I have a gf right now whos feet are literally perfect. I feel so lucky because i have had 2 gfs in the past who had miserable feet (stubby toes, cankles etc)... who else cant stand ugly feet
Would you tolerate a girlfriend with less than perfect feet?
Your troubles seem to transcend feet
Fuck off with this 3DPD crap REEEEE.
>at bar with guys from work
>hot chick serves us drinks
>after we get our drinks and chick leaves we all comment on how hot she is
>one dude
>"her feet were gross 0/10 would not bang"
you footfags are retards
No feet are a dealbreaker.
>can't stand ugly feet
>I have a gf right now whos feet are literally perfect.
I am really happy for you user!!!
Feet are a deal breaker if you plan on fucking them more than once drunkenly.
If you wife up some bitch with bad feet lol you dumb.
The only thing that should matter is that she is white and loving.
As long as her butt smelled nice, mildly gross feet can be sort of a turn on if you force yourself to massage them but a nasty butt is unforgivable.
I don't give a fuck about my girlfriend's feet because they're not a sexual organ. Footfags will be right up there on the branch as homos on the day of the rope
Fuck off ya donkey raping shit eater
foot fetishists are literally worse than niggers.
they're niggers with autism
>says a person whose culture was foot binding for hundred of years before commies came
>I don't give a fuck about my mate's genetics because genetics aren't sexual lol thats how smart I am
>says a person who'se culture is footbinding now
we learned from our mistakes, you seem to be using them as an instruction manual
stomach fetish master race
ooo! cute!
>Implying foot fetish is not the most patrician fetish
Prove it
>implying fart fetish isn't the master race of fetishes
I'm genuinely curious. What makes a foot attractive/unattractive? What is it about that foot you posted makes you go "hnng, that's a hot foot right there"?
You foot fetishists are a strange people and I'd like to understand you better because to me feet seem like one of the least erotic parts of the human body.
I have no idea. Some people get off on just images of feet, but for me it has to visibly attached to an attractive woman (such as pic related)
Why do people love feet they're meant for walking and stink like ass if not washed regularily.
Not to mention they look fuckin weird.
foot feitsh people should all burn
also helps if they have an immaculate butthole/vagina. BRAAAAAAAAAAP
feet are very important
>tfw jerked off on gf's earlier
This guy knows.