I figured you people should have this back
I figured you people should have this back
>Having adds on your Sup Forums
kys pls
Ad block doesn't work on mobile.
Use clover you dumb fuck.
>not using clover
what are you even doing right now friend
charge your fucking phones holy shit
U mad?
haha its when u do that thing where u hold a mirror up to a mirror and it goes into another dimension haha
>this gun b gud
>when anglos steal Taringa memes
CTR is trying to turn Sup Forums into twitch chat. Wp lads, 4/10
im not ctr but i participated in the thread for the meme.
I'm as sitting at 95% battery life senpai
Why is that crooked
best thread
Are you new? Do you know the rules?
Get in here!
>Using avatars on Sup Forums
>using degenerate pedo anime pics on Sup Forums
Hmm.. How far will it go? Has it been done before?
Be careful with her, captain.