How do you have 8 years to work on something and still fuck it up?
Obamacare Lite is so fucking bad.
Can anyone name positives from it?
How do you have 8 years to work on something and still fuck it up?
Obamacare Lite is so fucking bad.
Can anyone name positives from it?
Other urls found in this thread:
150 pages vs 30,000 pages
It's 150 pages that replaces 150 pages of 30,000 pages of Obamacare.
protip: you can't
They didn't want to replace it to begin with, they just want the political gain of saying they "did something" without any of the backlash.
It's a good bill
>le healthcare is slavery manlet
>rand "bitch and moan but have no replace bill" paul
he just wants to repeal obamacare and have some sort of wild wild west style system were people die in the streets, the so called "conservatives" in the party are a joke who just bitch and moan no matter what.
we need free market healthcare. indians can show us how to do it. narayana health can build some hospitals in the usa and show us how it is done.
well if that's true, holy shit
he actually has the bill. it's on his website. 4 pages long
wrong go to and read his replacement bill ya cuck
They're afraid to go the True Conservative route because they're pussies
>muh preexisting condition
survival of the fittest, stop being poor
I can't burn down my house and then go ask for insurance after
what happened to the free market? hello republicans? seems they only thing they care about is being able to give a good answer to some sheboon on Town Halls without looking bad
Healthcare is a commodity like any other product or service
If you want welfare, you better vote Democrat
>stop being poor
Bottom line:
Politicians are whores. You only get an honest one about 1 out of a 1000 times and they prove themselves to be completely incapable of getting anything accomplished because they won't play the game.
The Republicans talked a big game about repealing Obamacare when they knew they couldn't get the repeal bill passed, but now that they have the money and the power in their hands, they don't want to fix it, they'll just take it and spend it their way.
You should really stop putting your hope and faith in public officials. They're out for themselves and they really don't give a shit about you. How could they? There's millions of you! They can't speak for your interests, everybody wants something different! All they can do is fulfill their own interests and try to justify it politically just enough to get reelected. Rinse and repeat, it never changes.
>Can anyone name positives from it?
Poor people dying from lack of medical treatment will save tax dollars, so we can afford tax cuts for the 9 billionaires in Trump's cabinet.
Isn't that what Russia wants?
for you
>stop being poor
Wtf is this serious and not larping? So it's slightly editing Obamacare and calling it quits? What the fuck.
>trump giving me $2,000
>a fuck up
On the very 1st page of the new bill, it says it's amending obamacare
>muh russia
I wonder how much hillary paid you to suck her dick
what happens at 22?
ya dun goofed
Be happy. Poor trump voters won't have insurance now.
Well the bigger problem is that most people would probably want a single payer system, but a lot of Republicans are more libertarian types and actually have the back bone to stand up against party leadership and the President to resist.
Removing some of the more problematic parts of Obamacare like mandatory coverage of pre-existing conditions would be political suicide. Once entitlements are introduced, it's basically impossible to wean a population off them.
shut up, leaf
>Authorize a tax credit (up to $5,000 per taxpayer) for individuals and families that contribute to HSAs to further incentivize health savings.
>Equalize the tax treatment of the purchase of health insurance for individuals and employers, by allowing individuals to deduct the cost of their health insurance from their income and payroll taxes, they will be empowered to purchase insurance independent of employment.
Based. More work can be done on overhead though, and there's no mention of FDA reforms though.
>all these people bitching about replacing it
>not just revoking it completely
Drumpf supports it so Sup Forums will eat that shit up
It's a really good bill!
once the gibs are in play, it's party suicide to take them away
It's an age based tax credit, only boomers get fucked. Trump is based as fuck
He has a plan. As much as I hate lolbertarians Rand is in the right here and he made fools of the rest of the Repubs in Congress over this. They're all hacks.
>Sort'it Aht me Yanky mates.
That's good too, I honestly can't get too worked up about this. I win either way
Our healthcare system is unsalvageable dogshit, but at least they got rid of the (((individual mandate))).
>Well the bigger problem is that most people would probably want a single payer system
Which is exactly why we can't allow people the power over others. We both know that once this Obamacare shit got passed, it was just one huge step in the direction of single payer. Once it fails because we've effectively destroyed the ability for insurance companies to calculate risk pools, then every stupid motherfucker out there is going to be blaming the insurance companies and begging big daddy gubmint to pay for their medical care for them.
