Half Canadian Half Cuban find flaw

>pro tip you cant

> Half Canadian Half Cuban find flaw
He's not American

inferior hairline genetics.

I thought you were talking about Trudeau at first.

that's the best part



are you talking about ted cruz or justin trudeau

Canadians and Americans are literally the same

Except a lot of Canadians seem to have this false sense of superiority over Americans

But that's not Justin Trudeau...

>find a flaw
the half thats canadian and the half thats cuban

We are the british americans, they aren't.

>Half Commie
>Half Beaner

He's a christcuck


>half commie leaf
>half commie beaner

You're right. He's literally perfect.

Fucking straya mate

came here to post this


>half Canadian
>half Cuban

Here are some flaws:

>rat face
>annoying voice
>eats buggers
>a fucking leaf
>lost to the nomination

There are more but these are some major ones.

Ted Cruz should be President of Canada.

Under Trump's guidance, Punished Cruz would MAKE CANADA GREAT AGAIN.

Or send his ass to Cuba or some other Latin American country and MAKE SOUTH AMERICA ANGLO.

I'm cruzmissile now

Justin Castreau?

>not American

same lol