Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?


he already cancelled, dumb bitch

He was going to be sloppy seconds.
She wanted him to be a cuck
He didn't want to be. Good for him.

You're both fucking faggots.


Stay away from Tinder. She tried to cuck him and he did right by calling her out, but he's naive af for even making a Tinder account.

he's and idiot for thinking any girl on tinder isnt fucking another 4 guys on the go. tinder is a hookup app not fucking match.com


you lot need to get this through your thick skulls

You are for posting this and not killing yourself afterwards


So what do?

MGTOW, mail order, or try to find a women from the East (that has a completely incompatible culture)?

Its not me, dopey.

This chick is dumb. Who the fuck wants to learn theyre sloppy seconds? Poor judgment on girls part. Probably used to talking to cucks.

>meet on tinder
>already petty arguments

maybe you two arent made for eachother

he's on fucking tinder, he's chastising her for seeing someone else when the whole point of the app is to meet up with people and fuck not form an exclusive relationship. His reaction would have been fine if this were Christian mingle, but it should be expected on tinder.

lol grey is a fag

do what im doing. impregnating as many of these dumbos as i can to get our population up. in a generation or two our children and grand children will look at all these single mothers and realise a hedonistic lifestyle doesnt lead to a good life and maybe they will go back to more traditional values

the family structure is dead. if youre lucky you might find one of the few good women that are still left but most of us wont. so just father as many babies as you can is all i can say.

So you would be okay with a girl telling you shes gonna fuck a dude before going on a date with you?

I actually just had my first baby 2 weeks ago. A slavic/norwegian white baby girl.

Does child support exist in the UK? Because your solution might prove problematic for us in the States.

wow OP sounds like a whiny little bitch

no I wouldn't which is why i don't use tinder, it's to be expected that the women on a hookup app are going to be trashy and fucking multiple dudes at the same time


It's the sociopathic sluttiness that I don't like. They're ruining themselves. They think this will all be concealable, that a decent catch is going to be there when this phase is over and that things will fall into place later in life.


she is a whore

if i knew her from tinder i wouldnt give a shit because i know she's doing that anyway.

congratulations mate. we have a form of child support but it is different from that of the usa it's not as harsh i dont think. but fuck it i dont give a shit ill pay


Dude is probably having a meltdown about how the love of his life on tinder got away from him.

take this garbage thread to Sup Forums.
god damn this board gets shittier every day i swear

The dude. Don't be a thirsty hoe. If she ducks you, go fuck something else. Honestly, if you aren't serious with her you should be fucking something else anyway.

the sad thing is that there are plenty of guys out there who are desperate enough to cater to these kind of women when they finally want to settle down

Need more context in this are they gf and bf? Is she an escort? Did they meet on tinder? Is the guy a husband and he is getting cucked?

>1 of 3
>2 of 3

Where's 3 of 3?

They'll likely both be fucking miserable though. She'll be on pharmaceuticals to deal with his beta-ness until she can't tolerate it anymore. Then she'll fuck him over too, likely. Or kill herself. Idc.

We must thank our boomer forebearers who passed onto us such an advanced and progressive social dynamic. Truly enlightened and equal and stuff. 10/10. Can't wait.

>we met on tinder
>we met on tinder
>we met on tinder
>we met on tinder
yeah the guy acts like a little bitch
did he expect to find the patron saint of abstinence in that normieapp?

we should go back to good old days
i always say that giving right to women was completely mistake

Last one since op is a fag

This dude is a faggot. and he kept on replying HOLY SHIT. He could have just expressed everything in one text yet he had to sperg out.

Tinder is degenerate. If you use it you a propelling the degeneracy. Reap what you sow. We have an opportunity to fix things with Gen Z but not if we cant stop fucking each other and rise above our carnal desires. Rise so they room to stand up out of this mud.

a lot of peoples lives are going to be like this in future i suspect. not me though im not falling into that shitty life. id rather just be a single dad with full custody of my child

He's obviously upset at a whore.

Don't you have a 9 days of Novena to attend?

>turk commando anti-RAID training dot jpeg

>Don't you have a 9 days of Novena to attend?
tf you talking about ?


Meme aside, it's kind of retarded to tell someone you are going on a date with someone tonight then expecting plans with another guy on another night.

Keep that to yourself, unless you are at a speed dating event.

>going on tinder for anything other than fuckmeat
the retarded cuck is at fault

He sounds so desperate no wonder she would rather be with Chad on Friday. And messaging like a caveman sure isn't helping his image either.

What kind of retard tells their date they

Blue for being a degenerate whore and expecting white to take their sloppy seconds.

