How does one overcome the Dentist Jew?
Just brush your fucking teeth and you won't need to go.
I went to the dentist a week ago for the first time in 9 years..
Nothing wrong with teeth
Stop eating sugar.
Wow. Your teeth are great even without brushing.
Wisdom teeth pulling is a scam.
Nah my buddy literally had his out today, he had massive pain.
I had all of mine out and felt no pain so each case must be different
On the other hand my dentist "offered" to pull mine, I refused, still have them more than a decade later.
However a different molar is literally disintegrating at the moment. Procrastination is a bitch. Hope I can find a kindly Jew to unfuck my mouth.
Get some pliers and pull out your molar yourself
The key is to get referred to a good one by family members.. They won't fuck up your teeth if they've known your aunt for 20 years.
A dentist is one of the few people you may see for a lifetime, stick to one and make sure he remembers you.
Nah I have a little bit of money so I can afford the novocaine injection and x-ray. Probably have decay elsewhere as well. I've heard good things about dental schools so I might try that route.
Thanks for reading my blog, Sup Forums
too risky for infection to do it yourself like if a peice breaks off inside and you didnt notice
My dentist is from Iran... she's hot as fuck too...cant wait to get another filling.
Brush your teeth. Dont use anything with flouride. Scrape shit out of your teeth with your fingernails and tounge. Never use floss
Britbong here,
I haven't been to a dentist in years
>inb4 stereotypes
You mean the dad from Malcolm in the Middle?
wisdom teeth pulling is unnecessary for something like 7 in 10 people, but the issue is that 1 in 100 will fuck their jaw up without even realizing that there is anything wrong until it is too late. its easier to pull teeth a hundred times than it is to do facial reconstructive surgery once.
>Stop eating sugar
this includes carbohydrates, which are basically sugar.
Actually a dental related redpilquest...
What's the deal with fluoride?
Conspiracy nuts on the left and right hate the stuff...
I'm 31 and I haven't been to the dentist for 8 years. My teeth are fine. Probably because I regularly brush them every day before going to bed and I use dental silk and fluoride rinse.
carbohydrates only turn into simple sugars after significant digestion with the saliva. unless you are rubbing bread mush against your teeth for 10+ minutes your teeth are not coming into contact with sugars.
Fluoride are good for your teeth. Simply don't swallow that stuff.
its not good for you
however its a great abrasive
dont guzzle toothpaste like you do cum and you'll be fine
even if you take meticulous care of your teeth your still going to need the occasional tooth pulled and check-up to make sure your mouth isn't failing you before it's too late. My uncle is as retarded as most of you and refused to go to the dentist because he fell for the "healthcare is a scam" meme and now his teeth are rotting out of his head and he's miserable
The thing you have to understand user is that tiny particles of food trapped in between your teeth are a breeding ground for cavity causing bacteria
These particles are a by product of chewing
Ironically the act of chewing food is the very thing that damages ones teeth
That's why I don't chew anything
I liquefy all of my food in a blender and sip it through a straw
No chewing, no particles, no problem
I haven't eaten solid food or brushed my teeth in over 2 years and no dentists yet
Feels good, man
i do the same
feels goodman . exe
fluoride whitens teeth but also degrades them. putting fluoride on your teeth once every 6~ months when you see a dentist is not a significant enough level of degradation to be harmful - fluoride in your toothpaste is. there's a reason why dentists tell you (or, well, *told* you) to rinse thoroughly and not drink/eat for half an hour after a fluoride treatment - digesting that shit is harmful and will eat your brain.
recent research shows that people who swallow too much fluoride have lowered critical thinking skills and are more likely to immediately believe whatever they see/hear. after this research it is suddenly okay to put fluoride in toothpaste again and dentists tell you that you are free to eat/drink immediately after fluoride treatment.
>falling for the minty jew
blue pill as fuck. I just drink plenty of the local flouride water, swish some around every once in a while. toothpaste and brushing weakens your teeth so you need to constantly bruth and its a vicious cycle.
alternately, floss.
>digesting that shit is harmful and will eat your brain.
