Charts, Graphs, Infograpics, memes, (((Elliot Rodger))), 3 threads per hour...makes you ponder..
I don't really care either way, but it does seem possible Jews don't want whites to breed with Asians!
Charts, Graphs, Infograpics, memes, (((Elliot Rodger))), 3 threads per hour...makes you ponder..
I don't really care either way, but it does seem possible Jews don't want whites to breed with Asians!
I approve
I'm so sick of all this 3DPD crap on Sup Forums.
Every 3 hours another pro wmaf thread pops up and people are just sick of it.
Nobody cares who you screw but don't pretend you're doing your country or race a favor.
I don't agree with WMAF, but there is very clearly some AMWF shilling going on (probably from r/hapas)
>tfw half breed
>tfw all I want in life is to be full white
C-can I be an honorary aryan senpai?
how is MGTOW doing it a favor? It does seem a bit hypocritical to come to a place like Sup Forums and say this shit generally.
>posting a coalburner western brown asian instagram whore lol
White people are realizing that mixing with Asians is a fucking retarded mistake to make.
Why would Jews be against miscegenation?
there are alternatives that are better for jews: (1) mescegeny with blacks, and (2) MGTOW. They want to steer us into the worser.
Bullshit, it's always the same fucking poster from the US spamming AMWF shit in every single thread. If it has even the slightest hint of WMAF he'll be there. Is it (((them)))? Nah, I think it's just one super butthurt asian who can't take the heat.
They want to stop the spread of Asian culture.
The Jew fears the Samurai.
Yeah I think there are 2 actually. One of them is a canadian that has a bizarre youtube channel where he absolutely obsesses about the topic. I think the guy actually is a lunatic haha.
No, can back to japan or wherever, you'll feel better there. Stop polluting white societies
MGTOW is better than making mongrel children.
t. Chang Wang
I think it's this. White people are starting to think of themselves as a group and see coalburners and rice cookers as the same people.
All race-mixing is bad
>Implying niggers are comparable to Asians
Kill yourself leftist cuck fag
No it isn't, Schlomo. You're a jew if you actually believe that. MGTOW is BY DEFINITION the end of whites.
>Charts, Graphs, Infograpics, memes, (((Elliot Rodger))), 3 threads per hour...makes you ponder..
actually we have threads all the time because yellow fever fags can't get over themselves
this thread case and point
AMWF is posted because it's supposed to spot out your hypocrisy
>Succumbing to desire to produce an ugly mafucka like this
Posts like these are probably from Jews
mixing is mixing
>MGTOW is BY DEFINITION the end of whites.
So is race-mixing, so its a wash, realy
Who said anything about mgtw?
Also mgtow is fucking worse than race mixing.
No dumb ass it isn't comparable.
>Hurr mixing a Slav and a Spaniard is the same as mixing a Nord and a abo
I find it funny that people get so butthurt over white guys with asian girls and call them losers with shit genetics while simultaneously complaining that they aren't giving their genetics to the white race to make more white children
Essentially saying "if you can't find a white (leftist) wife, then don't procreate"
I can understand them not wanting more non white people in the world
But if you think you're doing anything other than just screaming at a brick wall that is your screen, you're deluded
Slav and Spaniard are still both Caucasian and European
elliot rodger was a kike. Since when are kikes white?
>MGTOW is BY DEFINITION the end of whites.
And having bastard children isn't?
If you're unable to get white women, you can either give up, or marry some slanty-eyed gook, produce massacre-prone offspring with no loyalty to either race, and further muddy the blood of the West. What's the better choice?
It's a raw deal we've got, we know this. The Jew has been working to make our women dogshit since well before we were born.
But God has given to us knowledge which elevates us above normies.
We can use this to become good, strong men capable of marrying the few good white women left.
We have a duty to do it: because otherwise those women are just going to make normiespawn who will probably grow up to breed with brown.
more women were pro wall user
I live in China and white fever (Chinese girls wanting a white guy) is BY FAR more common than yellow fever. Having talked to guys back in Europe and here in Asia most are uninterested in Asians while Asians are fucking crazy about white guys.
Yellow fever is an overblown meme.
Self-hating chinks, the equivalent of coal burners
The jews said something about it. It's who i'm assuming, as I said, is behind this recent brigading in part.
hypothetically the second choice, because at least I get to have fun as long as whites are determined to commit suicide irrespective of what I do.
