Bill Leak, editorial cartoonist for The Australian, dies aged 61 of suspected heart attack
Bill Leak, editorial cartoonist for The Australian, dies aged 61 of suspected heart attack
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To those overseas who aren't aware of our trivial politics, Bill Leak was one of the few critics of the mainstream PC culture that was talented and witty enough to bite back with content that managed to piss off all of the liberals at once.
Admittedly, sometimes he missed the mark, if anyone can tell me what this joke actually means I'll rest easy tonight.
What I really admired about Bill Leak is he didn't tow the line to keep his job. There are precious few gigs for cartoonists and a lot of them would likely play ball to keep their rare-as-hens-teeth gig. Not Bill, he did what he wanted and was unapologetic about it. That's something I admire.
Vale Bill. As someone's said today - he made all the right enemies
pls post more
good stuff rip
He's saying that LBGTQRUONBFDC++ would go before who would usually go first on a sinking ship because they're seen as less priviliged.
>suspected heart attack
Holy shit OP are you kidding me?
The left really ganged up on him the last couple of months. Made his life a living hell. Saw him being interviewed by Andrew Bolt recently, he looked stress AF.
Was a based guy.
He should've stuck to the official line.
Good riddance, we need less conservative spin doctors and woo-woo-meisters.
Champagne, anyone? Huh?
Why would God kill this man of a heart attack? It simply does not make sense....
Bolt is presenting a tribute program on Sky at 7PM tonight - if you don't have Foxtel you can download Foxtel Go on phone or PC and Sky News is the free preview channel.
His website store is closed temporarily - I wonder if this is why; I went there to buy his new book but I think I'm going to order a framed print of the "He gets a warning" cartoon.
(((heart attack)))
Was this guy like the Aussie Ben Garrison or something?
Far wittier, far sharper. He was subject to threats of violence from Islamists and hinted strongly that he was living under guard with his family
>(((heart attack)))
I hope this is just a joke made in very poor taste. A respected man just died, and you're saying "good riddance, let's celebrate." If this isn't a joke then please kill yourself.
This reminds me of the time Anita Sarkeesian posted what amounts to "good riddance" on her Twitter when Satoru Iwata died, then deleted it and said it was posted by a fake account to get victim points. These kinds of people disgust me. Even when those I hate die, I hold some degree of respect for the dead.
>He launched his new book 2 days ago
A little too sudden right?
It does seem awful suspiciously coincidental.
I would be shocked if this wasn't an orchestrated assassination.
Quite your crying you low test little bitch. Muh fee fees
where does an aboriginal put his car keys
under his work boots
I hope the print run of his book sells out now, in the wake of this
>No respect for the dead
You are a fucking despicable human being. It isn't about feelings, it's about respecting the life and accomplishments of another. If you can't even do that, there's no hope for you.
Nigga got the same treatment Andrew Brietbart did
leak was leaking abbott semen all over the newpaper, glad to see that cum guzzler go
rip in piece bb
also kys thin skinned boiiiiiii
Kek, thats prety based, how come /pol\ never talked about him?
I would say these people were likely shills, but I don't think even Shareblue would stoop this low.
I guess we took him for granted. His cartoon was always the first thing I'd read in The Australian; was always miffed when it was Kudelka not Leak on the letters page. Giant of his time.
This one is a classic.
I'll raise your Bill Leak with an A Wyatt Mann
Were can i find some of his stuff? Got a link?
I like it
18C has to go desu
was a cum guzzler
to suck cooooooooooock
Google Images turns up a lot; The Australian newspaper who publishes him has a certain amount retained in his gallery there
He probably didn't. I'd image it's an assassination. Like says.
They're just offing the dissenters with any meaningful range of influence in any way they can.
Insert your favorite quote from George Orwell here.
>dies aged 61 of suspected heart attack
>suspected heart attack
Bill Leak literally writing a column in the national broadsheet back in 2004 about why Austrailan's are good at shitposting.
Canada, you can learn from this
>Like playing cricket and swimming fast, taking the mickey is something Australians do well.
>As a subspecies we have adapted by developing in-built bullshit detectors that are the envy of less fortunate humans the world over.
>We’re the ones who can be forgiven for telling unacceptable truths because, after all, we’re only doing it “in jest”. And nobody, least of all a politician, wants to be singled out as the only wowser in our larrikin-loving country who can’t take the joke.
I grow tired of you.
You aren't amusing to anyone here and you are not contributing anything meaningful to the conversation. If you have legitimate reason to dislike the man, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, I would recommend you leave.
doesnt have blue hair though
is shapely and not bull dykish
other than that, pretty exellent
just saw a coupe of his works and by jove he is based
I wouldn't want to be his coroner
LGBT thinks trans deserve more than cis people. Women with children are cis.
What did he mean by this?
He drew a cartoon that called attention to the state of neglect in a lot of Aborigine households and it created a shitstorm on the left; pic related is the Aboriginal woman who registered a complaint with our equivalent to the Ministry of Truth, saying that because of the cartoon she felt she was scared to come back to Australia from Germany
In the wake of that, he drew a series of cartoons satirising the Human Rights Commission, the complaint, and what was happening to him,
He was assassinated by Australian Deep State
Pic related to cos I'm a fucking retard.
He was about Destroy the Human Rights Commission and end the Anti-Discrimination laws.
He was one of the best of us Sup Forums.
Bumping for Bill
Classic. Both classics.
Killed by stress after the sjws went full retard against him the last year
A dark warning to all.
Farewell Based Bill
gays only care about fucking other men
>a decent looking white Abo
WTF???? Have I walked into an alternate timeline?
I will send my condolences to his kangaroo wife
If she's dilute enough to be hot, she's too dilute to call herself offended by abo jokes
Gone to soon.
A nice interview with Bill and Chris Kenny
The guy was a 2 pack a day smoker. He made money on the side selling custom cigarette boxes that made fun of Australia's nanny-state cigarette laws. It's amazing his old ticker lasted as long as it did really.
o7 mad Bill
Smoking doesn't markedly increase your risk for heart attack.
my grandmother has smoked cigs for 70 years and she's still alive
Reminder that the CIA has a heart attack gun.
>Abo in germany too scared to go home to aus because of muh racism
>abo in aus to scared to go home because of getting beaten
>Chris Kenny complaining about how hard it is to satirise in this day and age
>Literally tried to sue The Chaser in 2014.
give that guy a burger
Thats supposed to be a fucking abo?
T*rks react differently to carcinogens than humans do, though.
In fairness, he never wanted anything but an apology for the prospect of his kids googling his name down the track and having "Dogfucker" come up, and even after the legal process started, the Chaser were being cunts about apologising.
Oddly, him and Chas are pretty friendly nowadays
>"As a subspecies we.."
well, at least he knew his place
>says Turkey, of all flags
Allegedly. But even if you get enough white genes to erase the abo, they turn into proto-SJWs. She's one orgasm-free one night stand away from dying her hair blue