>recent research shows that people who swallow too much fluoride have lowered critical thinking skills and are more likely to immediately believe whatever they see/hear. after this research it is suddenly okay to put fluoride in toothpaste again and dentists tell you that you are free to eat/drink immediately after fluoride treatment.
You're an idiot. Fluoride softens your bones.
Both of you are idiots. Fluoride is good for you.
I lived in FL and had an amazing Dentist that knew his shit. Moved to PA and the currybitch at aspen dental wants me to have 5 fucking root canals. I said up front Id even do one right away because one tooth I knew was a legit problem but she said I couldnt because I had to adhere to her "care plan" which is a few cleanings strung along with xrays and other nickels and dimes with my first root being a few months away. I asked for my xrays and never went back.
Sorry for the article being in German, but the English article on fluoride is a joke.
Die Giftwirkung (Fluorose) beruht teils auf der Ausfällung des vom Stoffwechsel benötigten Calcium als Calciumfluorid, teils aus der Wirkung als Protoplasma- und Zellgift, das bestimmte Enzymsysteme und die Proteinsynthese hemmt. Sie äußert sich in Schädigungen des Skeletts, der Zähne, der Lungenfunktion, der Haut und in Stoffwechselstörungen.
It says a lot of Fluoride prevents you from binding calcium so it destroys your skeleton.
Whoops, meant to quote
The intelligent way would be to develop an easy to use product, like a gum, that helps keep the pH of the mouth to around 7-8 at all times while simultaneously having anti-bacterial properties/compounds that will kill mouth germs. An added benefit of a gum would be that it could scrub the teeth and reduce the need for brushing.
The approach of trying to remineralize the teeth using fluoride is a retarded solution, it's directly like getting into a leaky boat and rather than keep the water out you just try to bail water for your whole life.
>there's a reason why dentists tell you (or, well, *told* you) to rinse thoroughly and not drink/eat for half an hour after a fluoride treatment - digesting that shit is harmful and will eat your brain.
What the fuck? My dentist tells me to literally not even rinse my teeth as that would just "defeat the whole purpose".
Am I being Jewed?
you sit by with your aching teeth as you watch (((refugees))) get free dental work
I would buy the fuck out of that product. Sell it to tech dorks to maintain optimum oral health in between doses of Soylent.
It's biotech!
Man, as a kid there was this toothpaste that tasted like gum... I ate incredible amounts of it.
I'd never know if it changed me, but I'm still the most successful member of my family and fairly blessed iq wise. Can't be as bad as led paint.
>toothpaste and brushing weakens your teeth so you need to constantly bruth and its a vicious cycle.
Also why the fuck do dentist's say that brushing your teeth too hard "harms the enamel" but they have no problem with fucking picking away at them with metal instruments or flossing with a tense string.
Thats funny.. I brush twice daily, and floss every other day all my life.Dont have a sweet tooth either and all my teeth are filled.
its genetics.
know how chapstick chaps your lips so you need to use more chapstick? really think thats the only jewed product out there???
holistic dentist. hard to find but no jewery in it. all natural
>led paint.
>while simultaneously having anti-bacterial properties/compounds that will kill mouth germs
That's actually the last thing you want. You would kill good bacteria and make place so that the bad ones can spread without the good ones taking up place and destroying them. That's why your intestinals get fucked after taking antibiotics. You need bacteria. Most people with stinky breath also have the problem of a wrong mouth flora which actually get's worse the more product they use.
Bacteria are also respinsible for the first digestion step in your mouth. You would get real problems without those boys.
Take care of your fucking teeth
fiber from veggies basically brushes teeth for you. Don't give cavities sugar
>drinking water only makes you more thirsty so you need more water
You only use chapstick in extreme weather, when your body doesn't produce enought skin fat or you're taking too much out thanks to harsh skin products.
Not using chapsticks at all wont help put simply break your lips.
But still, I hope you've been joking.
Sugar isn't the problem it's the organisms that live in your mouth that eat the sugar off your teeth that are the issue
Also wisdom teeth pulling isn't a scam for a lot of people, most have issues with them coming in one way or another like I do.
