Why are malls dying in america today? Also tell the story of your childhood mall that is now dead

Why are malls dying in america today? Also tell the story of your childhood mall that is now dead

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Amazon's fault. Quite literally.

Niggers move in stores move out, simple as that

are any of your childhood malls dead?


Online shopping monopolies

Because they're boring as fuck and overpriced, only good for trying on clothes.

I used to spend hours browsing stores in the mall, Virgin Megastore and HMV etc looking though the 3 for 25 games and the cheapo movies

>tfw you'll never experience an early 2000's mall again

t. 93 fag

>no money
>social media took over

There was a shooting at my mall. Fox reported 20 dead and 20 injured. In the end one person was shot in the leg. That mall will be closing soon.

Why should I pay 20 for something at the mall, when I can order from amazon and have it overnight for 5?

Everything is overpriced

mine isnt, actually its pretty healthy

Why do people lament the death of malls? They were centers of female narcissism. No man liked going to a mall. They were a waste of valuable real estate.

You could make the argument that they were a place or people to get out of the house and be around people, but even then you weren't interacting with other people. Just walking around aimlessly to fulfill your materialistic urges.

They are a trivial elements of a functional economy.

These are CIA threads

I see you Bezos

Malls suck. They only carry Chinese shit mostly. You can find anything worth buying. It's no wonder online shopping won. I'm not going to buy "luxury" dress shoes with a fucking rubber sole , made in China/Bangladesh, at the mall when I can spend the same money online and get Italian leather shoes.
Same for all male clothing honestly. Nobody carries shit worth buying, it's all Chinese nylon shit

So Dan Bell can make videos.

is right. My "childhood mall" isn't dead, but its been converted into nigger central. What used to be full of specialty & mom-n-pop stores is now full of rap culture crap. There's even a store called Lids that literally just sells these hideous nigger sports hats

well the malls in Milwaukee close down because niggers go there, fight each other, and go on looting sprees in large groups.

online shopping

arcades, movie theaters & listening to new CDs at record stores/headphone kiosks

One of the 3 is hanging on by a thread, but I think they lost their last anchor store this winter. The other two in the area are pretty popular, as well as the newer outdoor mall 'shopping centres'


Who the hell wants to go to a mall? Let them die

Because they made money and are not doing so anymore.

Businesses do not have to be socially useful, you autist.

Malls were never good. Don't let nostalgia disguise the fact its a dirty hive for shoplifters niggers and boomers.

Amazon/other online shops + stagnating wages couples with rising living costs did it. Plus, strip malls and specialty stores are still becoming more popular.

my local small one is dead and lost it's main store when British Home Stores shut down, it was shit anyway towards the end. Just a big ol empty shop and a bunch of womens clothes shops and phone shops and cuckbucks.

It ain't going nowhere. Due to the fact of tourism for Back to the Future

Malls suck. You can get anything you want online, why got to a cesspool of degenerates?

Malls died for white men decades ago.
Now they are just a mirror of TV ads, full of niggers and vapid women buying shitty Chinese made crap

Niggers and online shopping.

Malls are fine where I am, dunno about you

That's not forsefair mall on winton rd is it?

You americans are so fucking consumerist that malls are even an important part of your childhood. Unbelievable

This senpai.

Unlike most on this board, though, I'll actually probably quite miss malls once they fully go out of style. They always felt so decadent, the gaming and technology shops always kicked ass, and the food courts were always delicious. Oh, and fucking Auntie Ann's is God--tier.

Forest fair*

Just got back from King of Prussia. Shit was YUGE

Malls are a gigantic consumerist waste of space. Let them all be torn down and something useful built in their place.

Define useful?

No malls done right can be really good for the community. It's better to have all the shopping condensed into a small area. Stop falling for the spread out city kikery to get you to buy cars.

> says the literally who country.

Your flyover is showing.
t.fellow flyover

because malls have become hangouts for loud niggers, spics, and hooligans that cause mischief

They have to provide something useful to society or they die, like they currently are. If you cannot adapt then it's no one's fault but your own. One of the first to feel this was blockbuster and the most recent one feeling this is the mainstream media.

