Trump isnt a globali-

>Trump isnt a globali-

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>Why are you a shill?
Read: here:

obama didnt want to arm SA because of "muh iran" nothing more

SA is literally our greatest ally.

Good goyim

>be user
>stop selling weapons to SA
>break ties with SA
>SA stops pricing oil in dollars
>demand for dollars drops because nobody needs them to get oil anymore
>supply for dollars skyrockets as nations sell their reserve dollars for the new currency oil is priced in (probably yuan)
>murica succumbs to hyperinflation
>economic collapse

Boy, didn't see this coming...

His constituents are retarded if they didn't either.

What weapon sales did Obama block Exactly? We sold them weapons four times during his two terms, and they were not tiny transactions either.

He has a lot to do to catch up to Obama

wow, im with her now

>When you are an economic, technological and military superpower but it all depends on a gas station country pricing it's shit in your currency .

has nothing to do with globalism. that said, i disagree with that move

>why did trump relieve the saudis of some of their money

>Nothing to do with globalism

Yes, the military industrial complex has nothing to do with globalism.

how is a trade ''globalist'' ?



They have proven to be totally incompetent with top quality materials in Yemen. Basically you can make money from them but they get nothing in return.

If you dumb motherfuckers knew anything about the political situation in Saudi Arabia, you'd realize it's a powderkeg waiting to ignite. It's best to take their money while the getting is good, that's just commons sense. The only real issue here is that we shat on the Houthis which will likely harm our interests there in the long term.

Good thing we got an anti war candidate like trump supporting Saudi genocide in Yemen.

trump drones will defend this

This is MAGA. Saudi Arabia is our ally. They did 9/11 to help MAGA.

Remember when trump tards said hillary was the Saudi puppet and trump would fight them?

No one who ever supported Trump really knows anything about him. His corruption and evil has been an open fact for decades. His supporters chose to ignore it.

The US should be shifting its policy away from the arcane oil-dependence framework to a realistic one that recognizes that nobody will take the US's commitment to defeat ISIS even remotely seriously until it separates from SA and starts supporting Iran.

Sad how many low information voters there are in this country. Trump is just obama, all hope changy, massive disappointment for cult followers.


Why not sell to Houthis as well?

Shit China, Israel and the Saudis fund opposite sides to conflicts and its nothing new to the US. Why not make bank?

>but the children!

If the US isn't going to do it someone else will, nobody is forcing the two to fight each other.

Well yeah, but trump just appointed THE CEO OF EXCON MOBILE as SOS

As long as money is in politics our forgein policy = oil

I hope to God someone nukes your shithole country. Crypt kike

Trump's even worse than Obama. At least Obama had a plan and a goal even if he couldn't achieve it. Trump has no plan, no goal, no end game. He accidentally stumbled into a job he didn't want and now he doesn't know what to do so he's just taking random suggestions from his idiot handlers. He doesn't vet the ideas or plan out the implementation. He just issues the order and thinks it will work somehow like how it does in real estate. But government doesn't work like that. He is a fish out of water and he's drowning America along with him.

Why do we still rely on SA for oil? I thought we had oil drilling operations in alaska and the gulf of mexico?


BOTH are saudi puppets...And so was Obama , Bush & Clinton. That's what you fucking people don't understand...Your government is filled with Neocons. Your government has been hijacked for decades...You guys are following a foreign policy that is not only destroying america's best interests , but also destroying european civilisation. (the EU is America's puppet , so we're at war with the same "enemies" i.e. Iran , Russia...Sent our soldiers in Afghanistan...Bombed Gaddafi under US orders. (Hillary Clinton even visited Sarkozy before it happened..)

We are all fighting a zionist war + combined with Saudi money. (in a enemy of my enemy type scenario)...America is "allied" with its worst enemies...i.e. Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , Israel etc...

>trusting the republican, aka neo-con party

when will Sup Forums learn?

Obama approved of over 100 billion in arms sales to Saudi.

His total foreign arms sales were more than twice that of Bush.

He only blocked them at the very end of his administration due to leftist pressure over civilian casualties in their war in Yemen.

Actually the real reason he blocked them was because the political cost of doing so to himself was low since he was about to leave office and he knew that Trump would have to approve them once he got into office which would give Democrats ammunition to criticize him for doing so despite the fact that Obama oversaw record breaking arms sales to Saudi

We don't rely on SA for oil. We get most of our oil from US and Canada. We rely on SA to control OPEC and the petrodollar. SA and OPEC nations agree to trade oil only in US dollars which makes US dollars more valuable. We don't actually buy oil from SA. We don't need their oil. We just need them to use US dollars for trade to increase demand for US dollars.

You do buy oil from Saudi Arabia just nowhere near as much as before thanks to Obama's oil boom.

>inb4 reee

>not wanting ragheads to kill themselves
>making money off of it
It's like niggers paying for abortions to kill future nigs
What's the problem

They are using those weapons to kill mudslimes, and we get $$.

Win, win to me. Maybe they'll bomb Israel too. Goosh wouldn't that be sweat, we then could sell israel more weapons. Round and round we go till they're both dead......6d chess everyone



n-no, trump is our savior, the govment is afraid of him!!!

I was just asking a question m8

no need to sperg out