What if Sup Forums is the CIA?

What if Sup Forums is the CIA?

Trust me we're not.

Could be.
>Source: all of you guys are faggots

Coincidence? Not likely.



Virgin autism fags can't be cia


obviously it partially is, but the CIA is on our side

what if pol is one gay echo chamber that no one in the government gives two shits about since its filled with autist monkeys who circle jerk over a gay frog.

r we gon git eaten by black hole?

pls say yes

Some factions of the CIA are using Sup Forums to troll other factions.

Nah, it would be too much work for them. This place doesn't offer them the adrenaline high that voyeurs like them get by spying on people.


Sup Forums is CIA


What if Sup Forums is just the CIA, FBI, NSA, Mossad, JIDF, and CSIS all shilling eachother while that Brazilian dude posts cuck porn for them to fap to?



That's exactly what the CIA would say

look at it like this pol is the only board where we can communicate with anyone around the world where a countries citizens are represented as user but we know where they are from. through the chaos and conflict we are able to find order and cohesion by educating one another about life. our contempt for our immediate society drove us to this place where we can express effect to many eyes. Its a tool of the ultimate singularity.

shut up leaf you'll blow my cover

tfw too stupid to pass community college let alone cia exam

>tfw big guy

Hej CIA.