are there any french people or french speakers on here and why arent you making le pen memes
dont u want here to win
French Sup Forums
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Les Francais d'aujourd'hui méritent rien de nous. Quand je vois un effort au part des Francais je vais les aider.
we we
I hear french chicks have hairy and smelly vaginas.
Sorry I don't speak Algerian
Crashing this thread, with no survivors
i dont speak french i just want the eu to fall and want france to uncuck themselves
>dont u want here to win
Not really. She's the best of a bad bunch, but it's hard to really get excited about her.
wtf ur a fellow bong dont you want a smooth brexit imagine how the eu would treat us if france also left the eu they would be fucked also she is a nation socialist
Nvm too lazy
Croissant baguette crepe
You're on an American website you dirty french leaf SPEAK AMERICAN
>tfw people will actually think this is real
i assume they're memeing their own shit in their own outlets. you could get banned for excessive non-english posting, conceivably.
It is sad r/le_pen is pretty much dead.
wtf u on about u can speak whatever also there are many french fags on here
the only board that mentions posting in non-english is Sup Forums which means if Sup Forums went spanish overnight, it would be corrected.
Of course, one of the oldest rules:
>lol u tk him 2da bar|
has never been enforced. I'm not against multi-lingual discourse, but it is a core tenet of Sup Forums. to be the "english speaking 2ch."
Maybe there's a french chan somewhere...
>speak America
you mean spanish right??
>Le Pen FTW
tell at to dutch pol
I made a thread a couple hours ago asking if Kek could help her, and nobody posted.
make feminst memes about le pen
fucking faggots think she will just win we need to help her before it's too late
Well we need an exception for Sup Forums until the French election is finished, how do we get one?
of course
>Sup Forums
there are many counter examples. I just have a hard time believe the french are that dead in online activity. They all congregate somewhere, it's just not here. Matter of fact, it's probably because of you limey bastards. They don't take the bants so well.
I'm open to any good le pen news sources though...
Also i want to fug her
>Le Pen Pour Le Win!
>Le Pen Pour Le Win!
>Le Pen Pour Le Win!
>Le Pen Pour Le Win!
Praise Kek!
Tout à fait d'accord ! Marine ne peut pas gagner sans la magique KekMemes.
molymeme did a pretty good vid on her just google her interviews they will be subtitled of course
pepe memes wont do the trick u need poltical memes take a look at this anti hillary meme for example
she was one 60 minutes last week i can't find the full interview though.
also what the ever loving fuck is up with his accent. he's hitting his R's way too hard to be british but he's not hitting the A's properly to be american. it's fucking with me man.
ats from ages ago try the bbc newsnight interviews
He learned how to talk in a third-rate Canadian theater school
Burger here who has no educated opinion on the mater
I hope you frogs make it, but there sure are a fuck load of you who are social marxists cuck captains
I think it may be too late for you
this is all the meme I need
cuck fuck off back to leftypol
black pilled faggot
>not a single French user speaks in this thread over the past hour
what the fuck
you guys don't have much time left
make some fucking memes you imbeciles
I want to worship her.
it's 5am in paris. the better question is why are there so many other non-americans here.
they don't have memes in france
they don't use the internet like we do either - they mostly just stick to facebook and whatsapp and snaochat, thats pretty much it
work night shift
- leaf who has been to france
they also dont have internet culture like we do - most of them didn't even know who donald trump was before the campaign
so do they post le pen shit on facebook? surely they get dank somewhere.
Insomniac frog reporting
about fucking time why dont you frogs make a french Sup Forums or a le pen general
We make Le Pen threads almost every day, for the french/pol/ i don't know, french anons prefer to shitpost on other threads for some reason.
never see them were are all the dank french memes
I am French royalty you twat we colonated your women many times. You aren't helping us we're already doing something about it. Go back to bed
I love french women so sexy and open minded yum yum sharing is caring
is that really her?
how good is her chance to win?
>au part des Francais
t. Li Ding Dong
i thought she was married to a white dude
Le Pen is mightier than le sword.
Is it impolite to say that I'd tap dat ass?
Seriously, though. I'm pulling for her.
>> 115991297
Fake as shit
I've seen some, but its not the same. English is just too good a language for memeing, and Trump's energy just makes it all so much more real. Kind of hard to compete with that.
euronews and france24 told me macron gonna win
and that there's also a belgian movie about le pen who will btfo here and basically Sup Forums btfo
she is
Nigga pleez... This is just someone who LOOKS like her. Wrong color eyes and the real one doesn't have pierced ears.