It costs so much because unlike your regular teeth which are vertical so you can just pull them right out your wisdom teeth are horizontal and go along your gums therefore they have to numb the area, slice open the gum, cut the tooth into three pieces, and then rip them out one section at a time
It doesn't harm the enabel, only your gums ( they will bleed - bleeding leads to infections - infections under your gums can fuck up even enamel).
Hence why I said anti-bacterial properties and not just 'take more antibiotics'. Silver for example has anti-bacterial properties but putting it in your mouth won't kill your gut bacteria unless you're swallow the shit.
And the initiator of digestion is the enzymes in your saliva, produced by your body, not the bacteria living in the plaque on your teeth.
Eat only raw meat and produce you hunt and scavenge from nature yourself
>posts a not an argument image
>his post is a nonargument
They arent scraping at the enamel. They're scraping off plaque or Calcified deposits that form on your teeth over time.
This is partly true.
my dentist tried to pull a fast one on me and tell me I had cavities that weren't there, and conveniently said that they had a payment plan for the gorillions it would cost. His office wasn't receiving business and that was his way of getting ahead, using his degree to manipulate people into procedures they dont need.
please do us a favor,
post a video of you eating an entire tube of fluoridated toothpaste, with timestamp.
do not dilute it.
Probiotic/prebiotic capsules seem to be popular. Maybe that plus a pH buffer, now in gum form
The original petroleum-based chapsticks are irritants.
Same as how Listerine destroys your mouth but the more modern types of mouthwash are legit.
I'm not even sure where the nearest dentist is. Take care of your teeth and there's really no problem. Wisdom teeth can be a cunt, but I only had one and pulld the tooth in front of it myself and it eventually grew into proper place.
Maybe that's a bit extreme, but its not that hard or painful.
Is it possible to be scammed on cavities when they show you the X-rays?
There's technique to it, it'll take a few day to loosen it with wiggling, and then it comes up with a pop. Just dont twist it around with pliars.
I was in Mongolia some years ago, and they pull teeth by hand with this wiggle method over a week or so.
Anti-bacterial properties will kill bacteria without differntiation - which is bad. Silver doesn't kill bacteria, it just makes the envoirement less habitable (that's why you can store purified water with Micropur longer than just bleached one). The same would happen in respective amounts in your body, and can kill you - after making you a smurf.
Bacteria don't all live on plague, bacteria live primaly in your saliva.
Just accept that fucking with you bacteria will harm you more than it will help. Never change a running system. But not cleaning them at all mechanically will slowly make them into a sponge. Believe me, I've seen peoples teeth which were actually nothing more than gummibear-consistency because they never have seen the need to brush them.
you're a moron
fluoride is a vitamin
you literally need it to live
my dentist said so
Probiotics area a new age scam.
>The original petroleum-based chapsticks are irritants.
It's petroleum, it doesn't react with your body and only covers it. It's actually even better, because your body won't reduce it's sebum production, which makes the skin even dryer.
My dentist first went to law school, practiced (((law))) for several years, then decided to become a dentist. It is the jewiest career history and yet he's pure southern aristocrat.
take a hint dipshit
>inb4 LOL XDDDd11!!11 i wuz onl3 pretending 2 b stupid!11 LOL
colloidal silver does kill bacteria
video evidence is accessible online
bandage companies have started to use a silver solution as well
>people who swallow too much fluoride
Sure, but you are to stupid to realize, to much fluoride is ten times more anyone in a 1st world country would get exposed to.
People with fluoride poisoning get it from natural springs that have fluoride contamination from the soil.
>colloidal silver does kill bacteria
Yeah, it's also killing people. It's also mainly a new age scam.
>if you don't brush your teeth they will literally get soft like gummibears
If you don't brush the bacteria will dissolve away your enamel starting where the plaque collects, along the gumline, and spread from there until your tooth is structurally compromised and breaks apart under normal bite force.
Its the food niggers. Eat nearly raw meat/ medium cooked meat and you'll hardly have a cavity for life. Yeah - your other organs will fuck up but teeth will be ok. Its about tradeoffs :(
I should add this addendum that even after your enamel breaks off the dentin can still act as a tooth but it's bone not 'gummibears'
Yep, I was wrong. There may be some validity to the chapstick thing but if so it would be due to menthol and other additives
my dentist is an actual Jew. his work is top notch, and his prices are anything but a rip off.
