How many guns do you own Sup Forums?
feels unamerican
How many guns do you own Sup Forums?
feels unamerican
Only 2. Need to get myself an AR
One. My dick
20ish, and a couple lower receivers.
ATF pls go
build onee instead. It's worth it and its fun.
more soon unless they all fall off a boat.
>, that sucks.
Any experience with the kit 1911's? I'm significantly less scared of blowing myself up with a .45
2. want 3-4 more.
this exactly. I'm really thinking a battle rifle... like an M1A or a mini-14. kinda tough decision - range or weight...
and I'm gonna get a revolver and another auto pistol.
in case you hadn't noticed, Sup Forums is actually filled with really diverse, open minded and upstanding people. we're the good guys.
also, gas the jews.
I don't have any guns.
Because guns r bad
n sheeeit.
None, lost them all in a yachting accident.
Quite a few. I'll have one more tomorrow.
well its not like you'll have to march across europe with it, weight is significantly less of an issue. I don't know any of the other merits though. There was some aussie company that was designing them in .308, as well as like 7.62x39 and other interesting stuff.
Don't think that turned out well for them.
only bring one shotgun on a boat, idiot.
Zastava "kebab remover krinkov" M92
Ruger 10/22 (with archangel tacticool stock and scope)
and a Chiappa 1873 .22 which the girls love to shoot
5. An AR, an AK, a Sig pistol, a Remington 870, and a savage .243
I own
19 hand guns, 7 long rifles and 3 shotguns and one destructive device
I voted sanders in the primary and Clinton in the general. Live in rural AZ and have a middle class job.
actually yeah I will have to cross mountains with it. but I'm still thinking .308 m1A. also, twice the price of a mini14.
Those darn boating accidents, they're so tragically unpredictable. So many guns at the bottom of some unknown sea.
I've got the basics. Pistol, rifle, 12g, 22lr.
I went and got my hunting license but it's illegal to hunt big game in this state with anything smaller than .24, so I need something a bit bigger.
Need more ammo too.
Also thinking about setting up for reloading, getting my ffl down the road and then selling ammo at local gun shows.
Only 20, so I can't get a handgun yet.
Gonna buy an 92FS as soon as I can though.
Not nearly enough. Too poor to buy anything worthwhile ATM. I'd like to get an Ithaca M37 in the near future.
A few...dozen
Non-ironically lost count and had to go check
It's 9 btw
0 because I was arrested for a breaking and entering when I was 16 and it was a felony, even though the case was dropped/lost by my local juvi people I don't think I can pass a FBI background check since their shit looks into your juvenile history.
>How many guns do you own Sup Forums?
More than the anti-American secret police traitors know about.
I dont know, like 30 or 40.
You're a fucking retard. AR builds are to legos as 1911 builds are a pile of wood and some woodworking tools.
AR that I built
9mm 1911 model handgun I bought off a coworker
Feels good but I want a shotgun next. They're laughably cheap.
Inherited my uncles service 92..thing is nice
Just one: glock 17
I just want to become super proficient with my handgun. I'll never bother with shotguns or rifles.
I'll live and breathe the glock. I'll master the glock.
It's way harder to build a 1911 than an AR15.
Have you ever tied a shoe? Congratulations, you have all the necessary qualifications to assemble an AR.
You have a handgun to get back to your rifle.
Any fellow NY anons?
At least get a G19. That way you can go akimbo before someone out of your range shoots you with a rifle.
Your call of doody weapons don't count cuck.
Yeah, I've seen AR builds and they seem perfectly simple, I am just much more curious about the kit 1911's that they've come out with that have their own jigs and stuff. They don't look too tough, until you get to fitting them with your other parts which will make or break it really.
this. Built mine with just borrowing a few tools from some guy I know
A vise, some roll pin punches, and an armorer's wrench. Also a block of wood and a rubber hammer or mallet
I really want to buy and learn to use a firearm, but my wife is a liberal and ... well, you can guess how the rest goes. I might insist at some point. But right now it's an unnecessary battle. And I choose my carefully.
A fist that is worth a thousand guns.
>Take that Sup Forums
This. Need to focus on equipping some with better optics though.
nice try FBI
17. you should see the ammo.
take your favorite one and off yourself faggot
About 30. This is my daily carry
Always seems like it will be an expensive paperweight. Need some land where I can target patactice 1st
enough for a small army, not enough for a small city.
Over 9000...fuck off ATF
I have 3
My other two are just your typical AR and a lever action, but this is some revolver some drunk Spaniard made 100 years ago
You carry a pistol with a red dot? HAHAHAHA
Remington 12 gauge shotgun
Remington 30-06, Model 786
Sig Sauer 1911 22LR
none, kuwait banned guns
i have two air rifles :c
12, currently waiting on 3 to come in the mail. Yay C&R License.
ohh top break is my fetish is it in some kinda antique cartridge though?
0 because Brazil
one, a heavily unlubed, probably rusted turkshit 12ga pump shotgun
Underrated post
Auskeks make it hard for pro-gun policy to be passed.
