Why can leftists only communicate with pop culture references?
Why can leftists only communicate with pop culture references?
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Because they're no more than part of it.
Yeah, seems like it.
it'd also be n a galaxy far far away so who cares
> pic
How will you even recover?
because they're really just having fun
leftists fucking love trump, he's given them something to do and take pictures of themselves doing
>Why can leftists only communicate with pop culture references?
Rightists can't because they have no sense of humor.
Pushing political agendas through movies is stupid. It's not even a good joke pal
Because they've alienated themselves from the Western literary canon. They wouldn't relate to it any more even if we pushed it more forcefully in schools.
Bourgeois liberalism is best expressed through the consumerist trash that it creates.
They're not very smart and can't form any proper arguments
If it weren't for women, Anakin would never have had his mind fucked and would have never gone on his relentless quest to prevent death. He would have recognized the evil in the senator (assuming a Jedi picked up him and trained him) and prevented the overthrow of the republic.
Because their beliefs aren't applicable to reality
>tfw Kyle Katarn got retconned in favor of MUH STRONG WIMMINZ
Serious non-meme answer: Jews.
nailed it
>Mads Mikkelsen engineered the design flaw
>Luke blew it up
>Han Solo and Akbar ran interference
>Leia did jack diddly
>Rogue One bitch wouldn't have succeeded without ethnically ambiguous guy and droid sacrificing themselves
This bitch can get phucked
But Luke was a man...
mfw I saw some twat on the train today wearing a pussy hat
Men destroyed the Death Star. These woman know nothing about Star Wars.
That's their idea of a meme
If anyone else finds this whole entire political pop culture thing hilarious
listen to this episode of knock off
gets decent around 30min
No, without various squadrons of X-Wings who sacrificed their lives the death star would still be arounf. Eat shit.
Did anyone checked the tag on them? Would be curious to know where they're made.
>Many Bothians die to get them their message
>Woman take credit
Trump is playing 8th dimensional quidditch.
leave normie
Fucking women ruining everything
Now what are we fight with when the Yuuzhan Vong invade our galaxy?
Ewok slingshots? Thanks, women
what aren't they to blame for?
I was gonna say the Holocaust but nevermind
> Luke blew up the death star
> Han and Chewie saved Luke
> Literally every pilot in the battle was male
> Dash Rendar died to acquire the plans
> Every step from destruction to espionage was done by a man
> women trying to take credit for the work men did
Checks out
They never could have done it if Leia hadn't smuggled the Death Star plans bro.
Leftists are disproportionately women, and women love social validation.
Jueden, gtfo
Don't forget FUCKING WHITE MALE Kyle Katarn was the one who stole the plans before (((Disney))) replaced him with STRONG EMPOWERED WOMYN.
How can you make up a fictional reference about women and still try take credit for something men did? Did sucking Jabba the hutts dick help?
>rational libertarian
Leftists make no distinction between fantasy and reality. In fact, the fantasy is more real to them, since they think propaganda shapes reality.
just george takei--playing some ping pong, in pizza hut ad
>the right has no sense of humor
>posted on a right-wing board that serves as a hilarious political meme factory
so the "ears" on those pink hats are supposed to symbolize the roastie flaps bologna curtains of a "nasty woman"?
Because they have no imaginative and creative thought processes of their own. The left references pop culture, the right transforms it.
This. Anakin got fucked up because he was sexually abused by an adult woman when he was a child.
Damn, you beat me to it.
I'm just going to post a random photo from my collection instead.
> naming a fat fuck character "Porkins"
> mfw this level of honesty will never be allowed in film again
Um that was the SECOND Death Star, not the first. Ever heard of Wookiepedia, pleb?
> sips from Japanese anime Star Wars mug
Because the greatest accomplishments of Leftism have been fictional
>(((entertainment industry))) exclusively libtards
>shit out leftist propaganda non-stop
>libtards make analogies between said propaganda and politicians they don't like
Gee, almost as if it's part of some grand strategy...
This and secularism severing our connection to our once commonly held religious traditions.
Almost nobody reads and connects with the Bible anymore but millions of people have seen Star Wars and read Harry Potter.
This happened.
>leia, a senator that has been openly thumbing her nose at the empire and was basically flirting with the idea of rebellion openly somehow gets the plans on her ship which of course gets captured by the empire
desu senpai if they had transported it without putting it on a senator's fucking political vessel then I don't think the empire would have had the first clue where to find it
Wtf I love the Rebel Alliance now
You joke but based Peterson has important lessons to teach about this symbology. Harry is the Seeker on his team which is essentially the redpilled intellectual, the Golden Snitch represents Chaos and finding/catching it represents the attainment of Wisdom.