It isn't the same fucking thing you mong that's my point
>asians are Caucasians now
since when?
How are you still missing the fucking point this hard? It isn't about them being Caucasians it's about not all mixtures being equal.
mixing with other europeans isn't mixing
Nice rice.
op promoting race mixing which will end up leading to no more pure aryans. gee i wonder whose behind this thread.
better than no more aryans AT ALL. Kidding me jew?
>be hapa
>no one likes him in america so he goes to asia
>makes a bunch of 3/4th asian babies
Now this is how you save the white race.
She's absolutely gorgeous. Did you know she's from Texas? :3
>i like exotic men who statistically are better off than my counterparts
whites are like 15% of the worlds total population.
This isn't even a >muh dik post. people in countries who see exotic people less find them more interesting. china is 99.999% chinese. what did you expect?
also you have to go back
Because the combination doesn't leave a demographic the kikes can use or manipulate. Since they're half Asian they can't be considered white, so white guilt doesn't work. Since they're half Asian they already come with the genetic preponderance for excellence in academics, which is coupled with the white genetics. Asians are proud of their race and ethnicities and have some consciousness of their culture, whereas American whites have lost the connection to theirs.
Jews remember that there were Asians who allied with the National Socialists. Likewise Asians are generally aware of the Jews- they just hadn't received the impact of Jewish cultural marxism and the subsequent hatred of it. While blacks lack any sense of actual ethnic pride (no, we wuzisms aren't pride but an attempt at filling the massive gaps left when niggers become self-aware) Asians retain it- and a mixing of Asian/European would reinvigorate the white pride in intellectual achievements.
jews hate us because they cant infiltrate us
>either you race-mix or die
Lefties hate it.
How is this any different from niggers fucking white women? I'm not going to go on about Elliot rodger but in the end you all are just producing a bunch of gross mongrels. It really is the same.
Hapa is the new white.
BTW She keeps doing the illuminati thing. Why?
excuses,excuses. why settle for half breeds when you can have purebreeds
Come home white man
no they love it stop lying to yourself their goal is to get rid of pure white people
so its okay for white women to fawn over rich rappers or sports stars is what you're saying?
>How is this any different from niggers fucking white women?
It's not. People who fuck asians have no room to complain about globalization or the west turning non-white
That does indeed appear to be the situation....been on Tinder lately? Trash.
Just don't settle. Only the very best asians are any good, the rest have awful face deformities. This is why you can't trust coreans
how come i a non white seem to have more common sense about preserving the aryan race than actual aryans
Too bad the best asians aren't racemixing degenerates.
I can believe this.
maybe whites really aren't worth keeping around
I'm engaged to a 6' white woman, but keep putting zero effort into trying to find a white woman. I'm sure you wouldn't mind your sister marrying a nigger
go to /r/asianmasculinity
they are OBSESSED about this, much more than Sup Forums is about racemixing, its kind of surprising.
every single thread is about how white people are evil, always emasculating Asian men and fetishizing Asian women
Yep, it's pretty pathetic. r/hapas is similar.
>they are OBSESSED about this
they are probably mongrels themselves. This is just another sign that racial diversity is socially destructive
Implying this Half Korean Isn't the Best? ???????????????
>Because the combination doesn't leave a demographic the kikes can use or manipulate
they just join kikes by complete choice
>Since they're half Asian they can't be considered white, so white guilt doesn't work
they can still hate the white side, and have even more sympathy towards non whites
>Since they're half Asian they already come with the genetic preponderance for excellence in academics, which is coupled with the white genetics
colleges have higher standards for Asians than they do whites
>Asians are proud of their race and ethnicities and have some consciousness of their culture, whereas American whites have lost the connection to theirs.
they wouldn't be proud of mixed race mongrels, white fathersd like to tell their bastards "lol we're niggers in Asia" because its all they can really say when surrounded by a bunch of Asians
>Jews remember that there were Asians who allied with the National Socialists
not becuase any actually mutral hate against jews, Japs joined the Nazis because they were scrapped for allies
>Asians retain it- and a mixing of Asian/European would reinvigorate the white pride in intellectual achievements.
or they see no pride in either, beucaes they belong towards neither
>He's an anti-WMAF poster
>on a Japanese owned Anime website
The cognitive dissonance is strong in them
i'm not a fucking jew. i just don't fucking like racemixing.