Where did people get this from, is there some evidence that I'm missing? How could you possibly think people from Egypt are the same as those who were put on the slave boats from a geological perspective? People pretend that Egyptians are like the Aztecs and died out, but aren't they still here today? Can't we look at Egyptians and see that they obviously aren't black? Is there an actual argument for this or am I just a retard?
Black Egyptians
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blacks don't know where they are from so they larp
original egypt was allegedly not-white
Because their history was shit so they force themselves into other races
home boys gonna have the hairline of a 50 year old after wearing that for a week, it's gonna give him traction alopecia.
So google's woke is like us saying red pilled?
I assume it started with the early 20th century popularity of King Tut, and American Negro intellectuals of that period had something to do with it.
>t. Niggerologist
Well yeah they got conquered by Italians
Fuck knows. They have people like this sheboon calling themselves queens so they think they built the fucking pyramids in Egypt. What makes it worse are the absolute idiots who agree with them.
Three things:
1. Black people have achieved nothing. No great art, no sophisticated culture, no grand conquest, nothing. Their entire history is cannibalism, barbarity, and subjugation by everybody else. Try explaining to a child that its people have absolutely nothing to be proud of.
2. Egypt is technically in Africa, which they believe is pitch black. The idea of varying shades a brown is insulting to them, as everyone is either white as snow and as evil as Skeletor or black as coal and as virtuous as God himself. If Egyptians aren't White they must be Black, right?
3. Niggers are fucking stupid and do stupid shit. Probably watched too much Yugioh growing up.
Why do people act like Egyptians disappeared?
Aren't Coptic Christians/Copts the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians.
>but aren't they still here today?
Nah the Arabs basically wiped them out - which is why modern Egypt is an Arab country and not really 'Egyptian' at all. Modern Egyptians are 'Egyptian' in the same way the modern French are 'Gauls'.
The Coptic Christians are the closest you'll get to the original native Egyptians although they've been Arabized they still maintain the old language for liturgy and genetic testing has shown that they're quite distinct from the Arab majority of the country.
But anyway yeah the whole KANGZ bullshit has no evidence at all beyond the fact that the Nubians briefly conquered Egypt.
I remember a leaf tripfag professor in 2014/5 that used to argue to the KANGZ' side in these threads. Where is him?
They're about as close as you'll ever see.
People sort of forget that entire region is full of isolationist motherfuckers who basically guarantee at least some amount of them would exist centuries later.
Thread Theme:
Except to be woke you have to submerge yourself in peaceful delusions, whereas redpills are uncomfortable truths that break away conditioning.
I don't know why people get so obsessed with claiming that their race is responsible for dem pyramids. You have these dumb sub Saharan's who go on and on bout them pyramids brah, and then you have these March of the Titan type guys who say the Egyptians were Aryans and that we waz ancient Aryan Aztec space gods brah.
Claiming the achievements of ancient dead civilizations is not good for any ones mental health.
>So google's woke is like us saying red pilled?
That explains a lot
Beneath the key rests the code to his EBT account.
I kinda feel bad for them, knowing they're so historically empty that they have to steal other cultures' accomplishments as their own, but then I realize they're dumb dirty apes and suddenly I don't feel so bad anymore
This is obviously a black person.
Lips, cheek bones and eyes.
Plus why would egyptians ware those head dresses if they weren't fighting their afros?
It's the only African civilization they know of so we wuz.
Does anyone have that image of a black person complaining about the Egyptian in night at the museum being played by a white guy?
Just like Sup Forumslution
It's because in the 19th century burger philosophers and intellectuals justified racial caste and hierarchy by saying only whites and asians were capable of building civilizations then the Euros invented archaeology and started digging around their various colonies and found things out about Egypt and the Middle East.
Inevitably some blacks that could read got their hands on some of these books and learned that they wuz kangz all along and they could internalize the writings of both current and classical philosophy while omitting the parts where they said niggers were retarded and shouldn't be left to run anything because that was clearly just added in later by fraudulent white patriarchs who embodied the ideal lifestyle that rightfully belonged to the true kangz.
This is why no kang will ever actually pick up a spade and go dig around Aksum but will spend 5000 nighours cracking the conspiracy that Andrew Jackson (An'Druuze Ja Shaun) was actually a kang who espoused fellow nubians killing off the cave apes for rightful kang lebensraum
I'm probably wrong but honestly it seems like a troll job that some cheeky jew concocted. Blacks, while largely worthless and violent are extremely impressionable when it comes to media. If you asked your average HOL UPper why they don't like Trump, they'd probably say because he wants to deport them. I don't find it very far fetched convincing them that they were a people they had absolutely nothing to do with, but would believe as gospel because of tupac or whatever the fuck goes through their minds.
Because they have no concept of geography and think Africa=bantus
I love how their country doesn't suffer from this political correctness bullshit, must be nice.
I intentionally say nigger in front of my lefty (white) friends just to watch them wince.
Egyptians had a bit of a tan.
So naturally to people with smaller brains than monkeys this means that they were from the congo.
The royal penis is clean your highness
So the Jews were enslaved by the ancient Egyptians for a lot longer than 200 years, if blacks were kangz then blacks owe Jews reparations.
Actually, that headdress was made for someone else. Tutankhamen's tomb was a rush job - craftsmen didn't have time to do it properly.
hm really made me think
>Why do people act like Egyptians disappeared?Aren't Coptic Christians/Copts the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians.
Yes those who emigrated to Europe during the golden eras of Egypt.
Egypt was conquered over and over and over again by different groups of people that ranged from white to as dark as the Nubians.
They are mixed beyond recognition and mostly are just Arabic now.
>Kalergi said his model for Europe was to mix it beyond recognition like what happened to the Egyptians.