Aww hell yeaaah! Dont you just love it when they 'go to work' and push their big tits against your shoulders/head. Fucking love going to the dentist. Its like a more formal strip joint. Mad flirts all time.
get /fit/ and stop eating the sugar jew.
I havent had a cavity in over 2 years.
Nutrition and Vitamin D, yo.
Well, of course it has been hyperbolic. But still in relation to healthy teeth they've been "jellylized". But they've also already changed their colour so maybe it was even more than not brushing. At this point brushing might have even been a net negative. I guess.
What's wrong with floss?
Brush your teeth 2 times a day minimum. Floss every other day minimum. Honestly those rotating electric toothbrushes are worth it. Unless you have teeth crowding or a similar issue you'll never need to go to the dentist. If your insurance covers it you should go once a year anyways. My insurance policy on COBRA costs 480 a year and gives me 1500 in expense benefits.
Last time I was at the dentist that cunt was talking about his new Porsche with the nurse.
As I was forking out $1700 to this smug cunt.
The scam when I was growing up was that dentists would drill and fill 'soft spots' even in baby teeth, you know the ones that fucking fall out when you're a teenage.
i led pant in ma mowth
If you have soft teeth you're destined for the dental jew. Make sure your kids take calcium when they're young.
Brush with baking soda to remove plaque at least once per week.
Gargle hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 water to lift stains and kills germs
Floss before doing all this
Simple as shit
Brush your teeth. Change toothbrush regularly, like every month. Don't drink acidic stuff. Don't brush your teeth immediately after eating sweet stuff.
I still like going to the dentist tho. Mine has huge tits. She actually pushes my head with her hand into her tits and says "is everything okay?"
Drink water. Fluoride is a tooth decay inhibitor. Might promote brain decay tho.
You don't actually have to change the brush. You let it sit over night in a cup of bleach. It destroys all biological material and desinfects it. That way you can "change" your brush every week while remaining frugal/ a poor fag.
Use Medicaid to get corrective devices for teeth before 18 :^)
Take care of teeth, never have to go again
Dentist jew btfo
Get plenty
>brother needs bottom 2 wisdom teeth pulled
> i needed all 4 pulled (really bad pain and they were at a completely wrong angle)
>friend didnt need any pulled
I have never been to a dentist
If you need a dentist, try and find a small one run by a single dude who hires a harem of nurses.
The big "chains" will always jew you.
>tfw my otherwise non-redpilled dad is absolutely sure that there is a link between flouride and alzheimers
assessment 10
exam (COE) 20
X-rays (FMS) 43
after that, the per tooth cost per filling is 42-66 for amalgam (I pref this because amalgams are better for the posterior teeth)
composite 51-107
crowns 560
root canal 160-214
if you have dental insurance it is close to what you would pay at a school I believe but i'm not too sure
>teeth are made of calcium
>flouride prevends you from binding calcium
>flouride is good for your teeth
Easy to read explanation
tldr- alot of fluoride is bad
the amount that is in public water supply not usually close to the recommended amount
really only have to worry about too much fluoride in water in countries like China
I never understood why people went to the dentist's, they are literal jews. No self respecting person should ever go to the dentist unless one of his teeth hurts like a motherfucker and you know something ain't right.
It's so fucking simple, not genetics.
>stop drinking soda
>stop using jew toothpaste
>stop flossing like a colossal retard
>stop eating too much sugar
>use a better toothpaste or just use water and ultra soft toothbrush, the one for kids
>don't chew tobacco or smoke
wow that was fucking hard. Stop falling for the fluoride jew. Ever wonder why "brushing teeth" is the first thing kids get asked everyday ? When someone pesters you that much you ought to know it must be a trap.
People had healthy teeth before dentists were even a thing, use your noggin for some joggin
The brush bristles get weak and dont feel as nice.
A new brush feels soooo much nicer than an old one.
This. Based dentist by titty bar got me a well done filling and painless. Very affordable, he was sympathetic.
These dentist insurance gangs are straight criminal.