Clapper says Trump lied about the wiretap. At what point do Drumpfags drop the POTUS?
Clapper says Trump lied about the wiretap. At what point do Drumpfags drop the POTUS?
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Not until after they lose the civil war
Autistic children seem very attached to their tard-emperor. For many of these right wing retards, it's their first election they can remember.
This is the retard who LIED to congress 3 times.
Try again, faggot.
>Mr. Perjury says Drumpf lied
probably around the time the next exciting lie gets fabricated
He also said the NSA isn't spying on Americans or allies.
Didn't Clapper lie under oath?
literally who?
this guy
Clapper lied about intelligence agencies not spying on the public.
He's projecting.
Clapper also said the NSA wasn't collecting all our secrets. When he was under oath.
>that was a lie!
>guy that lied under oath said president lied about something the news had stated previous
Really gets the noggin joggin
Former Trumpfan here. Can't lie, at this point I wish there was some way we could just swamp Don out and put Clapper in the Oval Office. Dude is a beast. SMDH that a year ago I was waving an american flag at a Trump rally. I feel so stupid because now I realize that Clapper's CIA was already like MAGAx9000 and I didn't even know it. I get tears when that guy talks. So inspire.
Read his body language. Clap is not being honest.
He also said Trump personally asked him to deny the dossier publicly but refused. He loathes Trump and knows he's compromised.
Pot meet kettle
never bitch
Didn't Clapper lie multiple times about the whole NSA scandal?
Didn't Clapper lie about not spying on millions of Americans?
Lol, the dude that straight up said "No" when asked by Congress if the NSA was spying on US citizens says that Trump is a liar.
Now all we need is commie Brennan to come out and lie.
When will the redscare left accept that Clapper said there wasn't evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump?
cmon man youre on the fucking clock - If you're gonna shill for $ at least give it your full effort. Nothing worse than someone half assing it on the job. So not white.
>At what point does OP stop sucking bags of dicks?
i don't have any faith in the old intel apparatus clapper is deep state, he's troll in the swamp
he'll do or say anything to protect his empire
he'll do or say anything to protect his ass
Clapper is your basis for truth?? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
To answer your question, when he stops putting USA first and joins Clapper in buttsex.
Clapper? More like TAPPER, amirite?
Quite dangerous for a Trump supporter to throw the word 'perjury' around...
NYT carried an article about the wiretap in their print edition (online version has been expunged)
Fuck off IC shill.
that font isnt in the nyt style guide
clapper is the biggest piece of human shit on planet earth. he and his family deserve to be exiled.
And the prophesy was true
>WASHINGTON — Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.
>The officials said the intercepted communications were not limited to Trump campaign officials, and included other associates of Mr. Trump.
>The call logs and intercepted communications are part of a larger trove of information that the F.B.I. is sifting through
>The intercepted calls are different from the wiretapped conversations last year between Michael T. Flynn, Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, and Sergey I. Kislyak,
>tfw intercepted calls aren't wiretapping
I don't care what globalists say. They lie everytime they speak.
My only frustration with Trump is that he hasn't hit them upside the head with a sledgehammer yet and ruined a few dozen of their lives by moving the entire federal apparatus against them mercilessly.
Never. Trump supporter = cult member
>believing anything known liar Clapper says
Go to bed, nigger. Forever.
>Doesn't release tax return == paid no taxes
Really creates consideration within my noggin