Dusseldorf Airport Terrorist Axe Attack Aftermath (Explicit Content)

youtube.com/watch?v=dKKTd2IX9uc&feature=youtu.be - Islamic terrorist in Dusseldorf attacks Germans in train station with axe. Injured (at least five) are bleeding profusely. More information to unfold. Which country is he from, folks? Hmm.

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natives are just axing to get axed.

o well, not my head on the chopping block.

Refugees are welcome

Germans are really losing their heads over this whole refugee thing

Shhh if we hide it near the bottom of the sidebar people won't notice


The attacker was from Yugoslavia
So while the chance that he was a Muslim is pretty decent, it's not guaranteed.

any info on the attacker(s) yet?

no, a source that you haven't bothered to post has led you to believe that this man had ID documents of yugo origin. there's a difference.


Yes. Yugo who is described as having "mental problems".
So the chances he was just a mad Muzzie are still 50:50

I'm pretty sure no one in here can read German so my source will be useless for you
>er 36-Jährige stamme aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien und wohne in Wuppertal, hieß es.

Doesent matter, even if he is a serb, he is still a kebab turkish rape baby, a muslim in denial.

Suspect was detained but as of yet no news outlet has said he's a white male. Coulter's law seems to be coming into effect.

Nice Ketchup there, Schlomo.

Ban assault axes. Welcome islamic rapefugees.

It was a mentally unstable Drumpf supporter.

He really had an axe to grind

so they say former yugoslavia because they don't want to specify he's from bosnia and thus probably a muslim?
fuckin political correctness these days ...


I assumed they called him a Yugo because he came over when it still existed, but your reasoning might actually be the true reason.

literally no major news sites are covering it if you google Dusseldorf Airport

probably because you are looking for the wrong terms. it was central station, not the airport

(R A R E)

>I was literally just there


Bosniak probably

Muslim from Bosnia or Kosovo commits terror attack in name of Islam.

"Oy vey, goyim it was a yugoslavian. That's all you need to know about the suspect. Now be a good goy and watch sports or something."

They are emphasizing extra hard that he had "mental problems", so yeah, very good chance it will turn out he allahu akbar'd a bit.
Checked a bunch of other newspapers and none of them have anything more precise than "ex yugo"
Most of them don't even mention that but call him a Wuppertaler instead (someone from the town Wuppertal).
So it's a mix of the Lügenpresse refusing to name exactly where he came from or lying by omission and trying to imply that he was German