Let's discuss the origins of the Yakub, and his benefit to humanity.
/yakub/ General
Quick rundown for you honkies
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?
who is yakub
As a white man I hold vigil every night for Yakub in gratitude for creating my race.
All praise be to Yakub.
>This thread
please make a new one daily, I need to know all on Yakub
The inventor of Science.
That pictograph....WOKE
so white people are actually black peoples' fault?
rip your narrative top kek
According to the Nation of Islam (Nigger Muslim Cult once led by Malcolm X):
Yakub was a black scientist who lived "6,600 years ago" and began the creation of the white race to be a "race of devils".
He is said to have done this through a form of selective breeding referred to as "grafting", while living on the island of Patmos.
The Nation of Islam theology claims that Yakub is the biblical Jacob.
Yakub acquired the nickname "big head", because of his unusually large head and his arrogance. At the age of six, he discovered the law of attraction and repulsion by playing with magnets made of steel.
This insight led to a plan to create the white people.
He saw that white people with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man.
Mainstream Sunni and Shia Muslims do not have this belief, or anything similar to it.
I've created an Australia approved infographic to explain
haha white-on-black crime is black-on-black crime by proxy
WOKE af b
Stay woke g
He created the white man to be a slave race. So, to make them easier to control, he added empathy and impulse control to their DNA. Unfortunately, that didn't work out the way he imagined.
I like how even in their own mythos of being ancient super geniuses, blacks are somehow still outsmarted by whitey.
Heres where he bred those crackers
Only Yakub was able to activate his pineal gland
you can find his story in the quran , wikiislam isn't a a representative to islam .
This is what niggers actually believe.
quite the conqueror I see..
I wonder if these guys have science battles.
Islam bows to Yakub
Yakub made Islam
>tfw to intellgient
Yakub bows to the Bogdanoffs
kys Saudi, your just trying to give all credit of Yakubs work to muhammad. Face it, Yakub was the creator
>blacks are 100% melanin
Finally, a more profitable use for the BLOOD REFINERIES.
Every religion deserves eccentricity like this, its like trolling the world with religion
The Christians have Mormons
And Islam needs Yakub
We wuz crowd believe he created white people on a island and then they conqueredthe planet.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on these guys?
And actually Noah's descendant is the one who birthed races. He had 3 sons, and each one of them represented each races (mongoloid, caucasoid, negroid).
It's according from what I heard though, could be from hadist.
you know, im pretty sure hitler was trying to stop this. give em rights and they think they created the fucking world. holy hell.
Oh snap watch this white Muslim BTFO out of NOI.
>The inventor of Science.
>rundown for ants
When did you take the big head pill Sup Forums?
His mouth is terrifying.
Also, was that video essentially saying that Yakub has just one weird trick to rule over the darker tribes, and basically niggers fucking HATE him?
>at the top of my list is Age, but only because it begins with an A
Stop being white.
Egyptians were Brown. Egypt's Slaves were Nigger Nubians or Pale Jews.
So Yakub created White. And the Afro Samurai is the ancestor of East Asians.