Sure let's do this again
Sure let's do this again
who #AnimeGate here
>look mod I posted it again
Imagine being so autistic you'd fight the mods over a shit thread.
You are definetly a butthurt fujo
#fujogate flows better
What happened?
google it fag
t. hotpocket
OP is a faggot that got mad at funi and now is spamming shitty threads in Sup Forums.
Some Twitter brouhaha
Saitama is gay for Goku.
Fujos objectify anime characters in sick manner. You don't find such behavior in regular, wholesome anime and its fans.
Why do people need "representation"? Why must everything stroke their fucking special snowflake ego?
It's the West that needed those nuke, not Japan.
kill yourself
If there was ever proof a site-wide ban on phoneposting was needed, this is it.
There would only have been one of mods let it die a natural death
No one fucking cares go to the yaoi board and post this shit there
>muh phoneposter boogeyman
Fuck you, retard. I saged, didn't I?
Go talk about it on Sup Forums. You have your safe space, why do you insist on shitting up the rest of the site too?
>t. phoneposter
>wahh stop invading my safe space
>Sure let's do this again
Let's not
There would only have been one if OP wasn't a retarded LGBT shitposter.
>not Vegeta
You disgust me.
That's a good image, mind if I save it?
Fuck off, brain dead retard.
>5th time this deleted thread has been remade
>phone format filename
I googled it and found nothing
What happened?
Haha go right ahead, it's all yours! :)
>what are VPNs
>android doesn't have a default image filename, iphone's is "image.jpg/png", and windows phone is completely different
Can someone give me a quick rundown of what happened?
Why is anitwitter such cancer?
There you go.
He's right, though, I'm phone posting
Save it, it's all yours my friend : ).
fuck off, no i'm not
good dub
who are you quoting?
Yes I am.
no i'm not
The joke is that every character in there is shit, right?
Rollin anyway.
Loli, please.
Neither of you is very good at impersonation, capsize the first letter but leave if the period at the end
reminder that this only works on boards not made up of total retards who can't sage
>boards not made up of total retards
None, then?
We are at war with gayfaggots
For some reason they don't like anime
And have huge glaring typos
>not setting up your smartphone keyboard to function like a regular keyboard
shit for brains
You. I'm quoting you.
got it in one
It's probably because the Japs hate them and only use them for fapbait
check my 9
Fujos on damage control after realizing gay men don't like their fetishization and shit taste in anime
it's like someone didn't like their blooper jokes on a fujoshi anime
I wish they'd release they're secret bloopers
Some gays were offended over some stupid recording jokes on a fujo anime
I'm ending this.
A guy named Osamu Tezuka made a cartoon about robots, and then five hundred years later some Americans started shitposting on anime imageboards, and now we're getting dubs.
Seventy-one posts and only five dubs. Where did it all go so horribly wrong?
lets roll
Lotta close calls tho
and now they can't except NYAV post who can make good bloopers
make it six
What does this mean?
Go home Dubs Man, this is Cirno's home!
Sup Forums is the fucking best board, you deal with shitposters in the most beautiful way
The fuck is this thread and why are people bumping it?
The Strongestâ„¢
Tis the season of shitpost.
I miss lolispammer
And don't come back /po/tards.
Mods, with all due respect, don't move it, just fucking ban them. No one wants this shit.