Jesus fucking Christ Sup Forums, never stop
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is this for real?
Lurk moar
Tell me this is fucking real.
Bump for interest.
So now what? Replace it with the kekistani national flag?
It is stunning and hilarious what we are capable of.
The power of Sup Forums
No wonder the fbi tracks this board
Some good text Sup Forums?
Sup Forums's /sg/ has also bombed out two ISIS bases with a possible third one coming soon
NEVER underestimate weaponized autism.
hi we are CIA
You're a big guy.
>tfw Sup Forums could actually be a decent board if the moderation just got rid of all shit tier baiters flooding the board with so much trash you can hardly find the real threads anymore
I saw Johnson City and hoped it was in New York. I'm about 2 hours from there and would have gone.
This is in Tennessee.
So your telling me high IQ whites can do amazing shit when they have been ostracized by society and have nothing to do....You don't say?
for (you)
Now wut
Tell me when somebody puts a flag of Pepe instead of that faggot one.
>Praise Kek
Give it a few days.
I fucking love Sup Forums
>bait threads are entirely necessary it sharpens our teeth and claws for when the shills truly arrive
>find terrorist training camps and help bomb them
>why? because it's funny
>help get a meme TV celebrity into the white house
>why? because it's funny
>a flagpole with camera pointing at sky
>pinpoint its location in just a day, in a gigantic country
>because it's fucking funny
moderation is for faggots, rulecuck
>When shills show up they are drowned out by the shitposting of the normal flow of the board
Well does anyone know where it is? If it's within an hour or 2 drive from me in the US I'll put up a kekistan flag or hoist a trashcan in its place
imagine where society could be if we were allowed to have fun
>Constant state of disruption
Requesting "because they were bored" memeball
When you think about it, intelligence agencies would have to be utter fools not to monitor this place. Sup Forums moves nations, makes and destroys powerful people, and sometimes even kills. We are the Will of Kek made manifest.
Some one scale the pole and sing Shadilay
Mummy threads are a necesarry topic. As the jews have mastered incest to preserve their own race.
>until they formed a psychic gestalt with a surplus of asabiyyah like the fucking fremen from dune
Gets me every God damn time.
I wonder if they have tracked certain IPs of frequent posters here, who are more influential than others. Maybe all those (you)'s are worth something after all.
Or maybe they will be your undoing.
I didn't even see any of these threads. Was this in a Sup Forums discord or something?
What's gonna happen to the flag? Shia might kill himself.
>not keeping a record of your (You)s and attaching it to your resumé
Aaaand the resume grows ONE MORE LINE! Thanks!
For fuck's sake, I only wish I had the time you tunnel-visioned motherfuckers do.
Well played, gentlemen, well played, give that obnoxious little gnome hell, every time I watch a Transformers movie there's his whiny, Screaming-like-a-little-bitch ass, and my wife like the movie Holes. Give him hell.
Best one ever.
But how? How did they know which flight numbers were in the sky the camera was pointed at?
And what does the livestream do nowadays? Just film a flag, with no people around it?
Does pol have weapons of mass autism?
Did pol use those weapons against their own people?
Contrary to the me mes we have some talented people
Talented people sometimes like to be politically incorrect too
Alright where is it exactly? If it's anywhere close to me I'll go replace it with my American flag beach towel.
We NEED a kekistani flag on that pol ASAP.
A screenshot of that flag is all I need.
Shia was spotted at a business nearby on social media
and like a day later the stream went back up
flyradaranon watched the stream for planes to pass by and figured out a rough estimate for the location
an user last night drove around honking so we could listen for him. Honking was heard when he was on a bridge.
today a femanon and a driver went out looking for it in that area and found it.
At this point somebody should aim for the camera from the road and shoot it.
Triangulation based on their flight paths. Sort of like the way we create 3d models of sounds we hear. The relative distance, and path of the flights are cross referenced against each other. Then some simple high school math to figure out the triangle and you have an area to look in. Then Google maps and good old fashioned footwork did the rest.
Never forget, Cicada came to Sup Forums for recruiting
I see, so there had to be a rough estimate at first. This is beyond impressive. Some national intelligence services would have had trouble with this. The power Kek reaches far and wide these days. Very impressive indeed
This is 5 hours from me.
To be politically incorrect is often to be correct.
If it's around Greeneville Tennessee like it looks, it's within driving distance from a house I have full access to. I could arrange a trip there this weekend and go fuck with it then.
I'll need a more accurate location if possible, I don't want to spend most of my weekend driving and not actually find it.
Impressive feats of autism are what have kept me coming back here for over 10 years. People always find a way to surprise me
Did they ever think they could compete with our autism. They challenged us here in the seat of our power, the internet hate machine. Of course they were destined to lose.
Is...is Sup Forums a powerful as the CIA and FBI?
pol needs to rent an aircraft and find the flag.
Bite it you scum!
No, unfortunately Sup Forums can't drive people to shoot themselves 5 times in the head in a sudden, unexpected suicide
they found the flag today
and they confirmed shia is there
Not yet
Not yet we can't. We haven't triggered the leftists enough.
during extreme HAPPENINGs, each thread/sticky has around 1500 unique posters. combine that with say, 10% active individuals and assume each one of them spends 15 minutes fucking around and helping out, we have a shitload of manhours at our disposal.
someone must raise a kek flag.
Same. I keep trying to quit, but I always come back for the autism and memes.
Those faggots actually thought they could subvert chaos itself.
Jesus fucking christ
Sup Forums is literally god tier
If you think weaponize autism isn't one of the most powerful forces in the world...
Raise your flags! PRAISE KEK
user said they found it (see ) and then, as per Sup Forums tradition, literally nothing happened.
we'd need a shitload more mountain dew
Wew lad. Kek has blessed this post. His flag must be raised to declare our victory over the unbelievers.
Link to original thread where this happened?
Did anything happen with the femanon who found it?
Last I saw she said there were people out there, did anyone fuck with the flag?
whose getting this made?
for kek
Where at in TN? I'm not too far away from the border in KY.
>digits witnessed
The Old Ones loves Sup Forums
yeah, they do. but technically they track everyone doing everything.
it all started when I said someone should steal romney's tax info.
Nevermind. Johnson City, got it. I'm just a couple hour a way.
we NEED to steal or damage this flag
police caught up to her and she told them that she was taking pics of the mountain and they let her go
Cthulhu be praised!
im just waiting for this to get on the news.
good job Sup Forums
Well now you have to. Kek has willed it