Convince me as to why Nords are the master race

Convince me as to why Nords are the master race

Other urls found in this thread: Vril Discs.htm

Because Wikipedia says so.

So how are they better than Meds?

Lazy, in debt, short, brown, smaller head, Asian head-shape, less physical ability. Not as beautiful.. List goes on. Doesn't mean I dislike European-Mediterraneans (French, Spain, Italy).

Ah so you're saying Nords are better now or they always have been


They're smarter but also likelier to embrace cuck lifestyles

If you compare a single "Nord" to a single "Med", then yes.. always.

>They're smarter but also likelier to embrace cuck lifestyles

You're thinking of Americans.

I don't know about them being the master race but they are the best looking Europeans for sure.

what type of European is Antifu? American mutt?


americans are multicultural and a lot of them are based italian guidos

Couldn't possibly be thinking of Sweden


ahhahahahahahhahahahahhaha every nord ive meet is a cuck/beta ??

lol XD


History doesn't lie

Yet you worship us.


History doesn't lie : ^)

Why else do these thread pop up every day, your inferiority complex of course.

I respect you Nordic / Germanic lot but, you can't really call yourselves the master-race when you're solely responsible for slaughtering countless Europeans in two World Wars, back to back, while attempting to prove you're the supposed master-race, and even now you're pushing Europe to the point of no return with this refugee nonsense.


They do posses super-powers when it comes to computers relative to their population numbers. Look at the amazing shit they did in the 90's.

Is eating cookies the last stand of implicit white identity?

Green eyed, brown hair, ethnic greek here. Nords are second rate.


They aren't. They take the virtues of whites and amplify them to such an extent that they actually turn into vices.

Slavs will inherit Europe and Western civilization (and meds too for the second time) once the Eternal Anglo and Eternal Teuton are done fucking it up and wipe themselves out.



Go to join your gf sven


It is so fucking cringey how Sup Forums NEET autists obsess over this fucking woman.

She looks like a dude

You are a rapebaby

Bretons are superior in every way.

Posting that bitch should be a bannable offense but mods are fags.

Who else Iberian here?

you dont look iberian m8. I would say you're from north africa or turkey

Race is irrelevant, culture on the other hand...

No matter our differences I would side with you and France to take out the Eternal Anglo though. :^)

you tard, I am like a clone of you.

El Cid didn't kick you out?

No, it's the absolute opposite. Your bloodline is all that matters.

I dunno, I can't choose between Nords or Redguards

They're not

Spain please, you're really not in a position to criticize anyone.

Maybe sardinian?

>tfw mediterranean head shape with nordic hair and eyes

French race master race

kek czeczkhed

So you're the gf :^)

Burgers are mongrels.

how much black cock you reckon has been in this delightful snowflake?


Makes sense, bloodline vs entire country willingly subjugated to destruction by expression of said bloodline. (seriously though, good luck maybe you guys can pull through)

Please snownigger I am 6'2 blue eyes and my last name is an old saxon word

so your last name is faggot?

u always post this


Is it augtime

Ever considered the fact that the ancient greeks weren't blond and blue-eyed? Of course you have, you shitpost anyway you d&c nordicist idiot. Please kys


Nords look like mutant hapas, blow your puritanism out your ass before you go after the inventors of western civilization. Half my family are dark sicilians, but as you can see, no arab


I want to smell her feet.


You make no sense.

Okay, good for you I guess?

Pretty Nordic girls are pretty, that's conclusion.

it's always augtime! ^_^

So the rest are ugly then?


they aren't, Japs are.

No, post your picture we will look alike.

one of these noses is nigger like the others

Nords are fucking nigger ooga booga's they only got civilzation from Irish monks who are literally the nigger of whites, whom even claims Nords are master top kek family.
Half German Half English


culture is expressed group biology
there's no separating the two

>Is it augtime

>Lazy, in debt, short, brown, smaller head, Asian head-shape, less physical ability. Not as beautiful

Nords are brown?

Girl you posted is 110% Anglo.

Pic related is far more typically nordic. I chose an ugly one with exaggerated features just so you could see the difference.

>contributed more to civilization
>capable of defending themselves
>more tribal
>muh bigger dicks
>Italians have the highest iqs in Europe
>created western civ
>better food
>Women have better bodies
>Bigger families
>Took over Brazil and the American East Coast while Somalians took over Sweden

>Muh vikangz (got their asses handed to them by the irish and american stone age treeniggers)
>Muh height
>Muh qt androgynous feminist women
>Muh blonde hair and blue eyes (which I can find in non-cucked countries)
>muh purest whites (myth)


Stop your inferiority complex then.

Because aliens Vril Discs.htm

She's Irish

*uploads selfie*


nords are slavs

> It is self-evident that even the literary literature of the youth was to celebrate the Germanity. It is only a sentence from a book which has been published again and again, from O.F. Wundland's “Rulaman” (1876), a sentence which is certainly true , The last survivor of the Swabian Alb, who had been destroyed by the invading Celts, calls for the idea of “blondness” to be the hallmark of a chosen people, The ancient parre, the victors the prophetic words: “A people will come from morning, the true people of the sun.” Golden will flutter their hair around their heads, like sunrays, and blue will shine their eye, like the sky in summer“. The same writer, even in a tale from the Germanic early period (“Kuning Hartfest”), makes the aged Ariovistus appear as a relentless guardian of blond races.

Source: Blondheit und Blondheitskult in der deutschen Literatur von Erich Biehahn, Archiv für Kulturgeschichte. Volume 46, Issue 2-3, Pages 309–333

pick one... also

So I guess mods have given up on their jobs

Pic related

I don't get, she's pretty ugly


> During the 1870s the blond, blue-eyed Nordic racial type, previously considered the mark of a dreamy, sentimental temperament, was identified with virility and conquest. [12]

[12] Erich Biehahn, “Blondheit und Blondheitskult in der deutschen Literatur,” Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 46 (1964): 309–333.

Source: Hitler’s priestess : Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan myth, and neo-Nazism by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke (1998)

Pls no bully


notice the old hag giving her the look down.
She jelly.

i live like minutes from this augest person. so strange.

You beta neets have obviously never been around Irish women, or Irish people in general. Their character and spirit for life is unmistakable. They know how to enjoy life unlike the miserable faggot anglos or the boring stoic germans.

The Irish fire will save America, and by extension the West. Exactly why there is so much anti-Irish hate being spreading around. The Anglo Menace knows the Celts are coming one more time.

theyre not. italians were, or whats left of them.

ask her out

Most modern bodybuilders leave some gayish impression imo.