Shouldn't we be supporting this?
> Decreases overall spending
> Decreases poverty, teen pregnancies are the largest cause
> Overwhelmingly affects non-white minorities
Free Birth Control and Teen Pregnancy Prevention
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Removing gibs has that effect, too.
Birth control is very cheap, condoms are like 3$ for 3 and a month worth of female birth control is like 25$ a month?
the one on the right has that one woman fitness. too bad it will fade in 3 years and she will be fat and not even know why cause her metabolism just reamed her looks.
>decrease poverty
yeah people like that
Yes. Idealogically it's absurd. Take care of yourself. However, I advocate the government giving out $500 at age sixteen for women to get government provided 10 year IUD implants. It would save trillions in tax dollars.
Oh right, I always wondered where I got my redhead fetish from
> the one on the right has that one woman fitness. too bad it will fade in 3 years and she will be fat and not even know why cause her metabolism just reamed her looks.
Are you retarded? Were you alive in the last 20 years?
No fucking way was Lindsey that hot!
Obviously you've never bought either of those
Is the one in the rainbowl shirt legal?
Look at those perky teen breasts. Why did kek forsake her?
just saying her looks will be taken and she will not know why cause she has that one woman fitness but its metabolism.
> Not knowing who Lindsay Lohan is
I don't even know what to say or how to react to this
Havent u seen Mean Girls?
>Thinking people give a fuck about your celebrities
Sorry but nobody outside your borders could give less of a fuck about who retarded Americans decide to make famous.
Thats not a counter argument
Female birth control costs 15$-50$ A month
Condoms come in a three pack for 3 dollars.
Are you an asspained female or liberal by chance?
>expecting people in other countries to identify our jew-picked television representatives
You're either a virgin or a clueless nigger that has 3 random kids, because you weren't even clue on either of those values.
Condoms are not fucking cheap. Virgin.
Make birth control as easily accessible as condoms
Same shit, better results, helps with periods, etc.
It's just birth control
It'll curb teen pregnancies and prevent abortions and shit
no I don't but she has that young fit thing going if your picture is her.
just let me know how she pans out cause I don't follow your shows and such. my prediction is she will lose her firmness fast.
How about we don't and remove the welfare state instead? I don't want to pay for people's bad choices.
Lindsay Lohan was the perfect woman to me. It is a damn shame what happened to her.
>no I don't but she has that young fit thing going if your picture is her.
>just let me know how she pans out cause I don't follow your shows and such. my prediction is she will lose her firmness fast.
She went batshit and started doing drugs
She stayed skinny though, the only thing fucking her up was drugs
So no, Sven, you were wrong
get your hands out of my wallet commie
give them real sex ed in school instead of only promoting abstinence, it's free and actually works
There doesn't need to be a counter argument, because you didn't make an initial argument.
You just spouted wrong prices.
Birth control can be as inexpensive as $4 a month.
Most condoms are $15 for 10, and that's bargain bin tier condoms.
You weren't even close.
>Are you an asspained female or liberal by chance?
This is coming from the same faggot that was bitching about non arguments.
Fuck off faggot.
Candace Bailey will forever be hotter than Lindsay
thin and firm are two different things. my predictions is the firmness gets lost quick. not the skinny.
Free birth controlâ„¢ whites only.
are you saying you want a quick rundown?
do you buy yours from a convenience store?
By the way those aren't arguments
You could do both and it would be even more effective.
You can find them much cheaper online if you buy in bulk.
Pulling out works way better than they taught us in health class. People are just retarded. I pulled out for the first year and half with my last girlfriend and we had a lot of drunk sex.
Why not raise kids and be a parent instead? Much more effective than some hormone-disrupting and brain-damaging pill.
Blow it out your ass you retarded faggot.
Sex education is parent's role & responsibility
Schools teach biology & abstinence (the most proven effective means of avoiding stds/unintended pregnancy)
Why are magnums called magnums
my penis is average but I Need to wear a magnum. Normal condoms squeeze my dick so hard i almost get a penile bruise.
I just Googled what you did and checked the links.
Those are the prices for shipped condoms not in store.
With shipping and processing, they are a total of $7 for 3. And those are dumpster tier condoms you selected.
You've never bought condoms in your life.
Fuck off virgin faggot.
Isn't she that slag that converted to islam?
>More asinine links for SHIPPED condoms.
You're a retarded nigger. Fuck off.
Nothing on earth is free. Someone has to pay for it. The government should not have a hand in this whatsoever, it's not what their job is.
Actually, free birth control is already available to everyone. It's called not being a degenerate and abstaining.
I bought a value pack of 26 trojans for like $15 from target the other day so it's p cheap desu
I kinda skimmed this thread but google shopping links are filled with fake stores with low prices
Yes yes yes.
All you white nationalist types who care about demographic trends and birthrates and whatnot- don't you realize that white birthrate is lower because they have better sex ed and more educated women than other races? If we can bring these things to colored people than the demographic trends will start to even out, you should all be behind this 100%.
>thinking Sup Forums would set aside their fervid hatred for minorities for even a single moment long enough to use logic
What did he mean by this?
the argument wasn't where you buy them.
There are cheap available options for birth control if you aren't a lazy retarded faggot.
YES! It's a gib but it's a very small gib which prevents the bigger gibs in the future. Down south we know who needs the birth control.
It literally ends up saving taxpayer money to subsidize free birth control though, since retard teenage women don't have shit tons of kids who end up on state support while they bounce in and out of employment.
you just had to pour salt in the wound. Guess I gotta beat it.
