Looks like Saudi Arabia is not so bad afterall.
Trump approves arms sale to Saudi Arabia
Trump will make sure we get something from it. Obama was just giving shit away.
For example now arab states will pay for safe zone in syria
>Trump will make sure we get something from it.
Money. Jobs.
>Proceeds to arm Saudi Arabia just like his predecessors
How retarded can he get? What happened to all his beef with Saudi Arabia? I swear one of the things I loved the most about Trump was his willingness to cooperate with Russia to annihilate radical Islamic terrorism in the Middle East, but instead he's been arming the largest funders of terrorism in the region, Saudi Arabia, while hindering Iran's success in helping Assad retake territory from ISIS.
The fuck is going on... Is Trump truly a conman?
Please, stop this pretending...........................
Hold up,
>Saudi bad
>trump does something for saudi
>trump can not be bad
>saudi must be good
I get the feeling that we're changing the evidence to fit the conclusion here.
Ye i m really dissapointed on how he is still not telling saudis to fuck off..
Disingenuous title, the weapons sale was first proposed by the Obama administration but halted when he received house push back. I'm disappointed honestly, but it's to be expected.
Been trying to say that for a while but when the right wing digs in, they dig the fuck in.
Pretty sad desu...
I legitimately thought Trump would rise above the criticism and cooperate with Russia in Syria to destroy ISIS, while reducing the influence of Salafists like the Saudis, Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc. But I think Trump has simply caved in on the pressure caused by the media associating him with Russia. Even Trump can't handle the media...
Trump could eat a pile of shit on live TV and these brainless cucks would praise him for his bigly boldness
>Trump will make sure we get something from it.
No, Trump will make sure HE gets something from it. Seriously, you fags need to accept Trump is not without shortcomings. I want Reddit to leave.
gotta catch em all
He never even considered adding the Saudi's to his ban, which cites terrorists as it's justification, when the Saudi's have committed the majority of the terror attacks in the US.
Let's face it, he is a shill like all the rest. He just made some huge promises and shit talked his way to memehood.
But when the Saudis open the boxes they go BOOM and the bad guys are all covered in soot like in the cartoons, it was just a prank.
balumpf exposed
I don't think he intended to do any of that, honestly. All his talk about crushing ISIS felt half-baked, and the Russians have other plans in the region and were using ISIS as a smokescreen for repositioning Assad anyway.
I don't think his plan to fight extremism went any further than "BAN MUSLIMS".
Not to mention he did, for some time now, have dealings with and ties to Saudi princes and has towers over there.
saudis are good desu
This. I recognize that there's Shit we don't understand and no doubt any of us would have to make the same compromises if confronted with the realities he's been confronted with.
Nonetheless it's pretty goddam disappointing there's been not one single middle finger to the Sauids yet, but the Russians keep getting what looks more and more like more than a token confrontation.
All I can hope is that he's got to be practical and placate his enemies in the deep state until he's got room to breath in a year or two but I'm not making any excuses for him between now and then
>Drumpfkins will defend this
No. It's more like people are realizing that Saudi Arabia isn't so bad. Just a few weeks ago they hosted a Comic con, where some women were unveiled.
Lol fuck off. The media can't scratch Trump. Trump is just being told solid advice by advisors and his foreign policy team that has people like Mcmaster and MAD DOG Mattis in it.
Saudi had lots of terrorist financers but that stopped after 2004 when Saudi arabia was attacked. They have changed as a country now. They got a new King. The previous King made one of the most innovate private research university in the world (KAUST). The current king's son who's in govt and third in succession reads manga and wants Saudis to make their own anime.
This is a new Saudi Arabia, their have a vision 2030 to move away from oil, diversify economy. Trump, as a business, will probably respect this endeavor.
We can't really give the Saudis the middle finger at this time. One kike at a time. It's just a few months into his Presidency. He has eight years to rawdog those sandniggers.
These deals are good because A) we make money and B) we get the sale instead of Russia or China.
The Middle East is having to adapt as said because they've drilled their land like cheap whores and when it's dry, it's dry.
Shale isn't much of an option for most of the region, with Jordan having some of the "best" yet it's inferior to US shale. Saudis pretty much have what they have in the ground and that's that.
And what of the travel ban? Remember the cheap attack trump made against Cruz in the debate over 9/11? Not that I mind--gotta do what you gotta do and Cruz was poison, but then to exclude the only country with lots of hijackers from the travel ban...
