How would you design an education system?

I'd mostly let children choose what they wanted to study besides basic reading, writing, and arithmetic in addition to a series of logic puzzles and games meant to test g/IQ and eventually separate them into groups of high, intermediate, and low-ability students at perhaps age 12 and then teach them accordingly, low students would be instructed in trades, intermediate ones in possibly web design, graphic design, or accounting, and high-skill ones in physics, math, chemistry, etc. Intermediate and High-skill students could take accredited college courses before going to college to save time and money, while low-skill students could start junior apprenticeships working in trades at 15-16. The state would pay for college mostly, but do so according to economic analyses which accounted for job demand and economic payoff, so that degrees like Chemical and Electrical Engineering would receive much more state funding in the current environment than something like womens' studies.

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Cut all art programs. Cut all genders studies classes.

Instagram is one of the worst inventions of mankind.
Women like this were supposed to marry Chad and happily make many new high quality people.
Now all that unprecedented attention is going to fry their brains.

Give them 12 straight school years of nothing but memes. Pepe 101, The Art of the Shitpost, Backtracing, Trapology, etc. The US will be the #1 shitposting country

Good tradesmen are amongst the most intelligent ppl I've met :/ .

So your idea sucks. Maybe change the metric to include hands on or off methods of thinking.

I'm slowly developing a theory that outside of some STEM majors, tradesmen have a 1:2 rate of being on par or better than Uni/College grads, intelligence wise.

Might be wrong but I seem to see a lot of this.

Fucking hell yes.

Math, Science, English (basic stuff, cut it off once you reach literature that forces you to look at things from "feminist" or "minority perspectives."), History, Physical Education, and then a free period to pick an elective that teaches you how to actually do something: could be a new language, outdoors crap like fishing and safely building a fire, computer stuff, basic plumbing or auto maintenance (how to take care of one as an owner, not necessarily fix it), etc.

States run ballot measures each year to let the people decide how much tax to pay for the following fiscal year. Anyone who votes for no tax is denied access to the system.

Homeschooling would be prevalent, with smaller schools run by tutors the next most common.

Private schools are still a thing.

With all busty milf teachers?