South African Race War incoming?
>80% black
>Government and leading party are anti-white
>president sings songs on killing dutch Boers
>3rd largest party leader literally said "were not gonna kill whites, yet"
>poor white south african farmers being massacred because they can't afford protection

>what does Sup Forums think will happen?
>will the leave the country to rot in poverty and corruption?
>or will they fight back and die fighting what they believe is their land too?
>I don't see them winning unless a foreign power intervenes which excludes all Western countries because muh racism
>inb4 China backs up the Afrikaaners just so that South Africa is safe enough to exploit mineral rights


They will kill all who wont escape South Africa. Easy. UNN will say nothing.


Europe will get nice refugees for once.

Any chance of them seceding and forming their own country?


I think it should be possible for all former colonists to return back. Even if they are from the US, or from India, or Australia, or SA.

This is what happens when whites become a minority.
Take note.

> video
Actually it is a very fair point that Africa will be recolonised by asians.