>Condoms are not fucking cheap
>the argument wasn't where you buy them.
Correct, it wasn't.
But your online prices neglect to include shipping and handling fees, so they are not as cheap as you claim.
>There are cheap available options for birth control if you aren't a lazy retarded faggot.
Which is what I initially claimed.
You're the fucking retard that claimed it was an overly expensive minimum of $15 a month.
You can't even follow your own argument.
Kill yourself retard; you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
desu if you average the price with the number of times you'll get burned buying from those kinds of sites, it's probably nowhere near as cheap as the listed prices
That's a cure for a symptom, not the illness.
The solution isn't to increase government's role, but to reduce it.
Remove state support. Let the retard genes die.
Sounds like someone can't plan ahead.
>mfw that's the exact kind of person that ends up with a kid and blames the government
>Sounds like someone can't plan ahead.
Which was not my point, retard.
My point was your prices don't include shipping.
Try to keep up.
>prime lohan
It's still around or less than $1/condom if you buy in bulk, you can get packs of 20-30 from stores like Walmart for like $15-20 and don't have to worry about getting screwed with shipping. You're kind of a retard (or just in dire need) if you buy those shitty little gas-station 3-packs.
My exact wording was female birth control is in between 15-50
You got yourself so flustered you can't even remember what I said lmao
Top 3 all time in my book. These aren't even her hottest ones.
Sure, but $15-20 lump investments are not cheap for the shitheads that should be using them.
Plus those types of prices aren't guaranteed all the time.
How much is shipping going to be for those, though? If you buy the magnums for about 20 bucks, you're getting condoms for less than .50 apiece. Even if the shipping were like 15 fucking dollars that would still be far less than $1 a condom and would still be pretty cheap.
Which won't happen because these people won't vote to allow it to, you need to account for pragmatic externalities.
> Remove state support
That's not going to happen though because these people are here and won't allow it because retards can vote. What we can do is something which means they won't be reproducing as much and polluting the collective population's quality nearly as much and decreasing our total amount of spending on them.
>My exact wording was female birth control is in between 15-50
>that claimed it was an overly expensive minimum of $15 a month.
What part of these two statements conflict with one another?
They don't. And I corrected your minimum price.
Again, fuck off retard.
i miss candice
I'm sorry your so poor you can't afford 15$ a month lmao
I clicked on one of the 2$ for 3 packs and it ended up being $6.80.
That's how they jew you.
You might as well just use saran wrap at that point.
You don't cheap out on condoms.
>I'm sorry your so poor you can't afford 15$ a month lmao
Not talking about myself.
This entire thread was in the context of people who are poor like teens and minorities.
Again, fuck off.
Google telegony
Pull out game skrong
JK I made a bitch swallow a plan B pill. I made her buy it, promising to pay her back. Never did.
I demand a male contraceptive that temporarily deactivates sperm, but sill allows me to cream that puss.
No, but those retards aren't going to use condoms anyway because they're retards. The best solution would be to sterilize them en masse, or to educate teenagers to at least encourage some sort of forethought before they fuck people.
>3 dollars in shipping
That's why you order in bulk, though. Who would order a 3 pack online? You buy them when you have a date in your car, ready to fuck, after a month dry spell. Plus, again, buying them from stores is still not going to be that bad. Buying them in bulk will get you a reasonable price for them, whether you ship them out or order online.
>Free birth control
>Actually thinking it reduces teen pregnancies and abortions rather than encouraging more sex at younger ages
My god, you're not libertarian-pilled yet, let alone trad-con pilled yet. You've a long way to get yet lafd
Why the fuck is plan b so fucking expensive, if it costs 60 dollars to stop a pregnancy after the condom breaks then I'd rather just play vidya
Your entire post is correct, but you have to understand we're talking about retarded niggers and teens.
>overwhelmingly affects non-white minorities
Except minority women don't take their birth control, and minority men don't wear condoms or pull out. Why do you think there are so fucking many of them now? All this will do is keep encouraging white genocide.
It drastically reduced teen pregnancies and abortions when it was implemented in Colorado.
Wow, she was literally perfect.
Don't do drugs, kids.
In Colorado it overwhelmingly affected non-white minorities, and non-white minorities already get the majority of abortions and get them at much higher rates than whites.
there's really only 2 fixes at this point
education, make it easier to get condoms and BC
remove welfare, decriminalize drugs, and find some other way to fix the black family. Some sort of push to reduce teen/unwanted pregnancies must be paired with removing incentives for having kids when you can't actually support them.
Because if you need Plan B, you're not in a position to exactly refuse buying it.
The paranoia I felt of possibly getting that bitch pregnant and the price of the pill was enough for me to stop having sex and just bust nuts in a fleshlight.
>Pulling out
I don't know how much more free it can get.
Christcucks are a plague
Paying for their abortions and birth control is a small price to pay compared to paying for welfare for their future kids, fag.
That picture was taken well over a decade now.
she looks like JLaw in that pic
>introduce birth control
>oh fugg, now ">our" birthrates are below replacement!!!!
>better bring in the brown hordes!1!!!
>oh noes, over population, better make the birth control free!!!!!!11!
>the third world keeps pumping out babies and we keep importing them
My birth control costs 75 bucks for a years supply. I don't u derstand why women don't want to pay for it it's not like it's expensive.
Well brown peoples' birthrates are still pretty high even in most white nations and that hasn't stopped those nations from still importing yet more brown people so I fail how it could make things any worse.
i dont understand why she got a boob job. she had great tits.
White people need to reproduce