have to explain sex to children, we should stop sexualizing children.
Thats the parents job when they are "that" age then the kid should learn by reading up on it with google.
Speaking of google...
>he doesnt know that girls actually do pee out of their vaginas
Kiss leads to sex.
If we taught people going into high school how to not be unsafe degenerates, then we would have less teen pregnancies.
We should probably also teach them consequences to having lots of sex like diseases, lack of an emotional connection with partners, pregnancy, and shit like that
So yeah, I don't really see a problem with it. Make abortion, condoms, birth control easier to get so we can keep unplanned pregnancies down, then nerf child support into only existing for families of people who actually contribute.
Because it doesn't fucking work.
Read Thomas Sowell's rundown on LBJ's sex ed programs and how well those turned out in terms of increasing stds, teen pregnancies and abortions.
Teaching kids about sex empowers them to have sex.
>this increases promiscuity
>implying teenagers haven't always been degenerate and promiscuous since we stopped marrying people off at age 16
Sexual education is a marxist invention to bring promiscuity to kids and teenagers.
No kid "needs" sexual education, everyone learns what sexual dimorphism is and how reproduction works in life. You father, grandfather, grandgrandfather probably didn't have sexed and they managed to stick their penises in their spouses vaginas just fine.
>STDs and pregnancies
Teenage pregnancy and STDs actually increased after the introduction of sexed.
If they are Christians then God will be with them
Promiscuity increased a lot in the 50's and 60's.
People were not always degenerates.
>“The median number of partners was one for those born in the 1910–20s, two for the 1930s cohort, three for (those born in the) 1940s, four for (those born in) the 1950s and ’60s, and three for those born in the 1970s, ’80s, and ‘90s.”
they must be educated, but in a manner entirely different from the liberal left. they must be tought the differences between men and women, and how to make relationships work
So you are suggesting that it would be easier and better to make teens less promiscuous somehow, to levels over 50 years old, by presenting a moral argument and lack of access to birth control, to teens controlled by the jew media, as opposed to doing as much as we can to prevent the spread of disease and unplanned pregnancies since they will be fucking anyways?
I wholeheartedly agree with you. Promiscuity is a problem, but not one that can be fixed at all by a course at school. This
argument is pretty silly, considering the teens have probably already been exposed to porn on the internet. We don't live in the same world that people used to. Education is important for understanding. Niggers and wiggers are going to hump in their teens, so the best thing for society is to try and prevent those kids from having kids.
see but also, morality has been kind of destroyed for most kids. They're not religious, have no belief in marriage as an institution. Having some faggot come up front and tell them that sex is bad is going to be about as effective as praying that your girlfriend doesn't get pregnant after you bust inside her. This is the easiest way to at least stop the fuckers from getting pregnant so easily.
Plus, it's the job of the parents to instill morality in their kids. If people wait to have kids until they're ready, then ideally, they will be better parents and instill a sense of morality in their kids at that time. It's not like La-a having 20 children by age 22 is going to produce any upstanding citizens.
birth control is what has caused stds to rise in the first place. it caused the sexual revolution in the 1960s.
Why should I learn about something I'll never use?
everyone knows they piss and shit out of their cloaca.
look at those melons...the pineapple too!
Kaffirs, homos and junkies caused AIDS user.
Problem with school sex ed. is they act as if condom is the end all answer to STDs. Even at my kid's college the safe sex pamphlet they hand out makes the same condom = safe stance. There is no one beating it into their heads that condom is worthless vs herpes. There is no one beating it into their heads that oral sex, kissing, or even sharing drinks out of same bottle can lead to STDs. No, its here, help yourself to free condoms, go fuck.
What's the name of the woman attached to those two?
B-but muh cummies.
The only sex education they need is that sex belongs between a man and a woman who are married.
Emily Helen Barry
I learned more about sex from watching porn and jerking off then I did anything else. I didn't know how pregnancy happened until I came in the shower once, saw the results, and realized the relationship between berry-ing your dick and that experience. It just clicked.
And my "sex education" was at a Christian school where they made sure to just tell you about STDs to scare you.
oh man, here i fucking go again
i've been masturbating too fucking much, i go like 2 or 3 times a week. or everyday without climaxing, just to relax or put me to sleep. i sometimes succeed and lay off.
i dunno dude. these high-test bitches man, these fucking high-test bitches....just drives me fucking nuts.
>teach kids to have sex
>instead of teach them to avoid it entirely
They should teach kids that when a woman lets a man cum inside of her, her DNA changes permanently