>eating the breakfast Jew
>"see you again tomorrow morning" Schlomo chuckled as he counted his money
How the hell can you look at yourselves in the mirror and say you're red pulled while commuting this nonsense.
I've never seen something so shameful in my life. Fuck you.
Yeah ok.
White bread is kikery though.
>random cuckumber slice on plate
it's... a pickle
was I lied to about the Old Country by my grandma?!
> all this implying
I literally call those "jew donuts" if someone brings them into work.
banana nut crunch is a healthy choice for a balanced and nutritious breakfast. FDA approved!
What is a redpilled breakfast?
Fuck you nigger.
Smoked salmon with cream cheese, tomato, red onion, and capers on a toasted bagel is patrician-tier and extremely redpilled.