Stupid niggers thread.
Stupid niggers thread
Other urls found in this thread:
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
What the fuck is the context of this?
Story on vid? Aside from what obviously happens.
but are you sure hes a *nog*
Maxine Waters. She says the allegations of hookers from the Russian smear dossier from buzzfeed is true:
>stupid niggers
Thats pretty redundant
oh what the fuck
Pray for anyone who works at a gas station in the southeast.
That's gotta hurt
Did he died?
I love watching coal burners pay the toll
I just non-ironically had a "wtf i hate x now" moment
thats pretty funny desu. id put money on her actually posting on Sup Forums
Look at the kid. Of course he is.
home invasion?
What's the deal with these, NZ? Are they being burned for being gay or for witchcraft or what?
What's going on here?
He got caught and I'm pretty sure he got life in prison, if it's any consolation.
certified nog electrician
we wuz nature n sheeit
>Going to Cuck E Cheese
He is trying to steal precious metals from the transformer but high voltage electricity can blow a hole right the fuck out of your body when electricity passes through. I think he is getting shocked and cannot remove his hand from the electricity as his muscles are clenched and the hole in the lungs got blown out by the electricity exiting the body there
Is this the same church were the niggers got poisoned and sprayed with DEET.
>when you date a nigger
their religious figure head 'blessed' them in someway, convincing them to reach more of gods empowerment via eating grass
or he just did all that and 'made it to where they can now eat grass'
either way
If Trump would just send their ungrateful asses back to nigger land, the world would prosper again.
idk, maybe spic? I just don't want to have any mistaken identity here
Specifically I meant pictures and webms of retarded black people. Because their culture is trash and they live like pigs.
I wuz dumb n shiet
he will
This is now a niggers rekt n kekd thread
I got you pham
Honestly I don't blame her, CNN calls everything an AK 47 or glock.
the church was saying the grass outside was heavenly or something
I pay good money to have someone step on my back like that. Little niglet should be grateful he gets that shit for free.
Niggresses are so disgusting,
ok now you're just getting lazy
Nogs like to steal copper wire since pawn shops pay well for it. Every now and then a particularly ambitious nog decides the best place to find copper wire is the local high-voltage transformer.
fuckin rad
my cat got super sick from eating grass.
lawns are treated with really nasty chemicals.
I still don't know what the fuck he thought was gonna happen
Please tell me the savagery in these videos isn't just black people. Tell me there's videos of white people or Asians or something acting with such base brutality.
I've been browsing Sup Forums for months now thinking the black hate threads were just a product of the Nazi fascination or because of the typical idiot black walking down the street. Not because my race is actually so senselessly violent and degenerate.
Fuck you pol first I find out Hitler wasn't such a bad guy and now this
underrated filename
how are people so evil
Shorter version, this is a must see to understand how stupid they really are
mother fucker
yeh thats why its a meme that survived
Post the one where he erupts into a fireball.
t. useless faggot who hasn't contributed
fucking apes
Fucking great
shit man, his foot skin slid off at the end. that's why he fell
I know that baboon's feel. I would have done the exact same thing. Oldfag here. I wanted Elizabeth Shue so very bad back then.
filename gets me every time
He's fine.
Fuck islam. it's because of you're disgusting book that they do this.
"""American universities"""
what a fucking joke, if I ever do an exchange program I'm going to the U.K.
Why the hell is this on World Star Hip Hop?
>robbing a gun store
He tried to steal some copper wire from an active circuit
me too tbqhwy, she was hot asf