Why are whites so violent and evil? What did we ever do to them?
Why are whites so violent and evil? What did we ever do to them?
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we aren't evil. we're intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor. Literally me.
Why are blacks so violent and evil? What did we ever do to them?
Obvious slide thread is obvious, try harder shill
We aren't evil. We've never colonized. We've never enslaved people. We've never slaughtered people for their race.
Fuck off, whitey.
"We never enslaved others"
Kek. African warlords enslaved other Africans and sold them to the US. What, you thought the white man came over and just took them? That's the (((department of education))) for you.
t. white nigger
It was a good slavery, not like you whites had.
America has a nigger problem. Roof did nothing wrong.
You could just read Roof's manifesto if you were actually interested.
But you're not, you're just a nigger trying to stir the pot. This is one of the reasons we keep slaughtering you, by the way.
>We've never enslaved people
The entire slave trade was built by Africans enslaving other Africans and Arabs enslaving everybody. All of this by the way, predates America and the first Spanish colonies.
It's in our blood that's why we act so nice we are all trying to suppress the kill feel.
Why are blacks commiting 50+% of violent crime whilst being only 13 percent of the population? (Really 6% because it's usually negro bucks who commit these horrendous crimes)
That guy looks like Noah Atwood. He needs to smile more.
By evil, do you mean better than you?
They can't help it. It's their savage nature
you bitch about them on a daily basis. Nag for more stuff. And fighting them where possible.
whites should only live where it snows. when it gets all hot we tend to do these things
its like with niggas need sun, not snow, or else you get places like detroit
Whites aren't blowing themselves up to incite violence or destroying thousand+ year or monuments in the name of allah.
>good slavery
>We've never enslaved people. We've never slaughtered people for their race.