Our gun control got memed in by the CIA so I doubt it will ever get loosened, at least for long.
I'll get myself a shotty when I'm in a better position financially.
3 g17x2,g26 + 1 shotgun
actually stockpilling monies for a rifle i want since awhile
20 here as well. Most likely gonna buy a RI 1911 or a Jericho
>Aimpoint electronic Mark III
>current year
>Talk about becoming a Glock master
>Doesn't post the Glock Grandmaster
.38 S&W, only shot 50 rounds from it. Can't find them locally. Think the ones I got were too hot, the top would break open and point the barrel directly at your crotch when I fired it . That's why I named her Porsche the Dicksnatcher.
HAHA still would.
I own 4 handguns, 2 bolt action rifles with 5 grand per scopes on them, 8 80% milled lower ARs of various calibers and sizes, 40 standard AR mags, and a total of 40,000 various rounds. .22 rounds number about 30,000 separately.
After shooting for many years, I can tell you all that you need to look into a pocket-sized handgun for backup carry, a compact to carry, a full-size for intruders, .308 bolt action, an AR or two due to its versatility or 12 gauge shotgun, and something akin to a FAL. inb4 sniper elite ninja special berets post obscure or new calibers for sniping at 10 miles and .45 fags
Currently 4. Getting an AR in a month after I get all this overtime pay.
How many arms do you have?
2 but plan on getting more once done being s college poorfag. AR and a Glock, pretty standard issue burger stuff.
It's still better than most red dots on the market.
What are some good red dots out there?
All mine fell off a boat. Feels bad man.
Hire some niggers to break in and rape her one day. See if that changes her tune.
Let's see: i have a 257 Roberts. Le ar15. MAS mle. 4 .22s. A 44 mag super blackhawk. A cz52. 2 pump action 12 gauges. A 12 gauge auto from Vietnam. 2 20 gauge shotguns. A Swedish and Spanish Mauser. 2 SKS rifles. Le mosin nagant. 3 single shot deer rifles. A 32 colt revolver. A .410 bolt action. A 30-30 levergun and a 30-30 bolt action. That's all I can think about right now. I have over 10k rounds for the SKS and about 4k for the AR.
Just remember, a dremel is never the right tool
S&W handgun,
Ruger .22
and an AR-15
that's un American.
Maybe 10? I used to have 20+ but I had to sell most when I moved from a free state to California. Most are still back at the family homestead.
HAH, yeah no I have a bench and tools for the task but I think most of the grinding is actually done with the hand plane thing in the jig. I don't remember all the cuts you make but it has to be fitted to a slide. I think the barrel position would also be something to adjust.
I don't really have any experience with parts-kit kind of guns or... any sort of gunsmithing. I don't have a handgun either, but i could easily afford a decent 1911 if that was my thing. I really just think it would be a fun project. Not sure if I'ma bite that bullet and get one just yet though.
You shot smokeless loads out of a black powder revolver. You're lucky it didn't explode and scatter pieces everywhere.
Not the Dicksnatcher but they do make black-powder-equivalent smokeless rounds though. I doubt there exists any .38S&W that isn't that, but a top break revolver is always asking for trouble. It's not a good robust design, just an incredibly sexy design.
Also tempted to get one of them uberti schofield replicas. Those are fucktardedly expensive though.
What do you think of 80% pistol frames?
this asshole needs to pull his pants up
You could always buy 38 s&w brass and reload black powder rounds. Harrington and Richardson and Iver Johnson both made top breaks for smokeless rounds as well, they're usually less than $250.
3 as of now
>Glock 43 9mm
>S&W 642-2 38.SPL
>Bushmaster Patrolman Carbine AR-15
I wanna get rid of my AR and get a Mini 14 again. I miss that rifle ;-;
I also wanna potentially swap my Glock 43 for a Glock 30SF, or another .45 caliber handgun. Soon.
I own 7 and when I tell people they think I'm fucking insane.
Yeah, and I think the H&R only did a .22lr? which should be super fine in any sort of frame. Still, more for aesthetic than something I'd carry. Not country folk enough to just plink all day with something anyway. Wouldn't have that much ammo need. Not sure my local (indoor) range's opinion on black powder lol
>no steel reinforcement
I won a constantly-fluctuating number between "none of your Goldman business" and "fuck off."
So fuck off.
Still got my 10/22 from my formative years as well. Hoping to pass it down to my future son.
I made a thread asking about if I should use BP rounds on /k/ and the consensus was "nah u shud b cool"
I'll probably stick to BP rounds from now on though. I just really wanted to shoot it, it was my first gun. Found it in the LGS for $100
But that's wrong though. This one has steel rear rails.
Here's four of probably forty, these are the nicer hunting rifles.
>you have to live in the country to enjoy plinking
What kinda logic is that? I live in the suburbs and drive out to my local range regularly.
Pellet Rifle and 9mm pistol
If you know how many guns you have, then you don't have enough.