Politics is such a sham. It's giving people that win popularity contests the power to force other people to comply with their personal interests. How could it possibly go wrong?
looks like hes screwing the people who need help, and helping those who dont, doesnt sound based to me
The Overton window has shifted.
Now we take it for granted that Government should be in charge of healthcare.
All Obamacare was was a path to Single Payer when it inevitably collapsed.
And the GOP is kind of like the dog that finally caught the car. They have no idea what the fuck to do now.
You realize that the individual mandate existed specifically to incentivize younger people to buy insurance and even out the insurance risk pools? The whole thing is a fucking dumb idea, yes, but you can't just pick the shit apart and expect it to go well. When you just take out the individual mandate and force insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions, then only old and sick people have insurance. Insurance companies become insolvent pretty fucking quick unless they have actual healthy people with policies.
hospitals overcharge, insurance underpays, we get screwed
it is
Because it will be like 2009 all over again! Remember 2009? Corpses in the streets?
So maybe the plan here is to crash the (((insurance companies))) and reform the system from the ground up
It's nice to say that, but how exactly would you reform it? Once you have a law passed that essentially forces all insurance companies to have an insolvent business model, unless you want to go single payer (in which case, fuck you), then I don't really see the point.
I remember how much better my parent's coverage and deductibles were in 2009.
"I'll just crash my car going 95 mph into a brick wall, I can just get a new one afterwards!"
>"tax credits" compared to OBANGOCARE?
Obangocare did not have tax credits son. What a dumb map.
The American healthcare system had already many systematic inefficiencies even before Obamacare.
Crashing the market could give Trump a lot of political capital to get rid of them.
For example companies paying ridiculous amounts for simple shit just because hospitals need to pass on the costs of treating niggers and spics in emergency rooms with no insurance.
Sure, just like pointing a gun at somebody is an incentive for them to work in salt mines.
The insurance corporations are an unnecessary middleman, and it's absolutely ludicrous for the government to require you to buy a private product. Insurance and pharmaceutical companies already get away with murder, and they're the ones you should blame, not big brother for failing to force enough people to satisfy the beast with offerings.
Single-payer is the only reasonable system, but fuck if I'm going to pay to subsidize Tryone's triple bypasses from years of eating KFC.
If this country was 99% white, then I'd be all for a single-payer system. But we're 60% and dropping like a rock--so why the fuck should I support shitskin leeches anyway?
Yeah Obamacare, whether you like it or not, changed the conversation. Now healthcare for all is the baseline expectation, and anything less will be seen as failure.
It doesn't help that Trump loves being the crowd pleaser and made this effect worse by promising so much.
Should have been Rand.
>and have some sort of wild wild west style system were people die in the streets
most of us want that honestly.
those fat fucks have had it coming.
I really want to believe that people would be smart enough to realize the whole fucking thing was government's fault from square one. Then I watch the nightly news or just have a conversation with the average person and my confidence immediately falls through the floor at light speed.
I think the more likely outcome would be that the media would just blame the Republicans and then Democrats would get into office in 2018 and then force a single payer bill through.
The silver lining is that this will make our debt skyrocket, and national economic collapse will be made much more likely. That gives us an opening to break away and create a white ethnostate.
Out of chaos, order. Maybe Trump and Bannon realize that they if they can't resist the cycle of human idiocy, they can at least accelerate it so that we can start the rebuilding sooner.
>looks like hes screwing the people who need help
you mean the faggots that screwed us.
They didn't use Rands based bill
You must be so happy trump won.
the republican bill is welfare you fucking retard
>Sure, just like pointing a gun at somebody is an incentive for them to work in salt mines.
I promise you, I'm not in favor of the ACA in any capacity, I'm just explaining why you can't just take away the individual mandate and think everything is going to be A-OK.
>Single-payer is the only reasonable system
Perhaps you've never heard of the VA. If our country can't provide adequate care to only veterans, what the hell makes you think they would ever be competent enough to make healthcare decisions for the entire populace?
just fucking repeal obama care and let natural selection do it's work.
HE HAS A BILL, republitards are a mess , can t believe Trump is allowing this , Rand idea is 10 times betger
We had a Wild West system with people dying in the streets until 2014 when obamacare went into effect?
are you guys retarded he has no actual bill to put in the house, the bill hes pushing is just a clean repeal which will mean 25m people will be out of insurance that will be suicide for trump to for got.
