I'm pretty sure this is old news but I wanted to know what pol thinks about HWNDU in Albuquerque. The stream is trying pretty hard to keep trolls/shitposters out.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/TN-107 & Moon Creek Rd, Tusculum, TN 37745/@36.1579714,-82.7293499,123m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x885a4f7dd33416d1:0x903ecba2f6e0017e!8m2!3d36.1670849!4d-82.7373135

PS: If you don't have a link; hewillnotdivide.us/

Umm .... are you posting from the distant past?


>already found where the flag is
>nobody has fucked with it yet
What the fuck is taking so long


Why haven't we replaced that crap wth the Kekistani flag yet?

Where the fuck is the flag?

It's on private property and the police have already been called a few times when they thought someone was about to steal it.

>Weaponizing autism to such extremes that the location of the flag has already been found.
Wew lads. the future is bright

So where's the flag

small town in Tennessee

join us on 8ch

Just shoot it with a paintball gun or something

It's in a large field near a house. Paintball gun wouldn't hit it from the publicly accessible areas and those areas are already being monitored by the homeowners.

Rig a paintball gun on a drone and fly it in

What if we dig a hole all the way to the flag?

If we had a drone available, possibly.

>join us on 8ch

wat board?

Are these threads getting deleted?


why even bother at this point?
what the fuck does a heavily protected flag in the middle of nowhere prove?
his shitty stream was more divisive than anything trump has done
admit that you lost and move on


its a capture the flag game being played across the country. Now that we've found (captured) it, its going to be moved and we can play another round.

We lost? This is news to me.

This is the county he put the flag in.

Fuck was he thinking?

>his shitty stream was more divisive than anything trump has done
You seem to be getting something wrong. Sup Forums's the one making the stream as shitty as possible. We aren't with Shia.

I'm sorry time traveler they shut that one down, now all they have left is a flag in a "secret location" (which was found in 2 days) which is supposed to fly for the duration of 4 years, most likely because the artists can't find any public place to put it anymore.

It proves we have autism.
And I'm loving every second of it.

At that point might as well enslave the mole people and make them do it.

Actually he pretty much united people all across race and all across the globe. Just not the kind of people he wanted to unite.

places with high concentration of either side usually have ultra-rich people on the contradicting side.

This is most likely at some rich democrats property in the country

I meant the he should admit he lost

poorly phrased on my part

It's a challenge and Sup Forums always rises to this kind of challenge

They own approximately 56 acres there, yeah they're wealthy liberals.


it's a genuine art project now.

art of avoiding arguments.

Is this really true?

If anons know where it is, why don't they run a Pepe flag up under the HWNDU flag? Its not stealing since the HWNDU flag is undisturbed.

I'm like 800 miles away from Mississippi, isn't anyone closer?

a rifle will work

Because it's still criminal trespassing and they don't want to get shot.


>isn't anyone closer?
Who knows? Apparently they now monitoring those threads, so people creating false flags left and right to hide real infiltration time (if it happen at all).

They did find it
Don't be autistic
Because we all want to see Shia have another mental breakdown and get arrested
Cucks aren't people

Yes they are





if this is really where it is, it's only about an hour away from where I live

a frontal assault around here wouldn't be wise
even the liberals pack heat

He should wave a white flag in surrender.

It's in a southern state, even the liberals have guns here.

Georgia user reporting in

If the flag is on private property, then i wouldn't do this. Instead, you should reveal the location and post it everywhere.

Barbra Streisand the fuck out of this

Has anyone taken a picture of it yet, showing that its been found for sure?

Also some user can always get a Nazi flag and attach it to a drone and fly past it.

Yes, we had an user taking photos of it from a public road, the police were called and questioned the user.

>reveal the location and post it everywhere
What would that accomplish?


top fucking kek

i like how the nigger is trump

I was just thinking about the drone and nazi flag idea Kek

8ch hwndu

da fuck i cant find the location anywhere im in ga 160 miles away from said county

Yes. Exact flag location still unsure because autism all around, but we've got the place 100%.

i think i hear drones


Wait so they put the flag behind a wall? Didn't liberals say walls are bad and useless?

Someone should pay got some Skywriting.

They are lauding it as a "secret" location.

It is most likely at some rich liberals property. They were probably only allowed to put the flag on there because they thought that no one would reach it or find out about it. going onto the property itself and fucking with it will only make us seem like we are maliciously destroying this "art" rather than simply showing the inherit bullshit of it.

We gotta show the world that they are not "artists" because a real artist would let their shit get shown by everyone, these are people doing this out of dumb-ass spite.

Plus it would be much funnier to see Shia make a psychotic rage video simply about people finding out where his "art" project is, rather than him having an excuse.

IS that the white flag of surrender?

Indeed, the irony is lost on them.

Drones? Would be a great tactic. Don't expect it to survive though. Maybe paint swastikas on it while hanging a kekistani or Nazi Germany flag.

I thought it got shut down due to gunshots. Is it back up?

I'll tell you exactly where it is

So get a high powered airsoft gun.

I like how they knew we would find it, but the weoponized autism of this is amazing.
> Looking at plane schedules
> Figuring out wind direction
> Listening to bird sounds
> Looking at star positions
>Shia: The..They're fast

The Albuquerque one got shut down because of that, now they are reduced to placing it at some rich libreal's house

My 550 fps sniper could only make a maximum 300 feet shot, which wouldn't be useful against a flag.

Join us in the Discord before mods purge this thread. HWNDU ops are 99% Discord.


There must be some based pilots who could do this. It would be amazing. Just a big MAGA.

It's had pics taken of it already.


Oh shit look at the lucky numbers

Got some more intel btw.

>I like how they knew we would find it
I'm pretty sure they thought it wouldn't be found

Did ya win son?
Did ya get the flag?

I haven't seen any threads up. I guess the shill got tired of spamming threads of spics chanting in one spot all day

May the spirits haunting New Mexico bless us


Maybe you should read the thread instead of just shitposting

What thread?

someone is there !!! dogs are barking all ape shit

It's a livestream of a flag now and Brittany still attention-whoring. Stop posting this shit.


They were using this as a last ditch effort to save this art project because it would be safe here. They underestimated the autists.

you could hear someone walking and dogs barking

Lure the dog away with some jerky.

Someone needs to rape that bitch

I hear some sirens now. Shit.

Anyone got a Broadcastify link?



HWNDU is now at a flagpole somewhere between tennessee and N. Carolina. I think some anons from 2^3chan found it.

google.com/maps/place/TN-107 & Moon Creek Rd, Tusculum, TN 37745/@36.1579714,-82.7293499,123m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x885a4f7dd33416d1:0x903ecba2f6e0017e!8m2!3d36.1670849!4d-82.7373135

Yeah they did some flight tracking shit.

moon creek road / oaks bewley lane tn

I'm in TN where is it exactly?

>google.com/maps/place/TN-107 & Moon Creek Rd, Tusculum, TN 37745/@36.1579714,-82.7293499,123m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x885a4f7dd33416d1:0x903ecba2f6e0017e!8m2!3d36.1670849!4d-82.7373135

Where is the pole?