Desperate for turning down a date? He spells like a retard and didn't shut up early enough, but that man put his principles before the pussy.

there's nothing wrong with 99% of people being degenerate as long as they don't have any political power.
it would be a lot easier to ban them from running for office or voting than it would be to magically get rid of all the marxist drones out there.
something like to vote/run, you need to have an IQ of at least 105, have at least one living child (proof of psychological investment in the future), have never in your life accepted any financial assistance from the government, and must have never unironically shared a CNN article on goybook.

this is a great autism test. if you in any way think the neckbeard in this scenario is right, youre an autist.

It's time to go back.

Just because you're going on a date with someone doesn't mean you're fucking them

If you're not in a marriage or serious relationship you should be dating everyone

I agree user. The beta-ness of those MGTOW faggots is miserable, but I don't objectively know if I'm ever going to be bigly wealthy or if marriage exists.

It's fucked because I really wanted a traditional family before. I think most women want this too, but they also want at least a few years on the carousel, and the nuclear divorce option. It's such a shit show.

Every first date I went on with a tinder girl resulted in either a blow job or fucking.

If that chick is hot, she's mostly screwing those dudes. That's just how it is.

This is the typical tindrslut. Understand this leaf. This is the modern stronk womyn.

Does her independence intimidate you, white male?

He was hanging around still messaging the bitch because he HOPED she would change her mind. Yes, set her straight but don't probe around for a way in and apologize!

>you can't fire me, i quit!
You got rejected for being a slut.
Deal with it.

if you think there was a "right" in this scenario, yo'ure an autist

A normal date perhaps, but tinder is a fuck app.

Also one time I had a clingy, neurotic girl that got PISSED when I said I was seeing and matching with other girls. I don't know why she was so mad. I said dating didn't mean exclusive or boyfriend/girlfriend, and she flipped out. I ended up having to block and avoid contact with her because every topic and question was about other girls I was seeing and that I needed to delete my account since I was dating her.

Then out of the blue she contacts me on Snapchat (I assume she synced up contacts since I wasn't replying for months) apologizing. I ended up seeing her again, then after a week, she starts doing the same needy shit. I couldn't tell if she wanted to fuck or kill me half the time.

Agree with the man. Women are whores. Every. Single. One.

Though, he's fucking stupid using Tinder as a legit dating tool and not to fuck ez sluts.

Therefore, guy is right philosophically but girl is right by using Tinder to fug.

>expecting monogamy and fidelity on tinder

they're both wrong for being on that website

he's wrong for expecting a slut to be anything other than a slut

we're living in the end times

blue is wrong

she's a dumb whore FUCK HER

women have a precious commodity, their youth and vaginas.

men have no currency to purchase that commodity because a lot of women earn their own way now.

We have made women superior to men in every category except leading the military, playing sports, doing science and hard physical labour.

Once they encroach on those areas, or get robots to do so, it will be the end of men as anything other than a plaything for women.

Women were a plaything for men for tens of thousands of years, this does not justify women's current actions at aggressively destroying the male gender.

A boyfriend these days is like a puppy for a girl. ANY, let me repeat this, ANY girl can find a guy several points above her in attractiveness and ditch him whenever she wants. Even single mothers get a match rate of about 75%. Girls 18-35 are around 95%.

Men are sitting around 10%.

This is normal, women are fucking the 10% cream of the crop men, full head of hair, fit and athletic, high disposable income, good looking and confident. These guys are fucking so many chicks their dicks are nearly falling off. I have a friend who is a legit 9/10 nohomo dude and he has fucked 200 girls this year. Sometimes he just gets 2 random girls to agree to a threesome because he doesn't want to drive to both their places the same day. It's insane how much sex he is getting.

On the other end of the scale are sitting a large bulk of young men, no income because still studying or just starting their careers, not particularly good looking or muscular, and they basically have to either go much older (since this has become a fetish for built guys, it's much older+much fatter+much uglier now) or they roll the dice and try to fuck a HS girl or they just give up on sex.

Women run the social world, and we are moving towards a very social global environment, where what you know is irrelevant and what you say, how you say it and how you look is everything.

Big, handsome, confident? Walk this way sir $150k base.

Play for the winning team you idiots.

>Posting. Like. This. Ever. Even. Now.

you seem like you're being cool bro

Take care of yourself, user. Start working out, keep focused on your career. By the time you're 30, the young cunts will want you and the girls your age will want to settle down with you.

you take this from my woman hate thread on /r9k/?

best to post the pic of her

she's not hot enough to pull this shit

also fave part: she posted this in multiple subleddits

both of them for using tinder

>ywn have an aesthetic body

>"well I dont like you!"
>doesn't proceed to block her

Desperate and insecure betashit VS cock carousel rider

Into the gas chamber they both go

What a cute butt.

you know this is what women look like normally without doing anything right? you know the guy on the right has dumped 10,000 hours in the gym right?

you're part of the problem.