>read literally any modern fiction book
>right wing characters are stupid, evil and mocked by the writer and the characters
>no good character is right wing
>left wing characters are smart, worldly, their views are never questioned, just accepted as the 'correct' ones
Read literally any modern fiction book
Other urls found in this thread:
You are reading fiction
Literally trying to send a message that no one is actually racist. No one. Not even Sup Forums, they're race realist. There is no racism in the west. It's a fucking myth caused by Marxists who need a reason to be relevant.
why don't you write one and make a billion dollars like jk rowling?
you better be that namefag. you better not be sageing my thread
The World of Warcraft characters seem to be consistently red pilled. Jaina even got red pilled and she used to crave Orc Pork.
you're not supposed to announce that
>Jaina even got red pilled
wew, am i ever out of the loop. how did she get redpilled?
You're not supposed to have internet..but you do
This is why we should write our own fiction. I have neoreactionary sci-fi novel about gryphons I will eventually write.
i actually have three internets - one for my desktop, one for my laptop and one for my phone
are the gryphons the characters? or does the setting have gryphons?
why the fuck would you read modern fiction
there is so much good shit to read already it can literally last your whole life
fucking keked
No one needs 3 internets...you need to distribute 2 of them
White women trying to govern nation states with instincts evolution made for child rearing.
Those instincts tell them brown people are retarded children who we need to take extra special care of.
Mind of a woman who doesn't have children of her own doesn't see society of adults right.
yes, when i made the thread, i was actually hoping that would be the first reply and then i would get a bunch of bumps saying "fpbp"
>most writers of today are leftist bleed blues
Well ask yourself why are all white people nazis and anyone that voted trump is okay to punch.
Stop reading trash and go back to reading real history.
I remember as a kid and teen that the conservative characters were usually some outgoing gung-ho person with a wide world view but usually deeply critical of ideals that were strange or different to their nations norms.
I don't understand how it's more fun to write a character who just utterly bends the knee for everything, and just generally doesn't have a concrete set of ideas. How can you write a relatable character if they don't even have a fucking leg to stand on?
>most writers of today
btw, by modern i mean including the 70s and 80s. right now i'm reading the stand by stephen king and that made me make the thread
>m-muh evil and stupid republicunts
>mmuhhhhhhh nixon
i actually thought there was a reference to reagan there too, but it seems it was published in 1978 so i guess that's not possible. unless he added it in a later edition
Basically Garrosh moved into her turf and burned a bunch of villages. Now she has white hair and hates orcs (and forsaken even more).
It's the publisher's. Barriers to entry.
>the usual marxist propaganda.
Read Warhammer 40K books. Crimson pilled.
obviously i'm not sure which books you read, but i'm willing to bet those "conservative" characters would be best described as being "quaint" and "small town". and the writers would even take pains to assure the readers via dialog that they weren't racist or homophobic or anything. did you ever read about someone who was skeptical of homos or other races?
She used to be bluepilled and desired peace between all factions, but then she got (figuratively this time) bent over by an Orc, Garrosh, who bombed the shit out of her "neutral" state Theramore.
Now she wants the genocide of the Orc race, even the deaths of their orphans. Pretty funny if you ask me.
Because PC virtual signaling is chic and the regressive left panders to easy emotions instead of hard objective truths.
leftistism is racist against white people
leftistism is sexist against men
They forgot Miss Japan in that pic
At least there's ozzymandias from watchmen
i stopped reading 40k books like 7 or 8 years ago, maybe more. i wouldn't know where to start. i don't even know which current black library authors are good. does abnett still write? are the gaunt's ghosts and ciaphas cain books still going? is the horus heresy wrapping up finally?
If you really want to see how bad things are you could watch the TV show Salem. It's blatantly anti-Christian propaganda as well as of course being anti-male and anti-white. As if they were trying to see just how far they could go with idiots not realizing or accepting it.
Because artistic types are 95% liberal. Art is about feeling, not thinking.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger ugly fucking nigger
these two are fantastic replies, both to op pic and post. very succinctly put. i'm amazed. i wish i was this good at cutting through bullshit and getting information across
was going to post this
that uh... that's surprisingly true to life. are some of the writers /ourguys/
She used to be bluepilled and desired peace between all factions, but then she got (figuratively this time) bent over by an Orc, Garrosh, who bombed the shit out of her "neutral" state Theramore.
Now she wants the genocide of the Orc race, even the deaths of their orphans. Pretty funny if you ask me.
that pic was made before that happened. 2014 or 2013 i think
that uh... that's surprisingly true to life. are some of the writers /ourguys/?
Pic related is a pretty redpilled work of fiction desu.
Libs can have their Rebels, I'll take Thrawn's Empire any day.
gee I wonder why
Theramore got nuked, she got pissed at orcs and now wants to genocide them all. In legion she's disappeared because she doesnt want the horde back in Dalaran.
Libs = emotion
Cons = hard truth
emotions are pretty and nice on the surface level
Stats and money and data are tricky and make some people feel bad.
Entertainment is always flowery surface level shit so it has to be left wing.
dat filename
>tfw made a discord group for self improvement
>today discussed the book How to Win Friends and Influence People as well as delving a bit into traditionalism, the importance of inequality, etc.