>Nice mall
>Dindus move in
>Dindu single moms drop off feral offspring, using mall as free daycare
>Dindu stuff starts up, harassment, fights, theft, and general disorder...
>... up to and including gang shootings.
>White people with money to spend roll out.
>Broke-ass dindus don't have money to spend
>Stores go under
>Mall goes under
>Seen it happen

>El Salvador
How was your childhood living in a shack sucking your moms tits to the age of 8?

Niggers and market changes.

Nobody wants to go to a store when you have to pass through a throng of loud loitering nignogs to get there.

>Why are malls dying in america today?
Niggers and spics ruin them.

>Stop falling for the spread out city kikery to get you to buy cars.
>implying I like gridlocked automobile bullshit either

A center for the culling of minorities or the promotion of white families.

>go to local mall
>niggers and spics everywhere
>go into mall's barnes and noble
>only white people

Made me think

A mix of online shopping and many malls have become central hubs for niggers to lounge around all day running off shoppers. My childhood mall is still around but there's almost no stores left and it only caters to women and niggers now. No more music stores or game stores or bookstores or toy stores. Hell even the Sears is halfway closed up.

This. Happened to two malls in my area. They tried an update to one but the negro menace remained. Now down to one actual mall. I don't go so not sure it's state currently.


>Grow up in Oakland County (Metropolitan Detroit).
>Live within driving distance of three malls, but the nearest in Summit Place, the state's first enclosed shopping mall.
>Place has a ton of history.
>Approximately 200 stores at its peak.
>Sprawling 1,400,000 sq ft of retail area.
>Little Jenny, the fucking ELEPHANT, was buried beneath the mall in 1972.
>Tons of excellent stores, an awesome dinosaur mural, great cinema; the place had it all.
>Niggers start flooding in from nearby Pontiac.
>Larceny and gang-related violence skyrocket.
>Most white suburbanites choose to shop at Twelve Oaks/Great Lakes Crossing instead.
>Take their hard-earned income with them.
>Summit Place Mall now known as "Scumit Place Mall."
>Stores shut down by the hundreds because niggers typically don't spend welfare bux when they shoplift.
>Sears, the last tenant, announces they're closing their doors in 2014.
It's a fucking desolate slab of concrete now. Lots of drug dealers, gangbangers, vandals and vagrants still hang around. Tons of scrapping going on.
Still miss the place a lot.

Online shopping destroys local businesss and communities.

I don't like malls. Never have. Just chock full of slow walking retards and shitty stores which cater to teenagers.

what's a mall ?

I only liked malls because when I was a kid it was the only time I got to go to the big city and it meant finding video games I couldn't get at places like Walmart at the time. Now I just like to do a lap for the sake of memories.

>Why are malls dying in america today?

Online shopping, people have less disposable income.

Used to love going to Aladdins castle arcade back when arcades were still a thing. And there was a place that sold these awesome freshly baked chocolate chip cookies in the food court. Can't remember the name but it seemed like every mall had one.

Now, at the mall near my house every store is closed except radio shack and jc penny.

Oh hey not Mexico
How are you doing not literally any other fucking Central American country

great american cookie

Idk but from my experience is because it's become infested with niggers, spics and mudskins It's become the hangout if degenerates

Malls aren't dead yet in my area at least except a couple maybe. Mostly a problem in ethnic areas.
What I do miss are the arcades.
>tfw you will never play Primal Rage and walk out of the mall with a new Magic deck or a holographic Japanese Generation II Pokémon card


Internet killed the mall

>Businesses do not have to be socially useful
But it helps if they are. Governments give subsidies to things that are good for the public.

This. BUT it has to be done right, or it will turn into a ghetto.

I remember my childhood mall. It was great, brought the community together with very little crime.

The problem after a long period of time was when it became a ghetto, I don't know what came first, whether the town became a ghetto and the mall got drawn into it, or the surrounding shitty suburbs became ghettos and then drew in the infrastructure around it, i.e. the train station, which then took over the mall.

Nowadays its a shithole, I wouldn't take my kids there, theft is commonplace, monkeys hollering and yelling shit at random people, murders in the surrounding areas, stores closing down, etc

One word Amazon.

exactly this, no one wants to visit a "mall" where most of the stores have long since closed, vast expanses of empty dark lit space patrolled by roving packs of illegal tacos and niggers. Mine was East Towne Mall, which became Knoxville Centre (after east vs west gang shit, I think?) It had it's heyday, but lack of upkeep and lack of keeping darkies in their place ultimately led to it's demise. They'd run off the 7-8 white kids out front who actually shopped and bought things, but never say a word to the massive pack of chimps hooting up a storm beside the movie theater. Makes you wonder how much longer we are going to continue completely bending over backwards for a bunch of brain dead negroes. Will we let them forever continue ruining everything they touch, or will we collectively wake up one day? Really activates my almonds.