Not really confident that this would happen either, but I suppose I can be proven wrong.
How many of those are niggers, who would have been voting for democrats either way?
I mean if you're going to make coverage compulsory, it would have to be single-payer, but that's contingent upon the country being ethnically homogeneous and patriotic.
How did we ever survive 5 years ago before Obamacare exsisted
The poor died but the tens of thousands it was horrible
>25m people will be out of insurance
Those would be people on Medicaid, so nothing of value is lost.
No. So I'm harassing Paul Ryan on Twitter instead.
Outlaw health insurance. Cash for healthcare.
>stop being poor
Honestly it's not fucking hard. It sucks having to fight your way from the bottom. So what? Are you going to roll over and stay there forever? Your children? Your children's children? It's not hard to not be poor in America, we aren't the fucking middle ages where a serf stays a serf forever. You can advance and buy decent healthcare!
I wish r/thedonald would leave. This is why nothing gets fucking done in this country because you retards blindly join a cult of personality and play mental gymnastics to justify anything your leader does. Trump spent the entire campaign bashing Obamacare and how it hurt more people than it benefited.
>wild wild west style system were people die in the streets
This is literally democrat rhetoric. Strawmanning the free market position on healthcare and appealing to emotion.
Homogeneity of the populace is only a small problem in why the government fails at just about everything it does. The problem with government action is simply the fact that government officials don't actually know what people want because everybody wants something a little bit different. They just end up acting in their own self interest and abusing power.
close borders and offer free health care for all. that way all the good american citizens can get healthy and no opportunistic immigrants can take our country's money. we're the richest country in the world, why the fuck wouldn't anyone want this?
Good luck with a white ethnostate without major metropolitan centers, which are incredibly diverse.
Yeah NYC, LA, and Chicago have tons of crime and destitute populations, but they also are huge moneymakers with millions upon millions upon millions of people, and I really do not see any set of events that would have them want to make a white ethnostate.
im no democrat shill, im just letting you know if you dont have a smooth transaction for the people on obamacare, trump will get eaten alive and will be a 1 term president, CNN will have 24/7 stories of poor black people dying because they were thrown out.
if trump wants to be a 1 term president he can go ahead and do a clean repeal and throw everyone on obamacare out.
There's nothing wrong with insurance per se, it's just a way to negate risk for the individual. The problem is when government gets involved and tells you what insurance you're allowed to buy.
That being said, people do use medical insurance incorrectly. It should be hazard insurance much like your car insurance or homeowners insurance. Just like you don't take out a claim on your car for an oil change, you shouldn't use insurance to go for a basic doctor's visit. It makes things way more complex and therefore more expensive the way the system is set up now.
I know most of you people are too stupid and gullible to tie your own shoes with any degree of assurance but you really need to stop participating when you know you're so fundamentally incompetent and lacking in basic understanding that you threaten your society. I know you won't, I can see that from what North America is now, but you should start considering how fucking stupid you are and maybe map that across the failing of your entire society and why it will be the "oh look, we accrued such wealth during lend lease that we created a supermassive boom in our economy" and consider how you could squander such an advantage after the fact. Wealthy, coddled children with enough momentum create super-coddle fuck ups that live on drugs, failure and misery like you people. You're the basement dweller society that can't even assume to have a hand in this society if you want it to exist at all.
Real life doesn't work like that. People don't just sit down and die.
That is how revolt and revolution gets started, and aside from naive edgelords NOBODY wants that to happen.
Can't browse Sup Forums when you need to go out and defend your street from the guys across the tracks.
Because he looks fucking retarded wearing that stupid wig.
There will always be poor people, just because many capable or lucky individuals fight out of it, doesn't make the rest magically not matter. We need a system where being poor isn't a death sentence, or shit is going to start getting really violent, really fast.
I agree. But we can't just tear down our free markets, which made us strong, and our people rich for the sake of poor people, who many (not all) are poor due to their own personal irresponsible decisions.
Again, he campaigned on repealing Obamacare and still got elected. And your point rests on the assumption that people would be worse off if Obamacare were to be repealed, which is false. A lot of Americans would see their insurance premiums lower.
People didn't just want it repealed they wanted it replaced, which means people do want something but what? That's the rub.