>Be Norwegian
>Shoot as many niggers as you can
>Get 21 years in a 4 star hotel.
Daily reminder if you are from norway you have no reasons (0) to not be outside killing niggers 24/7
>Be Norwegian
>Shoot as many niggers as you can
>Get 21 years in a 4 star hotel.
Daily reminder if you are from norway you have no reasons (0) to not be outside killing niggers 24/7
Other urls found in this thread:
That's a $2000+ month apartment in California or Jew York
Forvaring you retard. After 21 years they are just looking at the case and deciding if you are a danger to society anymore.
Breivik is never going to walk free. Ever. They strip him naked and check is asshole for contraband every single day.
He can never interact with other people than his guards who are always rotated out so he won't get any friends. He will never use internet again. All the people he interacts with IRL hates him.
shut up
that'snot an argument
They better have got him the fucking Nintendo Switch. If they learned their lesson after the PS3 fiasco that is.
do they let him have weed and beer?
wasnt brevik a terrorist that broke countless white families with his atrocity
>Be America
>Literally tens of millions of niggers in the country
>brainwash all the white girls to chase them
Daily reminder that if you are from America you have no reasons (0) to ever talk shit against another country.
I wish that were my life. That bedroom is nicer than mine. I hate work so god damn much.
If you think that is a 4 star hotel then you've clearly never traveled anywhere.
I wasn't talking about brevik, I was talking about how norway could start a literal fucking revolution and form an ethnostate and litterally if it fails all that would happen is 21 years in a luxury new york condo.
>t. Nigger
Live in NYC. That apartment is more like $2800 if it's in a half-decent building.
The world is better off without 'white' marxists like that.
>Durr im too autistic tho know what hyperbole is.
>Be australian
>Overrun with chinks.
>be Australian
>Live on a continent known for its dangerous wildlife and harsh conditions
>Allow my government to take my weapons away
Daily reminder that if you're from Australia you have zero (0) reasons to ever talk shit against another country
>Be American
>forget to attach picture
>Be australian
>Practice burgerphobia
Not very progressive tbqh
>Be Australian
>Post reaction image to own post
I think you missed the point.
He killed ethnic Norwegians.
Don't wander into the Anders
You've mastered the meta of trolling
Looks comfy, I would go to prison in Norcuck if I could get a piano in my cell
Not entirely, and those "ethnic norwegians" were future race traitors, mostly the sons and daughters of prominent leftist politicians/organizers.
Anders Breivik did his duty to save his country by helping to destroy the next generation of left-wing politicians in Norway.
Pot calling kettle a nigger?
>when an EU prison is better than your bachelor
also some bitch just got pregnant from a conjugal visit here and shes getting more time outside prison for her child so I literally see no downsides
Do you get conjugal visits as well?
There is probably one available to you. There are different tiers of Norcuck prison. One I remember is on a private island that permits you to take a ferry to town occasionally.
>be Ameripoor living under a military-industrial prison complex with patriot act and constant NSA surveillance
>think that no other country allows people to have guns because you can't just waddle into Walmart to buy one
>thinks all governments are evil entity hell bent on controlling everyone, precisely because his does exactly that.
There's internet access?
What about visits?
It's almost as if Norway has low reoffending rates and has found treating prisoners like human beings actually works best for their society.
How are your prisons going, Ameripoors? Do you enjoy paying corporations to run private prisons for profits?
nah, only trash fucks trash
>were future race traitors, mostly the sons and daughters of prominent leftist politicians/organizers.
>how barbarians and the mentally ill deal with political differences
muh fetishized violence
... and that's how I was conceived!
A art
that's so sad
you can literally purchase a city the size of nyc in africa lol
made me chuckle op
im a girl btw
>last name Freeman
She's definitely at least 1/4 nigger
Tri ps confirm puss
He was given no choice.
Peaceful organization of opposition parties was outlawed by the marxist government. They wouldn't let anyone with an opposing view create a political party or hold office....all the while silently genociding their own people.
You have two options then....fight or roll over dead.
He was the only person to attack the disease instead of fighting the symptoms
There's no coming back from this. You know what you must do.
>slaughtering children is the only option available when you're a delusional, paranoid, far right idiot.
I need someone to talk to please.
