Anyone know the scoop?
Lauren Southern Quits Rebel Media
She's a kike, so who cares?
>says the monkey
Better hue than Jew.
I will marry her
Stop making these threads Lauren. It's sad
She realized civic nationalism is bullshit so they kicked her out.
>says the dumb burger
Lauren is a Canadian Jew.
>implying it matters once the ovens fire up
you burn too chimp hue
It's because they hired that smelly samoli who called white supremacists stupid
Who cares, she's a coal burner.
Who cares about this vapid cunt?
Good, Ezra Levant is a fucking tyrannical prick who needs to skydive into an oven. Lauren interviewed a friend of mine, but Ezra demanded she take down the interview because muh evil altright nazis. She's more redpilled than she makes herself seem to normies
she got leaked saying she approves of sex with boys
>niggers takes picture with her
>"I guarantee they fucked because r9k told me all women are coalburners"
Based canadian
Need a quick rundown.
What's up with her tranquilized upper lip?
(((Ezra))) probably tried to finger blast her. But who cares?
Nobody here.
Friendly Reminder:
She's prolly gonna go work for Milo.
kekworthy but untrue
I wonder who's behind this post.
>show a little cleavage (but not a lot!)
>talk about how shitty libcucks/feminists/muslims are
>EZ livin'
Quit spreading this bullshit. Se literally did a vid on her ancestry after she did a 23andMe test (or similar, I forget). Literally 0% kike. Sure, some Iberian, but that's still white.
She is going to join Milo's new organization.
She literally said her grandparents escaped a concentration camp.
Marcuse, Hoppe and Rand?
So she should be either thrown from a helicopter or would help load commies onto it?
Totes adorbs.
Fuck I would mack her mouth if she let me.
So shes a probably a slav then
She's Danish. The Germans put other people than kikes into camps too, you retard.
She is ugly as fuck, I want to smash that snaggletooth with a wrench
Are you illiterate?
>not using the catalog
Why would she mention Jews, then? Could have just said the second part of the tweet.
In denmark you fucking monkey
I don't see her *literally* saying her grandparents escaped a concentration camp. In fact, it isn't even implied
(((Ezra))) is using the goys..
two most viewed people on (((rebel))) are Gavin and Lauren
He didn't give them any equity in the business
Fucking stupid Gavin don't even have a contract!!!
> in point number 10 he says that he have a handshake deal with (((Ezra Lavant)))... can't wait to see how a handshake deal with a jew will turn out for a goy
Gavin has a handshake deal
*** Lauren *** is /ourgirl/ not Jewish
>there were no Jews in Denmark
>she just mentions the Jews in the same tweet for no reason
Where else did they put kikes?
Hoppe is basically a white-nationalist at this point
Those finger nails. I can't stand men who done take care of their nails. Be fat. Be ugly. Be dirty. Be stupid. But cut your fucking finger nails. Disgusting.
whooo gives a fuck! My younger cousin went to school in Langley with this attention seeking cunt. She was the brown bullets play toy in HS. The Rebel is fucking garbage too. The rise o trump is the only reason they've seena rise in their subs. You see they are in Israel right now? fuck off
I would imagine, its hard to imagine believing in "natural elites" and not acknowledging racial differences l.
Do you have the rest of the convsatoin
Eat your heart out
She's waking up and doesn't want to work for a Kike who filters what she's allowed to say.
Well she is probably making it up its not like she can just say niggers are inferior
Not a bad rebuttal.
You cucks will go miles to defend some random bimbo just because she says in front of a camera the words you all love to hear, even if it's literally a kike.
Ethir way she seems rather red pilled wich is better than most
>Says the tree monkey
At least not a cuck defending a kike bitch he'll never meet over the internet.
Its a book nigger. You open it up and there are pages inside with words printed on them.
I didint even know who this bich was intill this tread
>Ayn rand
>It's just a (((book)))
That's even worse, you're defending a kike bitch who spills known shit just to make money that you had never heard of.
Collectivists pls go
>he doesn't like Rand so it means he's a collectivist
She is not as hot in motion form.
Hey a red pilled half kike is better than a monkey
That might be true to you, but at least I don't shill myself on a Taiwanese crochet picture exchange board.
Thats a deep voice
Let me guess: you think taxation is A-OK when it funds the military industrial complex instead of social welfare programs
No, I'm a Hoppean ancap all the way. I just don't like Rand or her bullshit.
The Lauren Southern meme.
She's shit guys. Has no new ideas. She pulls her info from T_D.
Jesus I downvoted that shit. 3k upvotes to 60 downvotes? Pathetic.
Considering she has a weak spot for Somalis it will probably work... all the best to both of you!
I heard that they were going to go a little bit more extreme with their views and she didn't want any part of it.
Well I'm an objectivist individualist armed to the teeth against compulsion in any form. That's my snake flag you're appropriating
Gavin doesn't really care. He has money from the vice buyout and real estate investments.
No such thing as intellectual property.
Lauren is free from kike Rebel media
>she left right before Rebel media sent their entire crew to Israel to shill for the tribe
please come out as a white nationalist I love you
She is a complete dipshit?
>a jewess coming out as a white nationalist
two reasons.. bewbs...
The fuck m8?
>he doesn't get the inside memes
Back to plebbit.
Why does her mouth move so weird
Funny, I was just checking out the rebel media thing and I couldn't find her in the last couple of days, now I know why.
>(((Rebel Media)) for the past couple of days have been producing anti white videos
>received a ton of backlash
>now Lauren Southern cuts her ties and goes independent
Coincidence? Interesting timing none the less.....
>some Iberian, but that's still white.
let's not get carried away
Mud for days
The only reason your country has internet and modern healthcare is because our individuals have ownership of their inventions and discoveries. A society that doesn't protect and reward ruthless innovation will lag behind.
Why even live if not to achieve something?
mfw being black conservative to get white pussy
r9k and pol really aren't so different desu
Untrue, most innovations happened outside intellectual property laws.
They're supporting Israel because they're against Islam. Think of that what you will but they're not cucks.
No its not Sup Forums here you dindu