Forgot to mention,

>tfw younger millennials or my children will never know the feeling of pwning a n00b at Killer Instinct with an ultra combo on a giant 10 foot screen in front of a cheering crowd. Feelsbadman.jpg

My local malls are still alive but I live in rural hickersberg and literally all there is to do here is go to the shopping malls.

>Aladdins castle

Dem feels!

The Amazon model comes to mind. They don't have storefronts that consume rent, utilities, etc. Malls have to pay property taxes and the tenants pay that as part of their rent for a storefront or kiosk.

Instead,Amazon distribution centers (which is core infrastructure) and that's where their overhead lies.

Malls are useful if they have a well integrated movie theater and food court that isn't shit. I only go to a mall to see things physically or try them on then buy online where it's cheaper. If it's broken I return it to the store at the mall.

I will say that malls are top tier when it's Christmas time
>Dem decors
>DAT Santa display
>The tunes on the speakers
>Everything smells wonderful and is Christmas red and green

I do miss going to game stores back in the late 90s/early2000s before they became shitspots

No. Niggers destroy local businesses and communities.

For example, Northgate Mall is the oldest mall in the USA.

It has been doing great for 60+ years and it's right in the middle of Amazon's home town, Seattle.

The destroyed malls are part of the Nigger Tax that all of us pay for living in proximity to these fucking chimps.

But don't get mad at the niggers. Get mad at the ones who are behind the niggers, who introduce these creatures into our neighborhoods, who persecute anyone who dares notice what is plain to see, the ones who can't be criticized, no matter what.



>Oh boy time to go to the mall to buy some stuff to further my comfortable neet lifestyle
>Spend 15 minutes in traffic to get down the street to the highway
>Spend a half hour in highway traffic to get two miles down the road
>take off ramp into the clusterfuck that is commerce hub merging hell
>Spend another 15 minutes in traffic just trying to get from the off ramp, to the mall, which is a quarter mile away
>"OH BOY time to see what sweet buys there are to be had!"
>Walk in, be mid 20s, looking at scores upon scores of teenage chads and stacies with hair colors and clothing styles that seem out of mad max
>Depression intensifies
>pass by shoe store
>Pass by shoe store
>pass by shoe store
>pass by shoe store
>Pass by gamestop
>Walk by the second gamestop in the mall (seriously my mall has fucking 2)
>Think about killing yourself for a minute
>look over and see an empty sears with depressed looking employees
>"H-hey hottopic... That was a pretty cool store when I was a kid"
>Walk in, hear some gay ass screamo playing
>Nothing but graphic tees for shitty cuck bands and jack skellington guages
>Think about killing yourself some more
>Find an industrial sized container of neeteros
>Go to pay for it
>"That'll be $200 user!"
>Finally get fed the fuck up with everything and jump in front of oncoming traffic outside of a TGI Fridays

and this is exactly why malls are dying.

Malls are nothing more than beaner and nigger playpens. I haven't been to one in years and won't bother. Hope they all fold and we can demolish these eyesores. Walmarts too

1) the internet
2) some reverse white-flight - as most malls were built just outside of cities or in suburbs, where the poor are now moving/getting pushed out by gentrification as wealthier whites are moving back into the cities

there's a mall in my hometown that's thriving, but that's because it's an extremely wealthy suburb with a city government that fights as goddamn hard as it can to keep black people/poor people from moving in

>7-8 white kids out front who actually shopped and bought things, but never say a word to the massive pack of chimps hooting up a storm beside the movie theater

holy shit this is so true in my country
>white kids are kicked out because they're 'being loud, 'aggressive' and are grouping together'
>but they aren't stealing things and are actually making purchases at clothing stores, game stores, going to the theatre, etc
>meanwhile islanders are standing around in packs being hyper aggressive, stealing shit

No one will confront them, security are too scared, but not of the white kids, and will turn a blind eye

solid chuckle, thanks user.