Saudi Arabia has been attacked before in the 90s. And they were one of the principal backers of ISIS
But I'm sure they're totally based and bro tier now, right?
Saudis are okay
They just want money. And a religious government. They are Jews of the Arab world
Saudi Arabia uses those weapons to kill other Muslims and we get paid.... feels good man.
They've been attacked by Iran in 90s (khobar tower bombings): washingtonpost.com
Saudi Arabia was attacked by Al Qaeda in 2004 were a prince of theirs was targeted. The problem with Saudis is that, albeit they knew Al Qaeda was an existential threat, they thought the West was going to easily deal with it. After the failed assassination, they realized they had to make it their own fight.
Saudis (especially prince bin Nayef, probably the most pro-US Arab politician today) have long since waged a war against Alqaeda and their like in their own borders and worked to prevent terrorist attacks. One of which was going to happen in Chicago and would have targeted Obama. sputniknews.com
They are US allies in this war. Trump and his foreign policy team are in the right.
Iran created ISIS, I don't see a problem with this!
How are Saudi and Russian relations?
I actually read it. They are giving equipment to be used against the "moderate rebels" obomo was arming.
+1 internets for Trump.
It's not gonna work though.
Houtis are stronger than ever and have even more support.
You just can't bomb muslims into submission
He is a fucking cryptokike who surrounded himself with Jews.
Aren't the Saudis the ones funding ISIS?
No. ISIS made most of its money through extortion when it was active in Iraq as just a unconventional force, then they made money out of oil they got, then they sold historic artifacts (and parts of destroyed ones) in the black market. Also they sold people in human trafficking and last but not least they made money of taxes. ISIS had cities and villages. That's revenue.
Fucking this
t.Ahmed Al-Saud Arabi Durka
>unironically supporting moose cause donnie is sucking their cocks
gas yourself
r a e r
Saddam should've ended you gulfies when he had the chance
unless your a expatfag then fuck off and die
Ehat... No he couldnt possibly...
I think something that people are overlooking is the fact that we need the Saudi's. Even if he wanted to Trump cant just upend the alliance, the petrodollar would come crumbling down without Saudi compliance.
how horrible. hes selling weapons instead of just giving them away on the taxpayers dime. truly he is worse than hitler
>he actually thinks Trump is going to change shit
Banks have gotten their way every time for the last 300 years.
Selling weapons to the enemy and a country that supports terrorism and was involved in 9/11 is treason. This just proves your fucking shit government is disgusting and ruined the world. The only reason I don't want Islam to wipe your country out, is because mine would follow, though it would be by chinks
> Arming the Saudis is suddenly horrifying and unprecedented because Trump did it
i dont remember the outrage when we were just giving them away.
>less US troops in the Iranian campaign
>implying 9 11 wasn't an inside job anyways.
It'll keep israel busy. We still are going to inspect the buttholes of the rag heads we let in first.
Subject everyone to cavity searches. I bet they won't get rapey then.
If Trump actually did this then he legit lost 2020 and my vote.
we had a choice
Rebirth through a Hillary win
>CW2 and lolberfreedom at the expense of total collapse and 0 world power for a long time
>canned food, campfires, peacekeepers and unshaved pussy
>we win WW3
>wtf i love my new job at TRUMPFEMAâ„¢ now
>maybe he turns on them and we march on the temple like Vader
>maybe it turns into authoritarian v lolbertarian shitshow in the end but at least it's not left v right
He's consolidating his forces. Don't be too angry SA will take heavy losses and we make some money off their voluntary meatsheild status
Oh my what the fuck you smoking?
lurk more faggot
it's happening
Daily reminder that Trump IS the Swamp.
Literally no one gives a shit.
Strategically SA makes a great base for operation because Muslims view it as holyground and cannot invade
Nu-pol right here
No. Iran would nuke SA if they could.
>Looks like Saudi Arabia is not so bad afterall
It is not a question of being good or bad, Israel is still U.S. friend, and Israel government fears Iran. Saudi Arabia is used by the U.S. against Iran, as they used Iraq in the '80.
So KSA is /our/ country now?
I've supported Trump from the start, and I still do, but this is fucking retarded. How come Sup Forums completely changes opinion when Trump does?
He's too fucking funny and also a meme, how are we supposed to help ourselves?