> Smart
> Prioritize Education and Status Jobs
> Realize the value of jobs in critical industries like banking, finance, media
> Build Wealth
> Stick together as a group
> Unified culturally, linguistically, ethnically, and via a homeland
Are whites/NatSocs just jealous they figured it all out?
Are Ashkenazi Jews Right?
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ashkenazis are rapidly becoming a minority in israel. so maybe they need to use their superior iq to sort that out before trying to destroy europe.
They're khazars
hottest jew ever holy fuck
> ashkenazis are rapidly becoming a minority in israel
They already are by a large margin in Israel and have been for a while, if not always. Plus they're minorities in pretty much every country and yet are almost always doing the best and have the most power per capita.
Why do jewesses have such giant udders? Are jews /ourguys/ for breeding out chestlets?
>tfw Sup Forums gave me a jewess fetish
I don't know, just a random pic I found on Sup Forums, I think she's an Ashkenazi. Here's a random Mizrahi one.
yes in other countries where they are the only jew.
mizrahim and sefardim are getting tired of your shit desu. when I stated minority I meant in power and not in numbers. so I will state again.
ashkenazis are rapidly losing power in israel, maybe use your superior iq tofix that one.
They should be gassed. Period.
I want a ww3, and this time you american faggots don't fuck it up again, okay???
dude these people are europeans - i c no arab in them.
How come she isnt wearing her hijab?
they are trying to kill us you stupid nigger
I would tend to agree.
the riddle is why do they hate white people so much?
answer that question and you will single handedly shut down Sup Forums forever.
we are on the same side this time
Hail Hitler!
Why didn't the Nazis just let niggers rape all the Jewessess and force the men to get cucked. That wouldn't be that bad to watch knowing it's not our own women.
>Are whites/NatSocs just jealous they figured it all out?
Are you implying that NatSocs haven't figured it out?
It's kinda what National Socialism is you insufferable kike.
I wouldn't even care if they weren't so damn hypocritical.
Either practice what you preach for other countries or fuck off kikes.
and yet NatSocs aren't in power, have no influence, and have basically been driven to extinction while Jews as a group have the greatest amount of wealth and power per capita by far and run large important segments of industry and/or the economy in many developed countries.
Jews are white Nationalists though, Israel is their ethno-state. Want the skinny on REAL Jews? Watch this lecture.
that we might never know
into the trash it goes
Subjugation and mistreatment for thousands of years will make a people vindictive. The Torah clearly states: "an eye for an eye." They will win their war against the Goyim by making them kill eachother, they won't have to break a sweat.
Not for long..
White people truly need to become Jews to survive.
I'm glad to hear that, comrade.
The True people of the bible are the Palestinians. The "Ashkenazi Jews" are Khazarians nothing special about them.
Thiccness isn't free.
that's not a mizrahi
first of all I have a shoe in both camps. i.e I consider myself both goyim and jew.
second you have to cool it with that vengeance crap cause in sheer numbers goyim already lost.
all of the jews I know are more than 70% european and still this massive grudge. my goy side says bring it and let the goy wake up and let him #pay back". but we will have an endless cycle of shit.
I don't like this rhetoric desu senpai.
Why is her tit so heavily airbrushed?
op forgot parasites
that sounds pretty hot
Having an autistic moment but you if clearly states let's go fuck 1 for george
How much do you want to estimate Jews pay in taxes per capita as opposed to any other group? It's probably the most by a large amount.
Completed your list. You're welcome.
>extremely racist while calling everyone else racist
>he fell for the meme
Did a 23andjew, found out I'm mostly Ashkenazi which is mind-blowing considering my family is all Protestant and nobody ever talked about having kike roots.
When do I get muh free shekels????????
>tfw mostly kike
>tfw le 60% american
>tfw 4.4% subsaharan african
Just fuck my shit up
First mover advantage on strong ingroup preference tribes from starting in 1800 B.C. That's all it is.
First mover advantage is the same reason why ugly shitty sites like craigslist and reddit stay successful for decades. It isn't because they're the best possible in their niche, it's because they were the first there. They will stay at #1 forever due to the inertia of their initial success. Even if a site 100x better comes along, no one will use it because nobody is there. Even if by some miracle a direct competitor starts to become successful, the better-financed first mover will use their millions to DDOS it until it's off the radar again (this is what happened to voat). Likewise, NatSocs were DDOS'd off the planet by the Jews. The DDOSing never stops because the top priority is to stay #1 in the niche. Once they wipe out their biggest, threat they always target the next biggest threat. This is what we currently see being done to white males worldwide. Our race is being DDOS'd by the Jews.
I fucked a Ashkenazi jewess last year. 3 or 4 times.
Decent body. Very intelligent for a female. Terrible lay.
Too much teeth used on my peen as well.
She used to tell me how when she traveled to Israel she would get rocks thrown at her for not being dressed modest enough, or just for being American. She and her family would talk openly about aliens and shit with me. They didn't doubt that they existed and interfered with humans at all. She's a heroin junkie now.
You're a dreamer.
>type 1
thats the one you are born with yeah?
>a swede calling an ethnicity besides themselves out on becoming a minority
Ashkenazi Jews are just slavs who forgot how to squat.
Nice analogy.
What do we do about this user?
na this jewess is better
What rhetoric? It's word for word quotation from the Torah.
no they're not. genetic studies show very little slavic blood in ashkenazic populations.
most of the european blood they have comes from high class romans and some germanics.
if ashkenazis were slavs, they wouldn't be so intelligent. so let's not shit a shitter here.
They're not real Jews.
They're the Satanic fake Jews written of in Revelation.
>t. slav who thinks he has roman ancestry
Latest post…She squats
apparently in canada they don't have good reading comprehension skills
Didn't even Jesus say they're worse than the whores that still kept sleeping around. I guess he knew that they probably the reason for the degeneracy being spread around.
>t. we wuz kangz
fuck off back to your black hebrew israelite congregation
I dunno, I figure Hitler has to be pretty popular here for a reason.