USA Civil War II soon?
The left are incrementalists.
They know that direct action would be detrimental to their plans.
The left knows that they will be beaten badly by citizens, police, and the military in a very short time if they ever dared leave their comfort zones and media umbrellas.
It is their job to be entertaining.
It is unfortunate that the standards by which entertainment is measured have sunken so low.
the left would get slaughtered
2020 is the prediction in "civil war II", have you read it?
it won't be left v right, but 3 sided race war, libfags will get the message early and join us, or get btfo by the nigs and spics
That's nice Cletus.
The left would try, but get shit on. They fantasise way too much about violent revolutions and shit, when what they do looks like flailing
The United States of America has never been "united," even the name of our country is war propaganda.
Only ghetto nigs will go with the spics. Blacks with jobs will be on team whitey however much they hate it.
To be honest both the right and left are fucking retarded and should be killed so normal people can live their normal lives until we die.
God I hope so.
blacks and spics will generally be on different sides, even the good nigs will have to make the choice between going nigger and getting put in a camp
anyone read this?
Never happening. Gov will shut that fucker down before the first shot. They cannot risk it, the country is over the second it happens and they know it.
mass starvation, foreign interference, split military w/nukes. nobody on either 'side' would win we'd all be annihilated.
What you will see is more Wacos, Ruby Ridges, 9/11s, anything to prevent that.
When are they gonna unleash the Chicago orc hordes
>Never happening. Gov will shut that fucker down before the first shot
how do you shut down a civil war? presumably there will be some military on both/each side
I hope not.
It'd be way more complex. Rich vs poor, different races, different religions... Everyone would be fighting for what they believe individually. It won't be a civil war, more like a mass scale riot involving everyone
I'm ready for round 2
why do you think that?
Whites rarely riot, but they would protect themselves form nignog and spic rioters
have you looked at the demographics of the states?
Civil War 2: Return of the Sherman
What is your name?
Who knows, I've never expected such 3rd world shit tier in the US as stick wars and shitstorm between the current and the past admin, so I do concider Civil War a possibility now.
Why you think every major city has 2 or 3 military bases with dedicated interstate access? They can shut a city down in 20 minutes. An american civil war becomes a world war in a week.
>posting in a DHS/ATF thread
fucking kek
>Left Hates guns
>Right Loves 'em
Good luck with that.
Dahnald. It is imperative that we prevent this from happening.
Obtaining the fabled Galactigates is the utmost priority, Dahnald. If civil war were to break out, our technological progress as a country will be set back for decades.
We must stand united in the light of true constitutional conservatism and advance our capabilities to reach the stars with our allies.
New KB thread:
Also one is, look up my US Coup/Civil War operation KB in the archives:
yes. its pretty accurate and we are very fucking close to a war.
Whites property owners with jobs etc would never get involved, theyre too pacified. Not until the power grid goes down or something drastic. Its all fantasy from WNs who've read the turner diaries too much.
Because way back then you either wanted to be British or American and almost everyone was white. America had only just been found. Now there are spics, asians, whites, blacks, muslims, gang members, psycho narcissists, what have you. The demographics are far too variable for a simple republican vs liberal civil war
Didn't know the family had a meme...
haha you guys are funny.
yup, although some would say it started in 65, or even earlier
if you'd bothered reading my posts in the thread you'd see I was suggesting it will probably be a 3 way war, as they are the main demographics
you think comfy Whites won't get involved if niggers and spics start attacking them, their families, or other Whites? not so comfy when others are outright attacking
if you've been on Sup Forums for more than a week, you must know the interracial crime stats, black on White and spic on White? and how the media systematically covers up shitskin on White crime? I think the war would have gone hot a long time ago if the media had been honest, and more and more Whites are learning about the vast differences in crimes targeting Whites compared to the opposite
no response?
What I am saying lad is if there was a civil war I would just go full Elliot on everybody and so would a lot of other people. (It'd be a lot less predictable)
It may be hispanics on blacks on whites but it just isn't that simple. Now, no response... Time to sleep
>implying only libtards are anti-confederate
those suburban and rural cucks got what they deserved
full elliot?
f-fuken lightweight, I swear down
what makes you think the next civil war will be south v north?
do you know anything about hte demographics of the various states? hint: the mexican border states are already majority spic in younger age groups, the deep south is heavily black in younger age groups especially. wait a decade or few and they are defacto spic/nig
Only after we stomp out all the nations that would intervene first in ww3
then we can purge the world hard