Ohio Town Evicts Potbellied Pig


Is this a typical town of rural/suburban retards?


NEW CARLISLE, Ohio -- Officials in New Carlisle are evicting a family’s 100-pound potbellied pig, saying livestock are not allowed within city limits.

City officials recently sent the family a letter telling them pigs of all types are considered livestock and not allowed to live inside city limits, CBS affiliate WHIO reports.

“She’s in our family; she’s like a dog, a cat,” said Misti Hedrick, who added that she plans to start a petition to bring changes to the livestock ban before voters as early as the August ballot. Meanwhile, Hedrick is seeking a temporary home for Olive.

Vice Mayor John Krabacher says having the pig in New Carlisle could open the door to other farm animals being kept within the city.

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which ones the pig?

New Carlisle is a shit hick town anyways. This mayor is delusional.

>Is this a typical town of rural/suburban retards?

They'd be rich suburban retards that boss everyone around to create their little utopia.

They're city retards that move into the country.

I sense the blood stained hands of a muzzie in this


What qualifies as livestock?


>I will give you one upvote and one gold

Pigs are pretty damn smart and clean, I'd love to have one as a pet.

i bet muslims are behind this