Is this true?

Is this true?

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The world is way too complex to sort into good guys and bad guys piles. It depends on where you live and what you believe.


USA, Japan, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, and Philippines


Everyone else.

No way.

New-zealand buys chinese products and repackages them as NZ products.
|Australians have been poisoned by NZ honey (chinese corn syrup), NZ powdered milk (melamine), etc etc. You have to keep a log book of each time you run a diesel engine, and native people have their own political party but whites aren't allowed one.

MADE IN NZ = made in china sent to NZ and repackaged.


This map is so fucking wrong is hurts

Dunno why Poland is bad guys, Poland is inconsequential, so is Hungary. Iran should be grey team too. Everything else seems right.


Good and evil can be defined in any way, but there is one clear distinction everybody needs to realize. Basically, a country is evil when it attempts to gain geopolitical assets through conflicts.

The US, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Israel etc all of these countries are evil because they support conflict, terrorism and destabilization when it is convenient to them. The two great evils, the US and Russia, take this a step further, committing war crimes wherever they go.

Countries in blues should be most of the EU countries, Canada, Australia, and other countries that aim for peace, despite criticism by the US/Israel.

lol i love all the neutral countries in Africa and Central/South America where they have been wiping people out for decades.

I can kinda see where you are going, but what did the Philippines ever do to anyone?

Fucking faggot who cares. We control the global hegemony and it's through our supremacy. Shut up nigger lover

Great job at spouting out of your mouth whatever shit Fox News tells you.

No. Germany cannot be good. Germany is a disgusting, unholy chimera that will forever threaten peace in Europe.

Versailles was far too merciful. ""Germany"" should have been divided into small powerless states, and parts of it annexed by it's neighbors. It's people should have been worked (to death, if necessary) to repair the damages they did in the victors' countries. It's entire economy should have been coopted to repay Germany's debt to Europe.

Australia is neutral but New Zealand is friendly? Australia is more redpilled then NZ will ever be...

Canada helped fuck up Libya and Syria though. I feel like we try to stay neutral and do as little damage as possible but still go along with the US's plans.

>Sent from NZ to China where it ggot fucked up
>Honey failing tests due to natural proteins

Fucking Aussies

I need someone to talk to please.

I was recently released from prison after a 2 year + stint inside and I'm feeling hopeless and unironically considering suicide.

>I feel like we try to stay neutral and do as little damage as possible but still go along with the US's plans.

We already do this. We sent like six planes to bomb Libya and have a small amount of Special Forces in Iraq. Whether Canadians are involved or not won't change the direction the US wants to take. That's an issue Americans need to fix themselves.

You mean Hungary instead of Bulgaria. lol

Yeah our hegemony is based off of pushing globalist ideals to everyone. How is this supposed to be good?

I agree with that, I just wish we were more principled.

Basically every modern country is evil as they're all just globalist kike satellites beyond the less developed ones.

Shitty thread should have ended here tnqh

>Yeah our hegemony is based off of pushing globalist ideals to everyone

We aren't the EU nigger. Our hegemony has been established since WWII from gaining control over other countries. If those countries want globalist policies, fuck them they can have it.

Nigger are you fucking retarded? The EU is a result of US policy, the UN came after the league of nations. America has been an interventionist cancer on the world since the 1800s. Just because we're on top doesn't mean we're the good guys.

>America has been interventionist cancer since the 1800's.

No it hasn't. Learn your fucking history. Why do you think the league of nations failed? You know how close we were to not even getting slightly involved in WWII? We were huge isolationists before WWII. Pat Buchanan literally wrote a book off the idea that we were never meant to be interventionist and that the country never even wanted to go to war with Germany which is very true. Look up how much votes it took in Congress and deliberations even to get us involved then.

>The EU is a result of US policy, the UN came after the league of nations

EU ultimately makes their own goals. Even if Germany is a puppet government for the U.S. essentially and Japan doesn't have a military because of us, who fucking cares? All this shit was done in order for us to control and so that there was barely a balance of power for us to compete with outside of Russia in the second half of the 20th century.

We became nationalist at the right time. The rest of the West destroyed themselves. I could care less because fuck any other country other than the U.S.

not sure why the philippines is a /bad guy/

>good guys

Poland for Russia is just like North Korea for your country.

Terrible quality thread

The US has always been under a facade of isolationism but look at shit like the Monroe doctrine and so on very early on our history and you'll see we were never really isolationist. This was especially true by the 1900s, The US was involved in the second world War from the start since we only traded with allied powers.

>the rest of the west destroyed themselves
No they didn't, we did. We are the ones who installed the neo Weimar shit in Germany in order to degrade their culture, we're the ones who turned Japan into the ultra-consumerist shit hole it is today. All of this is because the US has been the right hand of the Jews

Andorra is a bit big though the rest looks fine

> Germany on good guys

to quoth the great "Iron" Mike Tyson

Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

Countries win big when they win through existential threat to their opposition. All the good sense in the world won't do shit to stop the American military. Peace is for the conquered.

Sure, if your only source of news is r/politics.

>picking one
you must be a real simple gang banger pedro

>tfw your country on bad guys

>belarus is a bad guy
I have literally never heard of any news ever from belarus


>good guys
Russia for Poland is just like Poland for your country.

Australia should join the list of bad guys...



>oy vey lukashenko is a dictaytuh!
>he won't let kikes control vital industries
>he praised hitlah
Belarus is one of the most underratedly based countries in world

> Sup Forums
> Good guys and bad guys


If you're a meme counters like Canada which provides almost nothing to anyone on a grand scale how can you be considered good or righteous

Russian and the United states brought technology soaring high, jumping leaps and bounds in pursuit of war, yet instead of war they created a 1st world standard and probably saved millions of lives from the dangers of poverty and diseases

While Canada simply existed doing nothing in their relative peace

Why Is a cockroach that eats up resources good while a country which brings us closer to the future bad

>good guys
US(except the CIA), Russia, Japan, Australia
>bad guys
Mexico, Germany, Canada, the entire continent of Africa without exception, China, UK

we didn't attack you first

Yeah remove Germany from Good guys and it looks pretty accurate.



>1st world standards

Then to top it off
>instead of war

Are you fucking stupid?

beat me to it. breddy gud job aside from syria and palestine.

guys -> goys

>good guys
>not iran

You're right Ireland is the bad guy and not military wise but socially.
My fellow country men and women are totally fucked, there's like no hope for this nation. In about 10 years they will vote for killing anyone who doesn't go with lgbt flow.