>the other day we read the essay 'Violence is Golden' by Jack Donovan and discussed it
it's slowly getting off the ground. Not quite where I want it to be yet as I'm the only one who uses the fitness channel really
>How to Win Friends and Influence People
can you give me a quick rundown on this book? always meant to read it. are you saying it has some political undertones?
Doesn't or didn't Trump own the Miss World contests? Why would he allow black people to represent European countries?
anyway people could get in on this discord?
no, it's just a really good book on how to be more charismatic and influential while giving you a good understanding of how people think
It also makes you a better person imo too. I highly recommend it.
I started it off on /r9k/ which is probably why it's gotten a slow start, but I've had quality control on who stays so it's not full of retards. It's meant as a group for incels or volcels (involuntary celibates or voluntary celibates) to improve themselves and have a group to push them through it.
I'll only take in a few people at a time. Ideally you should be interested or already engaged in going to the gym/doing art/reading/general improvement
So it's for virgins who want to be wizards? Or virgins working on getting laid? I think self improvement is great but that's an odd niche of people.
virgins of both genders who want to be better people
if you join and lose your v-card along the way, I won't mind. It's mainly just a filter so we get traditional robots
books are shit
Fiction is about explaining abstract concepts in a simple way. Complaining that there are zero female characters is like complaining that a math book has zero characters.
Books might as well be use birds and lizards instead of men and women. It doesn't matter. The message is still the same.
Also, I think the primary reason that we don't have more books about women is that we as a society largely disagree on what a woman needs to learn. Some might say she needs to create a family and learn how to cook and clean. Important things for a lot of women to learn. But can you imagine the outroar if such a book was published today?
With men, it is more simple. Every man needs to aspire to be virtuous. A word meaning "manly". We have for thousands of years defined how a man should act.
It's funny that the book they are writing is really just a book about women who acted like men. Where is the story about the woman who made a nice home? Or the story about the woman who made a lot of babies to serve her people and nation? The story about the woman who greatly pleasured her husband sexually? The story about the woman who was kind and helped every man around her who was sad, confused or depressed?
Jobs that are extremely important. Especially because they can only be done well by women and in some cases like pregnancy, ONLY be done by women and needs to be done by nearly every woman.
No one is writing books about this. Which is why we have such fucked up women today. Their problem is not that they don't know how to be an astronaut or a boss of a company. Society don't need anymore of those, we've always had them in excess. What we need is more GOOD mothers, sisters, daughters, wives.
Thats too spicy for me.
Check please.
Good writers portray both the protagonist and the antagonist as equally sympathetic. Most fiction writers (women especially) are incapable of doing so: they have to have a good-evil dichotomy going because their simple little minds can't imagine the world in any other way. This is why history should focus heavier on WW1 instead of 2. The first war was the Old Way fighting the New Way, there was no good and evil. But no, people are more comfortable focusing on WW2 because muh good vs. muh evil. It's harder to wish ill upon your foe when he's merely fighting for his life and country, same as you are.
hello my friend, speaking of fiction, have you read Lucian Boia - Istorie si mit in constiinta romaneasca?
Real history says that leftists are the ones who caused the most deaths though
I haven't тбх. I mostly read Plato and Evola and have almost never picked up a fiction book or comics. Could you recommend me a good fiction, blgarbro?
that's justified tho, because they were killing to protect the world from evil rightwingers
Challenge the official narrative.
It's the Jews hard at work
The star wars prequels where right leaning. This is why Disney bought it. Fox allowed it cause they only see money. This is also why they got shit on in reviews.
honestly, i doubt i can. as far as tastes go, mine is pretty pleb-tier i think. i can't even guess at what someone who has never read fiction might enjoy.
my all time comfy and inoffenssive book is american gods by neil gaiman.
>or comics
"acquire" miracleman/marvelman and watchmen by alan moore.
transmetropolitan is also pretty political if more bluepilled.
Imagine if in several black majority countries, white women won all the pageants and beauty competitions. There would be outrage, protests, and backlash. This however is "progressivism" and "diversity." More proof that both those buzzwords are code for white genocide.
Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings. On a shallow side, they have an awesome plot. In a deeper way, it depicts European purity, with the (Noldor) elves being Germanic people. Tolkien had politically incorrect views.
I am not a nationalist myself, but it has been a good reason. It can also be perceived as a war against the Christian blight that has lain over Europe, replacing our faiths.
They all just look like normal black qt's in London.
Based London.
^dont give him any (You)s
i just realised i don't know what pre-christian romanian religion was. was it literally just the roman cult or was it something else? do we know anything about dacian religion? pretty sure we know very little about thracian religion. in bulgaria it's easy because slav religion (and turkic hehe) is well explored.
It simply wasn't. Our LARPers attend to the Dacian mythology, but it's weird since Dacians have nothing in common with us but the land. I'm an agnostic though.
However, I think that we are the closest to the Slavic paganism due to our genetic background.
just spent some time looking into this. apparently miss south africa (and mister SA too) has been consistently white until 2014. since then a couple of sheboons won. pic related is the contestants for this year. i imagine it was similar in previous years too. can you imagine the butthurt everytime a white woman won kek