I was recently released from prison after a 2 year + stint inside and I'm feeling hopeless and unironically considering suicide.
kill them all
kys. kek wills it.
I get angrier everyday. But I don't want to hurt anyone
>delusional, paranoid,
hes not though
Since you've been locked up go out and find a cheap slut and have your way with her. Go learn a trade (if you don't have one). Work yourself 50+ hours a week and you'll forget about all that.
I used to be very successful. I was a high school physics teacher
I think you really triggered him with that one.
>violence is okay when it's committed by people who have the same beliefs as me
I'm glad brevik did what he did. Muslims do it all the time. But oh my God a white guy did it oh the horror.
er there is no marxist government here
Mower yourself
>rational, reasonable people blow up buildings and slaughter children
Then why was Varg released?
He committed arson and murder and only served like 15 years.
>Yep, this guy with clear mental issues is no danger. You're free to go.
Then they catch him with bombs in his car like 2 months later.
>refusing to advocate for insanity man violence means you actually support violence
You know making things up is the best way to show everyone how fucking stupid you are?
... Because he served his time, more actually, from memory, and was deemed to be no danger to society. Given he killed one autistic metal head, I'm pretty sure it's a reasonable release, unlike the idea of ever setting a child killing piece of shit free.
think he served 21 years, he only killed one guy and it was kinda in self defense, or close to. You have to ask yourself it the guy would be a danger for society, in this case it was not a random victim it was someone that he had a fight with.
>pro-mass immigration
>the next generation of marxist politicians and immigration activists
he did his country a favor, you just lack conviction.
yea and brevik says he regret nothing and would do it again if he gets a chance. you cant let loose a guy like that.
Norway doesn't have blacks.
>children deserve to die because they don't believe in the same things I do
>you lack conviction because you're not an insane, delusional maniac
>import masses of slaves
>treat them terribly
>wonder why they're over represented in prisons when you force them to live as an underclass.
The youth party organisation that had the camp is the youth party for the party Arbeider partiet (labour party) it was the party that kinda built Norway up and made it into one of the best and peaceful country in the world. Its a very mainstream party and its far away from socialism (we have parties for that but they don't get much support)
of course their politics is kinda outdated now (if they don't change) since the immigration is getting problematic, But it was not always the case.
Purging the children of commies isn't really the same as killing real children. Communism is a genetic defect and can appropriately be dealt with early on.
Hey Sup Forums, I just had a crazy idea
>white, middle class Norwegian children of a moderate left wing party are communists
As much as I despise commies,your mentality is that of a 15yo edgelord,seriously, don't say this stuff in public
no king size bed, discarded
what might that be hmm?
15 year olds can be tried as an adult in US. And given death penalty.
So there's 2 14 year old nigglets and the most of them are 17-18.
Owning a piece of land doesn't constitute a country. Also, it's fucking Africa.
Your idea is shit.
What the fuck did you get locked up for?
Actually a Jew name, derived from Friedman, similar to Newman (Neumann)
That is a nice cell.
Go shoot some people then.
Keyword: dozens.
Breaking the condition.
What'd you go in for? Try finding work man.
He did the regular 2/3 of a 21-year sentence. He went in in about 1992, and got out in the early-mid 2000s. Completely ordinary in Norway.
Here's Varg's own words on prison in Norway.
>it was
>kinda outdated
You sound like a huge pussy. Have you even met with AUF members? They are usually the social outcast at every school looking for friends by being the most sjw's. Half of them are made up by sandniggers and fat femninazi tumblrinas. The rest have some kinda disorder, ADHD, autism etc.
I wouldn't regret anything either if I did nothing wrong.
Its already been tried
>They are usually the social outcast at every school
Stop projecting. They're at least less autistic than the "Young Conservatives" (Unge Hoyre) and "Progressive Party Youth" (FpU -The 'extreme' right-party's youth section), not to mention the "Socialistic Youth" (SU). Or any of the other political youth organizations.
AUF is possibly the "sanest" political youth group, particularly because they're held well in check by the Mother Party.
i think the politically correct term is 'swedes' or' my wife's boyfriends'.
His girlfriend brings him weed but he doesn't drink and hasn't even opened the mini-bar.
He killed 50 white kids not blacks