you need to know whats going to happen to prepare its likely to happen
GOYIM i have come to warn you about something really bad
Other urls found in this thread:
come on goyim you have 6 days
What the fuck is a "goyim"?
dont worry about it, but worry about the 15th a huge debt celing is coming, over 20 trillion if im correct it may bring us down,and the fed is also talking about raising interest rates aswell. If the feds raise the interest rates we may go down either way.
Is that why treasury bonds are selling off?
>soros cashing in finally
Sweet, that means Brokers are going to release all the 9/11 footage.
Can't wait.
the treasury bonds are another piece of us going down a hole, we give the countries our dollars cause we trust them for trade but countries have been selling like crazy because of our corruption. All the countries know of our strong might oil isnt doing too good aswell prices are raising up because the saudis are raising prices for barrels. The bonds the war debt and chinas gold all are gonna make us crash down unless war comes into show which it possibly could either way, the big bankers didnt want trump in office because hillary wanted war so did they aswell this country runs off war we need it to survive for some odd we have trump now noone gets war so they will rig a collapse and a huge war he will lose his mind and wont be able to deal with anything.
Is this related to another user saying that on the 15th you could be arrested for posting on Sup Forums or some shit
What the fuck is gonna happen on the 15th?
but the 15th isnt war, it could possibly be a collapse or a huge shock in the markets because of the bankers angry at trump trying to create peace among countries, they created propaganda to smear his might and solutide liberals are rising up and noone likes him. This countries and other countries are going to go up in flames because of morons and bufoons who turn to islam and help kill people over stupid shit.
no, thats just a theory they are through with us redpilling the people but really they dont have billions of dollars to hunt down Sup Forums posters might aswell shut the internet down. Unless they already have the cash implemented and hunt down us users then so be it. But im not sure where this Sup Forums 15th theory came into play i saw a jap user say dont go on some new utopia website on the 15th
fuck the fed. If they try to destroy the economy it gives Trump a reason to destroy them. Fuck the SEC and wall street laundering too. 911 was ordered by these shitty top kikes to hide all their fuck ups in the shadow government. Mossad pulled it off with the help of the CIA and the military.
no planes.
yeah but the shadow government can kill him within minutes they have so many resources, but they rather smear him because of the south up rising and killing thousands and other elites aswell.
>if im correct it may bring us down
What expertise do you have to make that claim?
Does this have to do with what the Saudis announced? They won't be increasing their oil production because of the Shale Oil glut, is that also part of this?
>yeah but the shadow government can kill him within minutes they have so many resources
Their "resources" are literally horsefucking Redditors and Trump has USSS, mercenaries, and the military on his side.
Why do they think Trump is so stupid?
I'm sure he can see this coming from a mile off, & when they pull the trigger they'll all Hang.
>2 days before St Patrick's Day
Can you stop LARPing?
everyone wants our country dead, they are trying really hard so i would not doubt it. The brics union and the new world bank are on a rise we arent in the new world bank, but all of our old allies are and our enemies including japan and the middle east the old american dream is dead e are heading toward an age with china and other countries ruling the world unless we step up and cause mortal danger toward other countries themselves, to claim our glory and speech.
If you kikes could make the price of bit shekel be 1300+ on/around/before my bet going through on the 15th that would be swell. Kek may be meme magic but the jews have the market captured on on shekel magic.
it is what jews call non jews
they consider non jews their animal slaves
redpill me on this bs theory plox
They don't want to take him down. They want to figure out how to manipulate his power for their gain. Same shit different day - they will forever battle a ideological war that keeps them hidden.
we run off war we dont care about some billionaire who wants peace, these last 40 years make us a whore of war.
some "insider" said not to go on Sup Forums during or after the ides of march since there would be a big happening on that day.
WHAAAAT something really bad will happpen? What could it be and what is the meme then?
Well whatever it is sclhmo, it's not happening ti me.
Two weaks ago I was shot
The good thing is EU is on 0.00 interests anyway. What do you expect me being afraifd of? a minus?
We go on with a 00 interest in europe any way to substitude greece and other weak nations to get some booty licking credits.
You got no clue how bad things are in europe.
An I don't want to gore you women out in the front row.
we go down everyone goes down, its like the titanic but you guys are the ship and we are the ice berg.
But two eaks make one good or does it only apply to mathematics?
Innocent people died because our united states government lied, did not tell the truth about the alien question.
Some where down the line we have been lied to, we've been cheated.
we have been lied too since the 70s since we started bombing the middle east.
howdy. now get out, okie doke.
And we must demand the truth. If the truth cannot totally come out, what's the use in having anything called freedom?