My childhood equivalent of a mall is still busy as fuck every day. I think it's one of the biggest in europe or something

>not being able to find shoe in store or in my size.
>online all sizes and numerous models of clothes are available but can't know how it'll fit until I get it

The mall in my home town is now a super walmart. Many such cases, Sad!

I went to school in this town, where they claimed tohave the first modern mall in teh country. God I loved that movie theater.


I wonder what'll become of all those multiple story malls.
Went to one somewhere in Quebec once. It had like five floors.

that was like a trump tweet

yeah it was pretty hilarious looking back on it now, we were just being white teens talking about dumb shit (probably tekken at the arcade) or whatever, and the mall blarts come out, look all flustered at the negro battalion, then immediately come over where we are and run us off. They wore gay mountie hats too. Bunch of cucks. Last time I went there it was grim. Not only are niggers still there, ruining what's left, there are now little mud colored mexican families buying shit tier china clothes for their ugly little offspring, generally looking amazed at a desolate husk of a building with water damage in almost every other roof panel. I can see why the niggers are still there though, there's pretty much no one in the store except a cucked security team and bored employees (usually one or two to an entire store) spread out around the place. I imagine stealing is easy, and I doubt the blart fucks would even stop them if they saw them in the act of stealing. I have good memories though, gonna miss Aladdin's castle (it's now a closed down vape shop), and arcades in general.

rent prices skyrocketed and it brought down consumerism with it

The mall near my house got infested with niggers. Now, many people are worried about going there due to the multitude of robberies that happen in the parking lot. The only store that gets regular business is the Foot Locker.

I think malls as buildings can look nice when built in a non-generic way. Unfortunately as you say they'll never be profitable as long as they serve as play pens for minorities. The one I live closest to is used by old white people as an air conditioned walking track then they leave and the niggers show up and hog it the rest of the day.

bluewater is pretty shit desu.

Honestly, the only malls that are surviving where I live converted to higher end stores like gucci, nordstroms, shit like that, because the poor people that destroyed the other malls, can't even afford to shop there. I never buy anything at the mall, usually just go for food, I like the spaghetti factory and pf changs

>They don't have storefronts that consume rent

They actually do. An amazon book store just opened up at a mall near me. It was small for a book store, but it was packed. If I remember correctly, you could scan qr codes on an Amazon app and buy off amazon online

here's another mall I grew up with. This one closed lamost entirely due to a demographic


Also similar to what this person said the mall known as "River Oaks" became "Nigger Oaks"

Best post on Sup Forums

>Why do people lament the death of malls?

It depends on what generation you were.

As a gen X kid malls were social centers from jr high until you got your own car. There was no internet for us and the mall was a place to meet and hang out.

That is where you met the most qt's that didn't go to your school.


First post in almost 4 years..

Aladdin's Castle.. Had a birthday party there once, amazing memories.

I went to a mall that I hadn't been to in over 6 years to buy a visa gift card with cash. Here's what I noticed 6 years ago
>white people

and what I noticed now
>no white people

There are busses that ship the nigs in from the hood and they all have obamabux to buy fast food and clothes.
That's why malls are dead.

And of course they don't take cash anymore (because of nigs) so it was a useless trip. I went to an all-white CVS after I realized they sell prepaid visas and paid in cash no problem.

I grew up outside Pittsburgh and the Monroeville Mall was fucking awesome (the same mall featured in Dawn of the Dead)

It hit a tipping point in 2015:

"On February 7, 2015, a juvenile later identified as 17-year-old Tarod Thornhill entered the men's department on the lower level of Macy's department store about 7:30 p.m. and shot his intended target and two bystanders, leaving two with critical injuries. Victims were sent to nearby Forbes Hospital."

There's now heavily armed police regularly circling the mall campus and staading near all doors

there are a few outdoor malls near me that on occasion i go to. I'm always surprised by how busy they are.

The mall i went to as a kid had two fatal stabbings in January.

Malls are full of nonwhites, the sales staff is also not white, nor are they helpful, and they never have what I want in stock. Furthermore, the power of the internet has allowed me cost savings, even if shipping is incurred, in most cases. Unless it's something I absofuckinglutely need today, why bother?

>don't take cash anymore
?? You would think that would be a problem with credit, are stores inside the mall being held up?