Holy fucking run on sentences Batman!
i have 1 on run on sentence
War is coming anyway. Not enough workers. To many gibmedats along with boomers retiring. Financial stresses make govs edgy and need to throw blame to other countries.
100 year cycle. The pendulum swing back.
Also the financial goes where the gold is, which is now China.
You go down doesn't look bad in my book. A litle down could ground you anyway. I got a couple o nice insurances and some ass licking job to counter that.
Do your really think if your state goes down he river I can't profit?
You are not relevant in my nation. Only for some cucks who want to sell you a fucking machine, car, ingredietns for them.
World will take its rounds and germany will rise again.
really china has been the world owner for years if they werent retarded in the financial area they would have made us collapse permanently, and canada gave them a huge amount of gold to give them the top ranking of gold.
if we collapsed your country would die in minutes, we basically give you the most trade then other nation and electronic trading systems.
Yeah, that would kill us. But maybe we would just open the gates to russia and don't give a fuck. What about that?
russia would be in flames, everyone would be trying to recover themselves its not perment its just when the dollar dies we would be maybe almost a month and then china would probably pick up the world or maybe russia, or someone would
oh cmon, that's projection. If we don't trade wih you we trade with somebody else. It's no like we do good in surplus on trades with the world. And that includes everybody in the EU. That's why we clinged to it. There is no "look how nice we are" it's a simple statistic and everybody in the EU looks good on that.
>mimimi there is a huge fucking uproar in the EU
Yes and that is good.
>everybody looks good except you
Fucking lie. US is on the brink to collaps for centuries now but we are the ones whop got to collpas before? Fuck you. All angry stuff beside. We are just better than the US. Period.Outdated piece of movie nation.
YES please happen
You know he is an american?
>US is on the brink to collaps for centuries now but we are the ones whop got to collpas before? Fuck you.
This is what the Soviet Union told us too, every day. Look how it ended.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Your comment has made me realize just how useless the sate is.
Ponzi scheme capitalism is designed to crash every 50 years or so..ww1, ww2 and overdue WW3.
This is how the kikes make the big bucks. Reap and sew the global economy. A few hundred million dead mean nothing to them.hell even if America loses it matters not..they have no allegiance to any country..other than perhaps Israel
Capitalism is and always was a Ponzi scheme. When it collapses it collapses bigly and it will be worse than ever now due to the glaobist Ponzi that affects every county with a Jew central bank.
Corse the ones at the top..rothchilds and comwio make bank yet again..and carry in after the nuclear fallout has settled. This is how you make the real money. A debt based system you control and then collapse and repeat. In world war you loan money to every side. The winner pay you back with interest and you take the losers nation..kikes can't lose.
Secondly you have to create a war in the fist place due to the Ponzi collapsing due to its very corrupt and unstable nature. If it collapses and you don't start a war just before hand, your scheme will be exposed for all to see you need to war as a diversion and as a way to capitalise further and then to reset the system again.
It's so diabolically evil that it's also brilliant in its dastardliness
Bump with digits
Explain this
Jews did this right, and like the serial killers they are they leave clues
It lead to the crumbling of the united soviet union and got replaced by russia today. Or in short RT.
What do you mean with that shit?
Killing more people than evry other nation was a sample for the past? You know, even if your landscape is wide and wild you got a nation of muslims, like uk and you fuck with your own recent history right now? What about the jews? God, your whole nation is about to fall as soon as we fall or as I said, we start trading with you again when the US market betrys us. And then fuck you Mr west world.
One thing you need to know about the state, it will ALWAYS be infested with power-thirsty Jewish traitors. Even if you purge them, it's more likely that you will die and they will just strengthen their grip.
to be true,
these are the options
Can't argue with that. All I foresee is a time line of cuckery.
You mean from the JewSA
Dunno what did you mean by this, I just point out that you are replaying the same old propaganda that Soviet Union played for us. That is, "America is shame, America is gonna fall, America bad", for our union it ended with our crash, not their, what about your union?
>Killing more people the evry other nation
Well, when our union EXISTED no one said we did that. In fact, everyone said that we are most humane nation in the world, we are for ecology, we are for poor african nations, we build schools in shitholes, we are de good guys, we love everybody and not racist as those bad americans. Does that remind you of anything?
Ashkenazi Jews are literally the fake Satanic Jews written about in Revelation.
If US falls, Europe, Russia and China falls with it.
Just like big retarded family.
My fault. Sorry.
I said your natiuuon turned he world into a slaughterhouse what is true to an extent, you seem not to deny this.
That doesn't matter today. If the us crumbles the eu will search for new tradepartners and be prepared it will be you.
The thing is you commited the most horrible crime in human history, we got accused for doing it and still if the interests of trading with each other come to apoint when we both want to the west could blow our big dicks.
There are always two options and the US market isn't the only one.